Chapter 107 - The Cavern
The saddle was ready and Daryn picked her up and made her sit across the straddle. "You will be riding double with me," he said and with the help of the driver, he mounted Izar and held his leash. He wrapped his arms around Dawn in a way that she was fully covered. She sat there in front of him, all protected, ready to enter the tunnel.
The wind had picked up and it smelled of forest, of moisture. "It might rain," said the driver. "Be careful."
Daryn nodded.
Dawn's eyes widened and her mind froze. Suddenly she had a desire to flee, as her muscles twitched. The empty feeling in the stomach of the adventure ahead only made her grow all the more nervous. She tightened her grip on Daryn's arms, which were wound around her. He sensed her anxiety immediately and he pressed a gentle kiss on her head and he tightened his embrace pulling her closer. She moved closer to him and rested her head on the broad expanse of his chest. "Don't worry Dawn," he whispered. Saying that he moved the leash back and Izar started to walk. Soon they joined a line that consisted of horses and riders that were all moving inside the tunnel.
The stars were now shining in the sky and the bright gibbous moon dazzled them by its luminescence. Izar walked carefully knowing fully well that he was carrying double. Never ever had he carried Daryn with any other rider, so this one was surely a special one.
They entered the tunnel. It was dimly lit by light that was coming from somewhere deeper inside. The sound of horses' footfalls over the dead leaves, twigs and loose rocks were mixed with that of people talking loudly and excitedly. The wind whistled through the cracks of the stones and one could easily hear the muffled sound of trees that swayed on the outside.
Almost fifteen minutes later, they entered into an unbelievingly large cavern, which looked ancient as if it was created over a thousand years ago. It was so vast that there seemed to be no exit. It was the walls that caught Dawn's attention.
Dawn's breath hitched.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Daryn whispered in her ear. His smooth, lilt voice made her quiver.
The walls were covered with a thicket of vines and blue roses that twisted chaotically all over the walls glowing green and blue. While white mushrooms were hanging from above upside-down, emitting soft white light. The entire cavern was bathed in soft, dim light that only caressed her senses. The blur blooms sprawled as far as her eyes could see. She gasped at its sheer magnificence. The orange-grey walls of the cavern were hardly visible under the thick growth. "H— how is this possible?" she asked. It's— it's— there's no sun— and they are g— glowing—"
Daryn grinned. "That's why we keep this place such a big secret, under tight wraps. It's a rule of the pure bloods that once we are out of the Ulfric, no one even talks about it. And this is the reason why we all love to come back here every year."
Dawn was mesmerized, speechless at the stunning vista. The glowing blue roses emanated an intoxicating scent. It was something out of a dream. "It's beautiful," she whispered. All her nervousness precipitated. Accompanying him to the Ulfric was the best decision she had taken only if it was to see this exotic place. Suddenly, a group of singers broke her trance. Some of them were so loud that others made cheered, and no one stopped them. They were drinking while riding their horses. Dawn chuckled at them. One of them took his hat out and bowed to her and resumed singing. She bowed back and then said to Daryn, "I wish we could stop here and soak ourselves in this beauty."
Daryn laughed. "We might stop over for rest after a while."
"I have never seen blue roses. They look artificial," she pointed. "Can I pluck one?"
"If you will pluck it, it will wither and die quickly. It is better that it is glowing and lighting our pathway," he replied in a serious tone as if disliking the idea of touching it.
"Okay," she said quietly, understanding his emotion.
They rode in silence for sometime when she asked again, "What about our luggage?"
"It has already been loaded on the horses and the porters will get it after us."
As Izar trotted, Dawn opened up slightly more. She talked about her adventures in the golf course and in University. She told him about her encounter with Niall. He gave a throaty laugh when she told him how she tackled him. Ever since they had entered the cavern, and she felt more relaxed, she talked with him non-stop.
Ever since Daryn turned sixteen, he had been visiting Ulfric.?Usually he rode alone on his horse all the way to Ulfric and hardly interacted with other werewolves. Other than the vista that he loved observing, his trip used to be boring because he never felt the vibes of finding a mate here. All these years, numerous female werewolves had shown interest in him, but apart from having normal lovers, there was nothing deeper. Although—
This time, the trip to Ulfric was turning out to be interesting with her talking about her past. He liked that she was slowly opening up.
Three hours later, she was fast asleep. Her head rested on his arm and Izar had eased his walk more.
Suddenly, a rider came up to him. "Hello Daryn," she said in a n acerbic tone.
Daryn huffed. He was hoping not to meet her.
"Andrea." He acknowledged her stiffly.
Dawn stirred a little and his body stiffened in order to support her and lull her back to sleep.
Andrea let out a short laughter. "We heard that you finally found your mate and that too a neotide," she said pointing her chin at Dawn. Andrea was one of the many daughters of the Chief of the pack of Ice Growlers. Her father was famous for having a harem of female werewolves and over twenty children. They hailed from the north and had very pale skins.
"Yes, I hope she becomes my Luna," he added. Daryn didn't know why he even courted this woman.
Andrea scoffed. "A werewolf Alpha and prince of the Silver Clan – who would have thought that you would fall for a neotide?" On many occasions she had tried to seduce him to mark her. Not because he was the Alpha and now practically the king of all the pure bloods, but because he had that raw masculine feel, that raunchy macho edge that none others had. How could one be so handsome and so cold at the same time? During that one year of being with him, she was left for wanting him more. She looked at Dawn with a clenched jaw and said, "If your little neotide chooses to decline your Rede'vota, you know where to find me. Even if other werewolf females will decline you, I won't."
Daryn's eyes narrowed. His body tensed and a cold aura emanated from him. Dawn nuzzled his arm in her sleep and he pulled her closer. All he ever wanted in his life now was with him, nestled in his arms.
Andrea smirked. "She won't be able to survive Ulfric, Daryn. You made a big mistake of getting her here."
"Stay away from her Andrea," he warned her with a low growl.
She chuckled. "I can't stay away from you. As for her," she pointed at her with her chin, "I hate her." And she gripped her white horse tighter with her legs. It trotted away.
Daryn watched her leave and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Dawn. She was everything he had ever wished for. "My mate," he whispered treasuring her and kissed her over the top of her head.
Another hour passed. He wondered if Dawn was getting sore hips or thighs. She would slump sometimes on his left arm and sometimes on his right. He would affectionately bring her back. Many pure bloods came and greeted him. He looked around to see if Caleb and Pia or Maya were there, but they were seen anywhere near him. He didn't like the way Caleb had come to the office and demanded that he should forget about Dawn.
Little did he know that Caleb was too jealous and wanted to resist every chance of him getting married to Dawn. That would seal his chances of inheriting the prime position of the Alpha of the Silver Clan.
Dawn woke up from her dreams of Quetz flying her away from the murderers and under the warm breath of Daryn. She blinked her eyes open and found that she was still on the saddle with him.
"Are you okay?" asked Daryn.
She was tired. Her hips and thighs were sore. "How long will it take to reach Ulfric?"
He was about to say something when suddenly—