Chapter 108   - King Of Aztec

The ground below them shook with a low rumble. A few tiny rocks broke and fell from the roof of the cavern. Izar stopped and stood quietly and firmly to hold his riders. Most other horses neighed and were on their hind legs, scared, while their owners patted them.

"What was that?" Dawn asked, almost shaking in his arms.

Daryn stayed quiet and held his fist high in the air. Everyone stopped. Another rumble passed through the ground and it subsided slowly. He made a forward gesture with his hand and the cavalcade resumed moving forward.

"Those are Yardrak," he replied. "Dwarfs who usually live in the mountains and are experts at creating tunnels.

Dawn gulped yet again. Was she in some fancy world? Had she traveled in a parallel world? Or was this some kind of a game? "D— dwarfs?"



"Are they— are they— attacking us?" she asked, looking at him with wide green eyes.

He smiled. "No. They must be at work." Izar's walk picked up a little. "Do you want to eat something?" he asked tenderly.

"Yes," she replied, stretching her arms out. "Also, I want to keep my legs on one side. My hips are sore."

Daryn pulled the reins of Izar and he stopped. He helped her to put her legs on one side and then offered her a piece of chocolate cake he was carrying along with him. She ate it hungrily. He nibbled some of the crumbs that were stuck to the side of her lips. When she finished she said, "You must be tired Daryn. Why don't you sleep and I will ride Izar. And how far are we going to be like this? I mean, won't there be any stop in between?" Each and every muscle in her body ached. How did these pure bloods manage to stay so vibrant? Many were all still cheering and singing, while most had dozed off on their horses.

"I am fine," he replied with a yawn. "And soon we will be stopping. The horses need water and food."

"You slept a long time back." She realized that Izar had picked up the speed and so did everyone else. Daryn hadn't blinked an eye. They had to make it in time, especially the two of them. Gayle had instructed Daryn strictly about it, but both of them were so tired. She had slept like a log during the trip. She thought she heard a woman talking to him, but then she thought she must have been dreaming. "Why don't you sleep Daryn? I know horse riding. I'll stay awake and you go off to sleep."


Daryn kissed her on the forehead and said, "We will soon reach the stopover. Maybe within the next half an hour." Although the calmness that exuded positivity was so welcoming, he was very tired and she could feel the exhaustion in his voice.

"Okay," she said and sat straight. She didn't want him to be burdened with her weight anymore. Once again she inhaled the fresh scent of the blue roses and committed to her memory. Who knows she would ever come back? There were no more rumblings in the ground. Perhaps the Yardraks had gone, she thought. Strange people, strange world…

Izar had picked up the speed and he was now ahead.

Dawn's nose picked up the smell of fresh water. She thought it was raining on the outside and water must have crept through the crevices in the cavern. As they moved forward, she noticed that the growth of vines thinned. Only a few crawled inside. However, the white mushrooms still hung upside down emitting their perennial soft glow. She could see stalagmites protruding from the ceiling, weathered through ages, trying to push mushrooms away. And soon the small pathway widened into a white and grey rocky plain. There were boulders, big enough to sit on and beyond that—was a mesmerizing, tranquil blue lake whose mirror-like surface gleamed under the soft lights. Dawn's eyes were wide with amazement. She gripped Daryn's hands. The lake lay there without a ripple on its silvery-blue surface. It was not big, sort of a modern day swimming pool, but round in shape with some jagged rocks slicing its tranquil waters. Long, shiny white weather-carved stalactites stood as sentinels on the periphery.

Daryn dismounted and pulled Izar to the side to feed and water him. He helped her down and together they walked to sit near the lake where he opened yet another packet of citrus salmon and watercress salad. It was past 2AM and Dawn couldn't imagine that going to be Ulfric could be so tiring, entertaining, adventurous and an experience to remember. The excitement had died down as people gathered in groups to have their food or simply lie down and rest on the smooth rocky surfaces around the lake while some had their feet in the serene, cool waters.

She looked at the horses. "Why aren't they having water from the lake?"

"There's a trough for them over there," Daryn pointed with his chin.

"Why?" she asked, "When they can simply drink from—"

Suddenly, she noticed a slight ripple on the water surface. An animal. The ripples increased in intensity. Most werewolves receded back. Some even stood. "Don't tell me Yardraks have come back!" she said in a shrill voice, terrified of what might happen next.

The water had a current and then all at once, she saw something rising from beneath. First a face, then the neck and then the torso of a male—covered in a huge beautiful dragon tattoo, the face of which ended on his neck. As he walked out of the water towards Daryn, Dawn noticed his powerful male body, his broad shoulders and a horrific, stunning face – the sculpted face like that of a monarch. His skin was tan as though sun-kissed recently on a beach.

Dawn stopped eating as the man slowly walked out, his body dripping with the cool water and his dragon tattoo fully visible. He was wearing dark green leather pants and for a moment Dawn wondered from where did he get that green leather. A hushed silence fell all around. Daryn got up and walked towards him. The two big boys grasped each other in a tight embrace. "Brantley, my friend."

Dawn went completely still. Was this man swimming underwater? How come there was no movement in the water when he was there? Her mouth fell open and absent-mindedly she licked her lips. Her eyes moved to look at everyone and saw that all of them were standing in the place. She rose from her place and clutched her jeans as she watched the two of them—both over six feet tall and both looked like they owned the world.

Daryn left Brantley and they walked towards Dawn. Dawn couldn't help but stare at the dragon tattoo on Brantley's body. It had covered almost half his chest and the tail of the dragon was hidden beneath his green pants, which was buttoned just above his hips. The tattoo appeared familiar. Her heartbeat raced fast and a sudden coldness hit her at the core. Her muscles tightened. The tattoo was similar to the one she had on her index finger. Her body became stiff and for a split second she forgot to breathe.

Daryn narrowed his eyes when he saw Dawn gaping at his friend. Jealous, he coughed slightly and then said, "Dawn, meet my friend Brantley, the King of Aztec."

King of Aztec? What was that even? She gave a close-lipped smile and extended her hand to shake his. He extended his massive hand and caught her shaky ones. Callused skin wrapped her fingers and he raised it gently to his face and lightly pressed his lips. "Hello Dawn," he said and a shiver tingled down her body. He could easily kill her. How did he know her name? He looked at her tattoo on the index finger and said, "Interesting." There was a gleam in his eyes. When he straightened and left her hand, she hid her nervousness with a smile. And he smiled back.

Brantley looked around and every pure blood bowed to him. He nodded to their submission and looked back at Daryn. A porter ran to him with a pair of dry clothes and a towel. He grabbed the towel and dried himself as he talked to Daryn. "It's great to see you again. How long do you plan on staying at Ulfric?"

Daryn looked at her and smiled. "Not long. Just till the Rede'vota. We will come back after it." He knew how uncomfortable Dawn was becoming. He could feel her uneasiness.

Regardless of the pure bloods around him who were trying to steal glances, Brantley went on to change his clothes in front of everyone, which included changing his pants. Dawn turned around immediately and Brantley chuckled.

"That's a pity," said Brantley. "I was planning an all night out with you guys. After all you have to give me a chance to celebrate you and your partner." He left his chest buttons open exposing his tattoo.
