Chapter 106   - I Can’t— I Can’t—

"I came to tell you that why are you wasting time with a neotide. Maya was so much better, but now that you guys have fallen out, you should find another pure blood. Why are you sticking with her?" Caleb said.

Dawn increased her pace and his body was on wildfire. The symphony picked up.

"Ah!" he groaned. "Because she is awesome."

Dawn came to his tip and sucked him there. "Don't!" He resisted her.

"Daryn!" Caleb said loudly.



"Do you realize that if you get involved with a neotide, then this news would explode? More pure bloods would seek their mates outside the clans," said Caleb.

Dawn took his cock in her mouth and felt it pulse. He grabbed her hair again and pushed it deeper in her mouth. "Ah! Fuck!" he groaned, pounded the table and came.

Pia watched his face turn red. She flinched, thinking he was angry at their proposal. "You don't have to be so angry, Daryn. We only want your well being."

Daryn was still coming. He panted and said, "Thanks, but I know what I am doing."

Pia looked at Caleb and shrugged. "I tried," she said and walked out of the office.

"This is insane," said Caleb and followed his wife.


Daryn looked down at Dawn who was giggling. He extended his hand to her and pulled her out. He had never felt so excited, exhilarated, dangerous, and naughty in his life as he did today. He pulled her over him and leaned in to kiss her. When he pulled away, he said, "That deed of yours has earned you a spanking."

Dawn clenched her hips and said, "Ouch!" She looked at him seductively and asked, "When can I expect it?"

"When I finish fucking your brains out." Saying that he picked her made her straddle him. He grabbed her ass, picked her up and pounded her until she wanted to scream out of pleasure but had to press her mouth tight in order to stay quiet. Only her heavy groans came out. And he came again.

In the end when both were completely spent, she sat in his lap, limp, useless and left for wanting more. "Can we take the afternoon off?" she whispered. "And is spanking postponed?"

"Yes," he chuckled and replied tenderly. "You will get spanked when you are least expecting it Ms. Dawn."

She brushed her nose against him and stepped out of his lap.

When they reached home, they took a bath first. Both of them were too tired and needed to freshen up. After an hour's sleep, Dawn started to pack up. She had packed one large suitcase for two days. When Daryn saw her rolling it out, he stared at her with amusement. Her hair was neatly tied in a braid. She was wearing a white tank top beneath which she wore a pushup bra, which only made her breasts prominent. The blue jeans were ripped right from her mid-thighs to her ankles and she had it paired with white sneakers. Her earphones were hanging on around her neck. She looked like she was walking out of summer camp. And so much skin was showing. "That jeans is badly torn. I think you should change it."

Dawn cocked her head and measured him up. He was wearing leather black pants and a black full-sleeves shirt. He looked so prim and proper that she shook her head and said, "my old man," and walked past him.

Daryn scurried behind her. He would have a tough time protecting her from the gazes of other males and deal with his own lust for her. "It is going to be cold Dawn! At least wear a jacket."

She waved her hand to dismiss him. "Meh!"

Shocked, Daryn stood there and huffed.

An hour later their aircraft taxied off the runaway. When she was settled inside, she asked, "What about your family? I was hoping that everyone would go together for the Ulfric."

"Caleb and Pia are coming with their friends." Daryn looked outside the window. He looked broody. "Besides I don't want them to be with me at this time. After what they told me in the afternoon, it's a miracle that I didn't charge at them, thanks to you," he glanced at her with a smile.

She was sitting opposite him. Keeping her hand on his thighs, she said affectionately, "Then don't think about it." She knew how important it was to pose that they were together in this.

The plane landed on a private airstrip in the middle of nowhere. It was 6PM and the stars were shining dimly in the sky. They walked out of the tarmac, into the tiny airport building that was only one floor and was spread over not even a thousand square feet. A car was waiting for them on the outside.

"Good evening, Mr. Daryn," the driver said and jumped out to take his luggage. He bowed to Dawn and opened the door for her. The car drove into a lonely highway. Dawn looked out. All was verdant and breathtaking outside. The poplar trees lined the road beyond which there were weeping willows and vast expanse of grass. They passed orchards of apples and lemons and apricots. It was so beautiful that she was stunned. It reminded her of the Falshire Forest. She sighed. She missed Quetz and those days. She raised her tattooed finger and smiled. Her reverie was broken when Daryn asked, "That tattoo is pretty interesting. Why did you get it on your finger?"

She lowered her eyes. "Just like that." It is my dragon's tattoo. She wanted to say but hid it. He must be enjoying the Whispering Eobens.

The car stopped in front of a cave. Dawn looked at the tunnel in front of her. It was long and dark and intimidating. "Where are we?" she asked. In the distance few horses were corralled in paddocks. They were grouped around a water trough. An enormous black stud neighed and rose on its hind legs. Scared, Dawn immediately hid herself behind Daryn.

"Izar!" Daryn shouted and ran to the equine. The horse was so excited that it neighed until Daryn caught it by its leash and calmed him by stroking his muzzle. "My boy! How are you?" Izar swished his tail and leaned into Daryn's hands to get more love. Daryn looked so excited to be with him.

Dawn watched the two of them with wonder. She observed that there was already a cavalcade standing, which stretched so far in the front and back that she couldn't tell where it began or where it ended. Some werewolves had already started going inside the tunnel. Most of them were riding alone and not even five were riding double. There was a lot of fervor. They all seemed enthusiastic to attend the Ulfric. The neat row of cars was lined on the side as males and females stepped out from them. The pure bloods. They poured from various parts of the country, greeted each other, shook hands, hugged and spoke in loud voices as if meeting after a long time. Clusters were seen. Many females looked with interest towards Daryn. He was the center of attraction. And they looked at her with disgust. Several hissed, "A neotide."

"She smells horrible."

She realized that her first visit to Ulfric was crucial. It would set the tone for the coming years. She had to carve her niche amongst the pure bloods. Slowly, she took out her rose perfume from the bag and sprayed it quietly on her tank top.

Her gaze turned to Daryn who was still talking to Izar and everything seemed to fade. All animosity that she was feeling seemed to disappear. All the colors blurred, the dusk became beautiful and the sounds around her subdued to incomprehensible vibrations. Hers. The amount of importance he gave to her was… He could have easily waved her off or told her not to worry her little neotide head over things related to companies, but he always listened. To him, she mattered.

When the horse settled, Daryn unwound his leash from the post and returned to her. With a broad grin he said, "Meet my favorite pet, Izar."

Dawn stared at the animal as he stared back at her.

"Pat him," Daryn insisted. "Go on."

Dawn lifted her hand slowly and stroked it. She remembered the small stable her father owned where she had taken riding lessons. When she stroked Izar, the horse could understand her experience with the equines.

"We will be traveling through this cave to reach the Ulfric, and Izar is going to take us there," declared a proud Daryn.

"We will be riding on the horse for a day?" she croaked. Whatever happened to the cars? Why was she suddenly thrown back into mid-century?

"Yes," Daryn nodded excitedly and rushed to get the saddles from his car.

The driver brought their boots.

She couldn't believe what was happening. When Daryn helped her to wear boots, she said, "I can't— I can't—" She became nervous. It reminded her of her father, of her home.

"Certainly, you can," he replied with a chuckle.
