Chapter 855 - Proposal  

Grabbing her hand, he looked at her with a sweet smile on his face. "Qiang, though we have been together since we were small kids, I never thought that a day will come when I will fall in love with you. I have always respected and cared for you but now I also love you with my heart and soul. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and you have no idea how glad I am that it rained that night and we got stuck in that place together. That was truly an amazing life changing event."

Placing a kiss on her knuckles, he added, "I know things went a bit out of order but I don't have anything to complain about because the main thing is that you are with me and we are together. I also know that our plans got interrupted and now we have to push things forward and wait for some time but it's okay, we have plenty of time in our hands. I just want to tell you that no matter what happens, I will always be there for and with you until death parts us."

Opening the maroon velvet box, he smiled, "So Li Qiang, my love and the would be mother of our child, will you marry me and be my wife for the rest of our lives?" Before Qiang could say anything, he quickly added, "Just to let you know, I am not doing this just because we are gonna have a baby together. I wouldn't hesitate to propose to you even if there was nothing growing in your stomach. I know marriage is something that freaks everyone out but when it comes to you, nothing is scary."

Kneeling down, she vigorously nodded her head. "Of course I'll marry you Guang." Wiping her tears away, she slapped his arm. "Why didn't you tell me about it earlier or at least gave me some hints? My mascara is all over my face now."

"It's alright, you look beautiful."

"Even if the smudged liner and mascara?" When he nodded his head, she knocked his forehead. "You are such a smooth liar."


Sliding the ring on her finger, he inched closer and whispered, "I so badly want to kiss you but your father is staring at us and it's scary."

Placing her head on Singtan's shoulder, Ming breathed a sigh of relief. "Our Qiang is also getting married." When he did not say anything, she looked at him. "Honey, are you crying?"

When he lowered his head, Mike chuckled, "Oh my God, my dream has finally been accomplished. I finally saw the Singtan cry."

"Both my daughters are married, this is so emotional. Now I am stuck with my two son's which is so depressing," Singtan w.h.i.n.ed before hugging Ming tightly.

Scrunching his brows, Yushen complained, "Seriously, why are we always targeted like that?"

"I agree with Yushen, this is no more fair," Zian added.


Rolling her eyes, Yumi snapped, "Oh come, will you two stop being a baby? Everyone knows by now that dad loves Qiang and me more than you both, it's nothing new."

"I agree with Yumi, I thought you people have already made your peace with it," Mian added.

"But this is unfair, I will—"

"What are you gonna do? Cry about it louder?" Qiang scoffed.

Gritting his teeth, Yushen looked at his mother, his last hope. "Mom, I feel so unloved."

Patting her husband's back who was still very emotional, Ming helplessly shook her head. "We love all of you equally, your dad is just emotional right now."

Pulling away, Singtan took a deep breath and wiped his tears away. "I am okay now." Walking towards Guang and Qiang along with Ming, he gave them his blessings. "I have already ordered two cribs for you and Clara. I know you think it's too early but trust me, time flies and—"

Cutting him off, Qiang explained, "That is okay dad but I think you have to order an extra crib." Before Singtan could ask anything, she placed her hand on her baby bump. "You are going to have two grandkids, we are having twins."

"What?" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Twins? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Looking at the gift she had brought for the baby, Huiling sighed, "I just bought one gift for the baby."

Squealing in excitement, Yumi beamed, "This is so exciting, two babies at the same time."

Giving Qiang a hug, Ming smiled, "I am so happy for you both, congratulations."

Singtan, who was still in the state of shock, couldn't say anything. He was yet to recover from the fact that his youngest was pregnant, now he was bombarded with the news of Qiang carrying twins. He very well knew how tough it was for Ming when she was expecting twins. He had seen her struggles during the pregnancy and delivery. The mere thought of his beloved daughter going through everything freaked him out.?Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#%!d(string=13573640006364405)/proposal_%!d(string=50295917445702075)">#%!d(string=13573640006364405)/proposal_%!d(string=50295917445702075)</a> for visiting.

Looking at her dad, Qiang inquired, "Dad, are you okay?"

"Y-You are having twins? How can you have twins?" Without waiting for his reply, he snapped, "Do you have any idea how tough being pregnant with twins is? Your mother had a very hard time when she was pregnant with you and your brother. Ask your aunt Yixi and Beth, even they suffered so much."

"Relax dad everything is going to be okay, I know it's a bit tougher than usual pregnancy but I will manage everything," Qiang tried to assure him.

Walking towards Anna, Singtan inquired, "Did you check her? How is everything? Is she going to be okay?"

"The babies are healthy but Qiang is a bit weak, her body needs nourishment. I have already told Guang everything and also prescribed some medicines." Patting his arm, Anna added, "Don't worry Singtan, she is going to be okay."

Gritting his teeth, Singtan snapped, "This is why I always told you to eat green vegetables but no, you never listen to me."


Author's note.

Apologise for disappearing for almost a month without any notice. My college is starting again after almost a year so things were a bit stressful lately. I was completely swamped with assignments and so many other things which really stressed me a lot.

But now everything is under control and I will be leaving home on 7th February (I have an afternoon flight). Update will be much more stable once I settle down again. Until then please be patient like you have and wait for me to update the remaining chapter (Around 15-20).

About the new books, I will be starting them when WSA Spring 2021 starts. I will also do a giveaway (100 coins each) for 20 readers when I start my new books. So don't forget to add the books in your library after it starts.

Thank you for understanding ?
