Chapter 856 - Cliche  

"Singtan, stop scolding her like that, she is going to become a mother soon." Before Singtang could say anything, Ming snapped, "And weren't you the one who always supported her and secretly ate all the green vegetables I used to give her?"

Looking at Anna who was standing right beside her, she added, "Out of the four kids, Qiang is the only one who used to throw tantrums while eating vegetables. Initially I used to scold her and she used to gobble everything but later Singtan started eating all the vegetables from her plate."

"Well, that clearly sounds like Singtan's fault," Mike stated.

"Honey she is allergic to green beans," Singtan retorted.

"Yes I am," Qiang quickly agreed with her father.

Helplessly shaking his head, Guang sighed, "The smashed potatoes you ate in the morning had peas in them."


"What? Why didn't you stop me?"

"Because the curry you ate last night also had peas on them," he answered.

Looking at Ming, Singtan remarked, "She isn't allergic to all kinds of peas, there are types."

Rolling her eyes in annoyance, Ming decided to completely ignore her husband for a while. Turning towards Qiang, she added, "Go to your room and freshen up first, lunch is almost ready."

Without wasting any time, Qiang rushed towards her room along with Guang. She didn't want to stay any longer and face her mother's wrath.




Hugging her from behind, Andrew placed his chin on her shoulder. "I was looking for you everywhere."

Leaning against him, Linyang smiled, "I was just taking a walk."

"I really like this garden, we should try to make something similar in our place, what do you think?"

Letting out an affirmative sound, she chuckled, "All of this feels so strange."

"What? Our future garden looking similar to this one?"

"Of course not, I am talking about Qiang and Guang getting married." Without waiting for his reply, she added, "Seeing them together made me realize how fast time is flying. I mean, they are having a baby together and also getting married." Turning towards him, she placed her head on his shoulder. "Why do I feel so old?"

Wrapping his arms around her, he sighed, "Why would you call yourself old? This is our blooming stage."

"Blooming stage?" she chuckled. "What is that?"

"You don't know what a blooming stage is?" When she shook her head, he explained, "It's a stage where we bloom like a flower. We make mistakes but also learn from them and maturity hits us hard in this stage."

Raising her brows, she pointed out. "You came up with this, didn't you?"

"Let's just say this is something I believe in." Gently c.a.r.e.s.sing her hair, he sighed, "Today when I saw them, I felt like getting married too." Before Linyang could say anything, Andrew quickly elaborated his feelings. "I know I am not supposed to talk about marriage without a ring in my hand, I am just letting you know that I'll always be ready whenever you wanna make me your husband."

"That line was so clique." Hooking her arms around his neck, she smiled. "We have a lot of time in our hand, unless you are in a rush."

"Of course we have a lot of time in our hand but—" Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "I am just worried that one day you'll find someone who better than me and—"

Cutting him off, she lightly patted his cheek. "And here I thought I was dating someone who is 'one of a kind' type of guy."

"Of course I am 'one of a kind' type of guy but still, a handsome man also can have insecurities especially when he is dating someone like you. Though I look all rough and tough, I have a very weak heart which flutters everytime you look at me like that." Placing his hand on his c.h.e.s.t, he sighed, "Don't look at me like that, I will have an anxiety attack."

"You are such a drama."


Qiang's room.

"Now what are you overthinking about?"

Sighing in desperation, she made her way towards the bed. "I am going to look like a ball in the wedding dress."

"Of course not." Kissing the back of her hand, Guang stated, "You will look beautiful."

"Of course you would say that because if you call me ugly, you will sleep on the couch until and also after the babies are born." Grabbing his sleeves, she started swaying his arm. "I don't want everyone to call me fat."

"What do you exactly want me to do? I know you have something in your mind."

"Will you listen to whatever I say? What if you say no?" she pouted.

Pinching the tip of her nose, he answered, "You are the mother of our child and also the bride, why wouldn't anyone listen to you, especially me?"

Patting the empty space beside her, she remarked, "Sit down first."

"Wait a minute, are you trying to say that you don't wanna marry me anymore?" He widened his eyes in shock.

Rolling her eyes at him, she pulled him down. "Of course I'll marry you but not in the way you want to."

"What does that even mean?" he frowned.

Wrapping her arms around his, she rested her head on his shoulder. "Why don't we just sign our marriage certificates and then throw a party for our friends and family?"

"Wait a minute, are you trying to say you don't want a wedding?" When she nodded her head, he frowned, "What are you talking about honey? Having a wedding is every woman's dream."

"Of course it is."

"Then why don't you want one?"


Special Author's note.

Sorry for the unexpected long hiatus. Things were really tough recently but everything is back on track. Updates will resume from today :)

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The name of the novel is 'The Strings of Love' you can add it in the library( It is already up, you can search for it or look for it in my profile). More chapters will be added only after I finish the existing books.

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