Chapter 854 - Surprise  

"Of course he will, you should have uncle Singtan's serious face when he told me that he wants you to stay with him during the whole pregnancy period. He said you need constant attention and care, since I have office to attend which I cannot skip at all because now I have responsibilities, he will take care of you," Guang explained. ;

Scrunching her brows, she inquired, "Wait, does that mean you will not stay with us?" Placing her hand on her stomach, she complained, "I am telling you Guang, if you do something like that then I swear we will never talk to you." ;

"Hey, are you three ganging up on me already? And when did I say I won't stay with you and the babies?" Kissing the back of her hand, he added, "We will stay in the mansion until the babies are born. Maybe a couple of months after the delivery, we will move to our new place." ;

Placing her head on his shoulder, Qiang smiled, "You know when my friends heard about my pregnancy, many messaged me and asked when are we getting married." ;

"And what did you tell them?" he inquired. ;

"I told them we haven't thought about that yet because we want to focus on the babies for now. They told me I shouldn't take it so easy, they were saying they are scared for me," she chuckled. ;


"Are you scared? Scared that one day I might leave you all and run away somewhere?" he asked. ;

Looking at him, she shook her head. "No I am not because I know you will never do anything like that. You love me way too much to even think of leaving me alone with the babies. I trust you Guang." ;

"Even if I say that I don't wanna get married now?" ;

Hugging him tightly, she smiled, "It's okay, we were not planning to get married anytime soon anyway. We don't have to hasten things because of the baby. We can take our own time and handle everything." ;

"Why are you so sweet and understanding? I mean if it would have been some other girl, she would be probably throwing a fit by now." ;

"Don't you love me because I am different?" she asked. ;


Guang nodded his head and kissed her forehead, silently hoping that everything would go as he had planned. ;


Li mansion ;

"What happened babe? You seem lost," Ashton inquired. ;

Contemplating for a while, Elsa answered, "I don't know how to say this, maybe it was a mistake or I don't know." ;

"What happened?" ;

Tightening her grip around his hand, she answered, "I think I heard brother Alvin's voice on the parking lot." ;

Scrunching his brows, Ashton stated, "How is that possible? Alvin is in jail and—" ;

She nodded her head in agreement and explained further, "I know, this is why I am telling you that it might be a mistake." ;

Pulling her in his embrace, he kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry about it, I'll ask someone to look into it." ;

Ashton nodded his head and answered, "Everything is okay, did Guang and Qiang arrive yet?" ;

"No, they are still on the way. Everyone else is here though, they are in the garden." ;


Garden. ;

"Kids are all grown up now, there is nothing we can do," Yutang sighed. ;

"I know and we are growing old," Ming chuckled. ;

Raising both his hands in the air, Robbin stated, "I don't know about others but I am still young." ;

"You mean young at heart? Because I can already see wrinkles in your face," Songpa retorted. ;

Helplessly shaking his head, Mike sighed, "These two will never stop bickering now matter how old they grow." ;

Pointing toward Songpa, Robbing frowned, "He is the one who keeps taunting me." ;

"You both will probably become in-laws in the future so you better start getting along," Ming advised.

While the adults were having their conversation, the young once were busy talking to Clara about her pregnancy. ;

"Do you still feel nauseous?" Yumi inquired. ;

Placing her hand on her baby bump which was growing bigger, Clara answered, "I do feel nauseous sometimes but Ben bought this really cool drink for me which helps me with my morning sickness a lot. He even brought some for Qiang, I will give it to her after she arrives."

"Maybe Qiang is also having morning sickness?" Helplessly shaking her head, Yumi sighed, "I really did not get any chance to talk to her properly when she was staying in the hospital. Once she starts staying here, I can take care of her and talk to her about it properly." ;

"We were talking about her mood swings and morning sickness the other day, she told me that it's very bad at times," Becca informed. ;

"It is really very bad in the initial stage but I guess later on you get used to it," Clara added. ;

Glancing at the watch, Zian frowned, "they should be here by now, do you think something is wrong?" ;

"Don't worry so much Zi, they will be here soon," Mian assured him. ;

Just then Qiang and Guang arrived. ;

Looking at everyone, Qiang curiously inquired, "What is happening here? Is there some kind of party or something?" ;

"Everyone is here for us," Guang answered before guiding her inside. ;

"For us? Is it because you are back home after a long time?" she asked. ;

He shook his head and answered, "Not really." ;

Before she could ask anything, Ashton gave Guang a box, grinned at Qiang and stepped away. ;

"I know you will be very mad if I do this but I have to kneel down, it's like a tradition which every man has to follow." Before Qiang could understand what was happening, Guang got down on his knees. ;


Special authors note: ;

Greeting to all my readers, ;

I know it's been long since the last update but now I am back ^_^ you all can expect regular updates starting today. ;

Have a great day ?

