
Cutting him off, Qiang squeezed her eyes shut and snapped, "Guang and I are dating each other and I love him."

"You what?" Zian snapped and jolted up before rushing towards Singtan and Qiang.

Without giving anyone a chance to speak, he snapped harder, "I had my doubts but I thought that I was just overthinking but it was the truth. When did this start? And Guang, where is he?"

"Umm I am here," Guang said before entering the room. He wanted to enter the room with Qiang but she asked him not to because she wanted to deal with her family members first and then call him in after making sure everything is okay. Though she had not called him in yet but when he heard Zian shout, he quickly rushed in. How could he just stay outside like a coward and just watch his girlfriend deal with all the yelling?

"Wait, so Guang is dating Qiang?" Helplessly shaking his head, Yutang chuckled, "Ahh kids have really grown up, they are even dating each other now."



Cutting Zian off, Singtan warned, "Stop with the yelling,you are scaring your sister Zian."

"But dad—"

Completely ignoring him, Singtan placed his hands on Qiang's shoulder. "Qiang open your eyes and look at me."

Following her father's instructions, she slowly opened her eyes and lowered her head, "I am sorry."

Crossing his arms in the front, Singtan inquired, "What are you apologizing for? Did you do something wrong?" When Qiang shook her head, he added, "So do you think that loving Guang is a mistake?"

"No it's not," she answered.


"Then what are you sorry for?"

Biting her lower lip, she lowered her head and said, "I am sorry for keeping this away from you, we wanted to tell everyone but we were scared because we thought that you all would object to our relationship."

Helplessly shaking his head, Singtan sighed, "Why would you think that way? Have I ever stopped you from doing anything that you wanted? Have I ever made you feel that I will not support you?"

Pausing for a while, he added, "I am not angry because you are dating Guang, I am hurt because you did not tell me about it."

"Uncle Singtan, it's not only Qiang's fault, I am equally responsible for whatever has happened," Guang stated before standing beside Qiang but when Zian glared at him, he quickly shifted to the other side.

Everyone present in the room looked cool and normal except for Zian who had a very horrifying expression in his face.

"I will deal with you later Guang, I am also very disappointed with you too. How could you not tell me?" Singtan frowned.

Lowering his head, Guang sighed, "I am very sorry for keeping this away from you uncle Singtan, we shouldn't have but the circumstances were not so favorable, we really did not have any other choice."

"This is not right and this wasn't supposed to happen, I mean it's Guang and Qiang, they have been together since they were kids so—"

Cutting Zian off, Singtan snapped, "Just like you and Mian, didn't you and Mian also grow up together?"

"And even sister Yumi and brother Zixin," Guang added but he immediately sealed his lips when Zian glared at him.

"Stop staring at him, he has got a point and I knew about it already." When both Qiang and Guang widened their eyes in shock, Singatn added, "What? You both thought that my wife would not tell me? Well, to be honest, it was very hard to take it out of your mom but not impossible. Though I had my doubts already but your mother confirmed my suspicious and I don't have a problem with it—"

"But dad this—"

Cutting him Zian off, Singtan explained further, "It's good this way because it will be easier to kick Guang's ass if he hurts my daughter and also because if they get married, Qiang will always stay near us."

"You and your selfish reasons, Mr Li, you are unbelievable," Ming scoffed before walking towards her sly husband.

After having a suspicion that she was hiding something from him, Singtan tried everything he could and forced it out of her. When Ming told him about Guang and Qiang's relationship, he did not shout or get angry like she had expected but instead he started telling her how he would make sure to convince Guang to stay in the mansion at least twice a week with Qiang. That is when Ming understood his real selfish intentions.

"But honey how is this selfish? I am accepting their relationship with open arms, that makes me the best father right?" Singtan asked.

Knocking his forehead, Ming fronwed, "You are just thinking about your selfish fatherly instincts but have you looked at the brighter side?" When he gave him a weird look, she continued, "Our Guang is such a capable man, he is hardworking and takes care of his own company without any kind of help. Despite his hectic schedule, he always took out some time for Qiang whenever you told him. He also does all the work that you ask him to without any kind of complaint. And the most important part, he cares and loves our daughter, not to forget that our daughter also loves him."

"Yeah we can also consider those factors, Guang is not bad too. I mean he is obviously lucky that my daughter fell in love with him all of a sudden but keeping his good luck aside , I don't have issues with him." Singtan had seen Guang since he was born, in fact, he had also named him so he knew how exactly he wss. Though Qinag and Guang being together was the least expected thing, he still had no problem with it.

"But Qiang is so small mom, she is too young and naive to date," Zian retorted, he wasn't just against Qiang dating Guang but he was against Qiang dating anyone.

"How on earth is she small and naive? Stop calling your twenty four years old sister small Zian, she is an adult who can handle her own problems and take her own decisions,' Ming snapped.


Cutting him off, Ming snapped harder, "Day by day, you are becoming more and more like you father."

"Hey, I wasn't so grumpy when I was of his age, in fact, I am not so grumpy even now. I didn't say a word about my daughter to someone, it's him who is trying to separate them and create a scene," Singtan explained.

Scrunching his brows, Zian said, "I am not grumpy at all."

"You are getting married so chill honey, don't stress about your sister or who she is dating, she is big enough to handle your own mess," Ming stated.

"Hmm can I say something now?" Qiang asked, she had been standing there and watching her family members discuss her relationship which was very weird because she did not have any say over it.

Caressing his daughter's head, Singatn smiled, "Of course you can honey."

Looking at Guang, she grabbed his hand before turning towards her fami;y members, "I know this is very sudden and a little weird but I cannot do anything about it, things just happened and I had no control over it. Even though we tried to repel it, it just didn't happen and did not feel right."

Turning towards her big brother who was still sulking, she added, "Brother Zian I know why this is very weird to you but it just happened. I don't know whether this is good or bad, right or not but I do know that being with Guang makes me happy and I feel complete. After dad and mom, you have supported me more than anyone else in this world and you are the one whom I count on the most. If you don't accept our relationship, it is not gonna make us happy, especially me. I need my big brother's support."

Grabbing Zian's hand, she chuckled, "Who is going to kick Guang's ass for real if he doesn anything inappropriate or something that will hurt me? I mean, Yushen will never be able to handle him alone because Guang is pretty strong so we will need an extra pair of legs to kick his ass."

"Huh kick his ass? I will kill his guy and then throw his body in the middle of the sea if he ever hurts my little sister or makes her cry. I am telling you, things are going to be easy for him if he does anything inappropriate." After taking a deep breath to calm himself, he gave Qiang a hug, "I just wish the best for you."

