I love him

"Ah you kids dont worry about your dad, she is just doing what my father had done." Pausing for a while, Yixi explained, "When your father and I started dating, my father had called him over a private conversation too so he is just being an ass trying to do the exact same thing."

"Seems like dad is taking a silent revenge for himself by making the other person feel the same way," Liang chuckled.

Shrugging her shoulder, Yixi stated, "I don't know about that but he is totally trying to act aloof like all fathers do when they meet their daughters boyfriend for the first time."

"So mum, did grandpa give dad a hard time?" Linyang curiously inquired.

"Of course not honey, you know how your grandpa is right? He is a very easy going person."

"Well, then maybe dad won't give Andrew a hard time."



Guang's room.

"Honey are you sure we are doing the right thing? Uncle Singtan called us and so not going despite being called is not a nice thing." After Yushen told him that Singtan had called him over, Guang was ready to go because he had a feeling that Singtan knew nothing but Qiang was totally against the idea and suggested that they should wait until they are called again.

Vigorously shaking her head, she explained, "No Guang we can't go know, what if it's because he found out about us? It's not like I don't want him to find out about us but I want to tell him about us before he actually talks to us about it."

"What? You will tell uncle Singtan about us? Like you mean stand in front of him and tell him that we are together?" When she nodded her head, he started freaking out. "Like are you sure? I mean what if you become nervous and say something else instead? What if uncle Singtan gets pissed and throws me in the middle of the sea? And—"

Cutting him off, she cupped his face, "Honey calm down, nothing of the sort is going to happen. I am just going to go to my father's room, stand in front of him and tell him the truth. I mean how hard is it going to be? It's not like he is going to eat me up, I am his daughter and he loves me."


Qiang had no idea whether she was assuring herself or Guang whose face looked whiter than a sheet of paper. He looked horrified and she could feel his cheeks turning hot.

"Really? You think we are ready to do this?"

"I am very sure, I know that you feel the same about us but I still want to tell you that I love you Guang, I cannot imagine my life without you. I have given you everything that I have, my heart, all my love, my soul, everything and I am done pretending that there is nothing between us. So let's just do this okay? Let's go back home like a real couple, let's stop pretending and sneaking out." Pausing for a while, she added, "I am done deceiving our families as well."

Kissing her forehead, he nodded his head in agreement, "Okay, let's do this then."


"Are you sure that he is safe?" Singtan inquired.

Zian nodded his head in agreement, "Yes dad, Andrew is amongst us now.".

"Well if you say so but I still can't believe how my daughter met that Gopez guy," Turang frowned. After meeting Andrew, he quickly rushed over to discuss it with Singtan bjt when they couldn't come to a conclusion, they called Zian to discuss and know about the whole thing.

"Linyang company renovated Andrew's office a few months back so they met at that time," Zian informed.

Just then, Qiang entered the room. She stopped midway when she realized that they were discussing something important. "I'll come back later."

Without waiting for anyone's reply, she was about to leave when Singtam called her out.

"Honey, what happened? Do you want something?"

Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear nervously, Qiang answered, "I-I wanted to talk to you about something important."

"Alright, you both talk and I—"

Cutting Yutang off, she added, "It's okay uncle Yutang, I think you need to hear this too and also brother Zian."

"Qiang, is everything okay?" Zian frowned.

"Hmm yes I just—" stopping midway, she gulped in nervousness. Though she had gathered all her courage and entered the room with a very firm intention of telling her father about her relationship with Guang but after seeing him, all her courage was getting crumpled down and no matter how badly she wanted to say something, she couldn't.

Sensing her hesitation and nervousness, Singtan approached his daughter and caressed her head. "What happened princess? Is there something that you want?"

"It's actually not something that I want, it's something that I should've told you a long time back."

"Okay, what is it?" He inquired.

Gulping in nervousness, she stuttered, "It's about—" stopping midway, she took a deep breath and quickly said, "It's about Guang."

"About Guang? What happened to him?" Yutang asked.

Biting her lower lip, she looked at her dad and started explaining, "Hmm dad you know how Guang has been taking me for my shoots and accompanying me when I have to go on long trips right?"

Singtan nodded his head and answered, "Yes, I know honey but what about that? So you don't want him to accompany you from now on?"

Qiang vigorously shook her head and explained further, "No, I mean I want him to accompany me everywhere."

"Okay honey, that isn't a problem. I'll ask Guang to take some time off and take you wherever you want to to." Pinching her cheeks, Singtan asked, "Is that fine?"

"Yes, I mean no."

"What? You don't want him to accompany you? But you just said that you want—"

Cutting him off, Qiang squeezed her eyes shut and snapped, "Guang and I are dating each other and I love him."

