
Kissing the top of head, Zian added, "I was just worried because you both are still young and won't be able to handle everything like adults do."

"You are there to guide us right?" When Zian nodded his head, Qiang smiled, "Then there is nothing to worry about."

Patting Guang's shoulder, Singtan said, "Like I always say Guang, i feel every self assured and at peace when Qiang is with you because I feel like no matter what happens, you will always protect her and keep her safe."

"I will uncle Singtan, Qiang is very important to me and I'll always keep her happy, I promise," Guang stated, he would have always kept his Qiang happy even if she did not have such a dangerous family.

"Now, why don't we set some rules so that all of this functions properly." without waiting for anyone's reply, Zian added, "I think Guang needs minimize his visit to the mansion and no loitering around Qiang's room anymore and—"

"Says the man who has been staying with my daughter way before they got married." Walking towards him, Mike added, "I think you are too corrupt and polluted to talk about ethics and rules young man, you did not let Mian stay at home for more than a day after you both got engaged and here you are setting rules for others?"


Awkwardly clearing his throat, Zian wanted to say something but couldn't.

Scoffing at the dumbfounded Zian, Mike patted Guang's shoulder. "Don't worry Guang and don't listen to Zian, if he ever gives you a hard time then feel free to come and look for me, I'll take care of him."

Just then Songpa entered the room along with Beth to call everyone over for dinner but when he saw his son and others altogether, he suspiciously inquired, "What is wrong? Did something happen?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Yutan answered, "It's nothing serious Songpa, we just found out that your son is dating Qiang so we were just giving them our blessings."

"Ah I—" Stopping midway, Songpa widened his eyes in shock and shouted, "What? My son is dating Qiang? Which son?"

"Songpa you have only one son, what is wrong with you?" Beth sighed and helplessly shook her head.


"I know honey but how can it be Guang? I mean our son is not interested in things like that remember?" Songpa answered.

Scrunching his brows, Guang curiously inquired, "Not interested in what? What are you talking about mom and dad?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Songpa said explained, "Well, you are twenty-five and—" Stopping midway, he thought for a while and decided to defend himself with a powerful statement first, "First, in my defence I was twenty-two when I met you mom and we started dating and by the time I was twenty-five, your mother gave birth to you and your sister."

"Okay so what is the exact point here?"

"What?" Qiang and Guang yelled in unison.

Caressing her sons head, Beth quickly added, "It was just a parental conversation your dad and I had and we were going to support you even if that was the case and—"

Cutting her off, Guang frowned, "No mom I am not into men or anything, in fact, I am dating Qiang for months now."

"Seriously? Are you dating Qiang? For real?" Songpa curiously inquired.

"Yes dad, I am," Guang said in a very assuring tone.

Shrugging his shoulders, Songpa added, "Well, you are my son and I don't mean to look down on you but don't think that she is way out of your league?" When Guang frowned, he continued, "Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you are not handsome. You are very handsome because you got the gorgeous features from me but Qiang is still way out of your league. So I thought maybe it's some kind of a misunderstanding—"

Wrapping her arms around his, Qiang chuckled, "No uncle Songpa it's not a misunderstanding and we are dating for a really long time now." Tightening her grip around Guang's arm, she continued, "In fact, it was who forced us to be together at first because Guang was very reluctant and not sure if this would work. He was very worried what you guys would think about this relationship and us."

"So he rejected you first?" Zian inquired.

"Not exactly rejected but things were not so simple between us at the beginning but we worked it out," she smiled.

Nodding his head, Songpa sighed, "Alright then since Qiang is saying it, I will believe you Guang."

Smacking his arm, Beth chuckled, "Don't try to pull my son's leg, you always go overboard." Turning towards Qiang, Beth cupped her face and smiled, "You have no idea how glad I am, you both look so cute together."

Rushing towards Singtan, Songpa grinned, "Big boss, isn't this nice? I mean we can easily kick Guang's ass if she ever hurts our Qiang."

Patting his shoulder, Singatn chuckled, "Yes of course Songpa."

"And maybe you can also use your tools on him if—"

Cutting Yutang off, Songpa stuck his tongue out, "I can't use my tools on him, he is my son and also because Beth will throw me out of the house if I ever do that."



While everyone was busy joking around and teasing each other, Yushen was still outside all by himself. He was still very bumped after whatever had happened with Jennifer a whole ago.

He was usually a very very easy going person who did not take things to heart that often but this time, it was very hard for him to let go the whole Jennifer keeping such a big thing away from me. Maybe because he was really not okay with the fact that the person who means so much to him did not even care to let him know about it and decided to deal with it alone.

"There are people looking for you inside." Standing right beside him, Andrew added, "Jennifer isn't eating anything, she is waiting for you."

"Can you just ask her to eat something? I am not that hungry so I'll pass," Yushen answered.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Andrew explained, "Jennifer was only eighteen when she left home because she didn't like something that I was going and since she so badly wanted to leave, I never stopped her. From the very moment she left the house, she has always been all by herself. In fact, I was very surprised to see how my little sister who I thought wasn't ready to face the real world was actually taking care of things much more better than I could've done. Though she was independent and brave, I still never took my eyes off her. There were several people who used to inform her about each and every movement."

Looking at Yushen, he asked, "I am sure that she never told you that I am her brother." When he nodded his head, Andrew continued, "Because she never told anyone about me, it was like she didn't want to be associated with me but no matter how much he tried to keep me away from her life, there are things that cannot be avoided."

"Our family is just like yours but with complications and dangers. Jenni was just eight when we lost our parents in an accident and we have been all by ourselves since then. Growing up with parents, we did receive a lot of threats and at some point, I think we got so used to it that it meant nothing to us." Pausing for a while, he added, "That wasn't the first threat that Jenni has received, there have been many over the years."

"So why didn't you do something about it?" Yushen inquired.

"Oh I always did, I used to get informed every time she received one but this time I think I did not pay any attention because you were there with her." Placing his hand on his shoulder, Andrew added, "I know that you are the right man for my sister and not only because you are a Li, I just know that you are."

Letting out a nervous chuckle, Yushen said, "You should tell her that is not me."

"I know that you are bumped right now and how you are feeling but will standing here all by yourself for hours help? Don't you think that you should try something more concrete to solve this? Like talking to Jennifer and sorting it out?" Andrew suggested.

When Yushen did not say anything, he added, "I mean just look around, this is such a beautiful place and the vibe around this place is so positive and pure. So are you sure that you want to waste your time sitting here like this all by yourself like a single lonely man?"

