Ancient Relics, few knew these Items even existed, and hence, not much was known about them.
Those who had some knowledge about them compared these Relics to the Ancient Saying that were equivalent to Skills. Like the Ancient Saying, they not only required MP or SP but also needed understanding of their respective Laws to be used. Both Ancient Sayings and Ancient Relics didn't have any Ranking Criteria. And their effectiveness depended on the user's insight on their respective Law or Laws.
Another thing to be noted about Relics was that they couldn't be equipped, same as the Ancient Saying. That meant they couldn't be placed in the Inventory either. But the most basic difference between these two was their stored data in RECORD.
Ancient Sayings were passed down from mouth to mouth and had no relation to RECORD whatsoever. But a Dreamer could see the names of Ancient Relics via RECORD. It was like RECORD had tried to claim both but ultimately only got the Relics. These Relics names weren't just for show. Each Relic's name showed its origin in the false histories of the countless Barren Earths. And one could find out which Law they worked on from these histories.
The only way to know the limits of an Ancient Relic was to use it on the battlefield.
You have entered the Plaza del Refectoriomagic
The Boss Crawler has detected your presence
The 30 ft. tall Devil, with bulging black muscles, walked out of the portal.
His every step left a deep impression on the ground as he was holding up a massive Pillar on his right shoulder. The 50 ft long Black Bull engraved Pillar looked more like a log than a pole with its thickness. It seemed like Aldrich could lengthen and shorten it, but couldn't control its thickness as this thickness kept changing with the Pillar's size.
The Plaza del Refectorio, unlike its name, had nothing to do with vaulted arcades that were used as Refectories.
The entire Plaza was a massive dome, whose roof seemed to have replaced the Sky. The entire roof was covered in colossal paintings of battles and ceremonies as if Giants were hanging in the sky. And the ground wasn't concrete, but it was overlain with bushes, shrubs, and towering Megalithic structures.
But among these green and gray, there was a storm of Red and Black.
A mile away from the Devil, a black armored knight was trotting on a horse. The knight's entire face was covered, and there were only two slits in front of his eyes. And two feeble and blurry red dots could be seen glowing in those slits. On his back, there was a blue cloak with the insignia of a golden crown and there were two swords on his waist. But even more eye-catching was the horse. It was rotten and bones were protruding out of its entire body. In place of the horse's face, there was only a skull, whose hollow eyes were also glowing in red.This was the Great Warhorse, Babieca, famous to the Christians and feared by his enemies. And the black armored knight riding the horse was a warlord from medieval Spain, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, or widely known by the name El Cid, the Ruler of Valencia.
Ignoring the distance, the Devil's purple eyes met the two red beams coming out of the knight's helmet. The Devil looked beyond the knight and stared at the army of armored soldiers whose end couldn't be seen.
Hee Heee!
The Devil grinned and blurted out.
His gaze moved away from the massive army, and he looked down at his body.
"… The transformation needs more Devil's aura. A visit to 'That' place can't be avoided then."
The Devil crouched down and his legs' muscles throbbed. His toes cracked the earth, and balancing the Pillar, the Devil jumped towards the army.
It was like a black meteorite had fallen from the heavens onto the earth. The Devil's landing itself crushed hundreds of the armored soldiers along with their long lances.
Hee Hee HAHA!
The Devil gripped the Pillar with one hand and kept smashing heads as he aimlessly ran across the battlefield. And in the sheer madness he didn't even question why the soldiers weren't defending themselves and why none of them attacked him. This wasn't even a bloodbath, as no blood coursed through those soldiers' veins. By the time the Devil got bored, he had already massacred half of the tens of thousands of soldiers.
"AH! That was satisfying. Who said there is no fun in crushing ants? Heh!"
The Devil brought the Pillar closed to his mouth and licked the brain matter stuck to it. He was about to dash to the rest of the soldiers when a hollow but sharp voice came from behind.
"A Darkling? No. A Devil? Hmm, no. A Hybrid?!"
NEIGHHH!!!The Devil turned around and found El Cid with his horse dozens of meters away from him. His gaze drifted from the Boss Crawler to the words hovering above its head.
Record of 'Undefeated King' Boss El Cid
Status: Dead
Level: 43
HP: 2920/2920
SP: 2870/2870
MP: 4290/4290
Rank: Count
The Devil bared its shark-like teeth and a howling sound came out of his mouth.
"Wait for your turn, kid! Can't you see Daddy having fun here?"
The Devil again eyed the rest of the soldiers, who hadn't moved an inch, but the Boss Crawler had yet to say more.
"There is a mark on the Dreamer whom you have possessed, Devil. The mark of Death. And those who have touched Death, their memories can't be hidden from US…"
The Boss slowly raised both of his hands as if feeling the might of the howling wind coming out of the Devil's mouth. His words echoed in the massive Dome, integrated with the Language of LAWS.
"From the Ashes of Memories…
… ARISE!!!"
The ground between the Devil and the Boss exploded as 4 pairs of hands came bursting apart from the earth. The Devil saw a rifle held by a man wearing a slouched hat, a red spear in the hands of a red-haired and bare-chested man, and the sizzling thighs of two beauties.
His tongue slithered as he muttered upon recognizing the identities of the four beings in front of him.
"Hehe!! Interesting indeed…"