The entire plaza quaked as Aldrich tauntingly asked the Darkness in a playful tone.
But the two voices weren't alone this time.
If the Aldrich from before could feel, he would have realized that the words that had come out of his mouth were an amalgam of four Laws. Two of those laws were the Law of Darkness and the Law of Devil. The third Law was like the growling of a beast, and it was the same that had also come out of the Viscount Sugaar's mouth. The fourth would have remained unknown even to him.
The changes weren't limited to the Plaza, but even the Dark Sapling shivered as if someone had grabbed it by its neck. Aldrich was like an apparition, living behind purple and black blurs as he approached the one-leafed Dark Sapling. The ethereal sapling wasn't real but existed in another dimension altogether. Not giving a fuck about these facts, Aldrich's hands reached toward the pitch-black transparent leaf.
Heee Hee Heee Heee!
Aldrich laughed again, making the mask with the purple goat tattoo give out a blinding purple flash. The four Laws again came out of his grinning mouth.
"BLack is DARKness for WHite; WHite is DARKness for BLack…
… ALdrich's ORiginal: DARK GRIM REAPER!"
The Dark Sapling that couldn't be felt or sensed, got grabbed by Aldrich's hand by its leaf. And with a swift jerk, Aldrich ripped the leaf apart from the middle.
It was like a trumpet had been blown throughout the Universe, alerting all beings of the coming annihilation.
The half part of the leaf that was still attached to the Dark Sapling trembled in fear. And the other half of the leaf, now detached from the main body, vanished into Nothingness.magic
A ghostly sound reverberated in the plaza, and Aldrich tilted his neck to look behind the Dark Sapling. An incredibly humongous Dark Tree had shown itself there, bending space-time and reality and Dreams. Aldrich could perceive that even one of its leaves was enough to hold an entire planet of the size of Rosalia. The grin on Aldrich's face was becoming larger and larger, making no sense, and his every single word now contained not four but countless Laws.
"DReam ORigin WOrld TRee…
… I, On My AUthority of SPawn Of DARKness, DEmand You To LEt Go of The CREATures."Houuuuuuu!!!
The countless leaves of World Tree fluttered in reply and a rift opened in the plaza as if connecting the sky to earth. As the rift widened, a tempest of foul and unnerving gusts of winds came out. A black shadowy hand with large fingers followed these winds and grabbed the edge of the rift. And soon the entire body came out.
It had two extremely long but slim hands and legs, like that of a spider. And its face was round and covered in dark ripples. But there were neither eyes nor a nose. And in place of a mouth, it only had a gaping hole. Out of which came a low moaning roar, and behind it, there were hundreds of similar creatures waiting to rush out of the rift.
Aldrich heard the howling wind and saw the Creatures who were eager for his call. He spread his hands in the air and grunted.
"COme, DARKlings!"
Dum-Dummmm Houuuuu
The Creatures dashed towards him, and despite their feet leaving no impression, it felt like an earthquake had originated. From afar, it seemed like they were a sandstorm of dark black dust.
As the first Creature lunged at him, there was no impact. Aldrich's body rippled like undulations in still water, and the creature melted into him. Aldrich's muscles wriggled as if there were countless worms beneath his skin, and a covering of black layer came over on his body. Even his size increased as if he was gaining mass by seconds.
Hundreds of Creatures of Darkness followed the lead of the first and vanished into Aldrich's body. By the time the last one entered, Aldrich's body had completely transformed and now towered at a staggering height of 30 ft.
All traces of his clothing had vanished, and it felt like there was a black leathery suit over his bulging muscles. Even his face was covered in all black and his eyes had completely turned purple. And his hairs were like a dense purple waterfall, hanging down 20 ft.
It was like the possessed Shadow Homunculus had returned from the past, after becoming even stronger.
Aldrich's mouth, lined with shark like teeth, opened and a long slimy tongue came out of it. He brought his massive hands up to his eye level and slowly spoke. But this time, all the voices had become one, and even the laws couldn't be distinguishable anymore.
"Weak! Too weak…"
Aldrich shook his head as his tongue licked his fingers, and then he ran his hands through his purple hairs.
"… But, what a brilliant mind. Ah! These memories. This Will, This Understanding… Hehehe!"
Aldrich held the cowering Dark Sapling and threw it at his forehead. As the Sapling vanished, Aldrich turned around and stared at the Pillar that hadn't moved an inch. A ghastly evil grin came upon his face and in only one step, Aldrich closed the distance between them. His 30 ft. tall size didn't seem to have any effect on his speed.
Aldrich grabbed the pillar from the top and muttered as if chanting an Ancient Saying."Affection…
The Devil roared and jerked the pillar upwards.
The massive pillar that hadn't moved even after using Change got thrown towards the Sky like water out of a hot geyser. And as the fairy had described, it indeed reached the Sky.
Aldrich or the Devil, now one and the same, put his hand onto the pillar and felt the Rumoks and the Law. Soon a disordered whisper came out of his mouth, shortening the pillar. And as the Pillar came to a stop at a height of 50 ft., all the Rumoks came together to form an engraving of a massive Horned Black Bull on its surface.
Hee Heee HAHAHA!
Aldrich maniacally laughed, his tongue slithered, and his purple eyes stared at the materializing words over the Pillar's top.
You have found an Ancient Relic
Item (Relic): 2nd Pillar of the Ten Bodhisattva Bhumi - The Pillar of Footprints