Wedding I

Cupping his cheeks, she sighed, "Aww my baby is tired of standing? Do you want me to carry you?"

Guang chuckled and vigorously shook his head, "No, I am fine but we need to find a place to sit and relax."

Running his finger through his collar, she stated in a very raspy voice, "Why don't we find a place with no people and just the two of us?"

"You are drunk Qiang, very very drunk."

"No I am not, I just drank a little bit." Bringing her thumb and forefinger together, she added, "Little bit."

"How on Earth did you girls get so drunk?" Yinhai frowned before tightening his grip around Becca's waist.


"I know right, I thought there was only limited extra alcohol for everyone," Yushen added.

Inching closer, Qiang chuckled, "Can I tell you one more secret honey?"

"What is it?" Guang inquired.

"I stole almost a dozen vodka bottles from the basement without telling dad," she giggled.

Guang widened his eyes in shock and snapped, "What? How many did you drink?"

"I don't really remember," she answered.


Helplessly shaking his head, he sighed, "You shouldn't have drank so much honey, it's not good for your health."

"You sound like father, I don't want you to sound like my dad, it's weird that way," she complained.

Looking at Gunag, Ashton inquired, "Dude, what do we do?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he sighed, "I don't know man."

"Hmm I have an idea but I don't know if that will work," Yinhai added.

"What is it?"

"Let's bring them to the building, there are many rooms there," Yinhai suggested.

"That is actually a good idea, we should do that," Ashton said.

"Hmm, let's do it then."


The other building.

"Are you sure that they are here?" Zixin inquired.

Shrugging his shoulders, Zian answered, "I don't know man but there is a high chance that they are here."

"Do you think they are drunk too? I mean the others were heavily knocked out so maybe even they are," Zixin stated.

"Well, if they are drunk too then why weren't they with them? Maybe they did not drink because it's our wedding tomorrow."

"Hmm, I think—" Zixin stopped midway when he saw a pair of people making out not too far away.

Smacking Zian's shoulder, he widened his eyes in shock, "Dude, is that Liang?"

"Yes, that is Liang and Kathy." Helplessly shaking his head, Zian sighed, "Just ignore them, we should go and find our wife's first."

"Did you just say wife?" Grinning from ear to ear, Zixin sighed, "Wife sounds so soothing man, I cannot believe that we are actually getting married."

"I know right? I still feel like it was yesterday when we all met."

"Ah look, there they are," Mian breathed and sigh of relief before rushing towards them.

"Even I was looking for you, I missed to alot."

Pointing towards Liang and Kathy, Yumi chuckled, "Is that Liang and Kathy?"

"Uh huh." Wrapping his arms around her waist, Zixin continued, "Do you want to find a spot and make out?"

"We aren't supposed to see each other today but who cares." Hooking her arms around his neck, she chuckled, "I would love to do that."


Next Day.

The Wedding Day.

"Arrghhh," Qiang groaned before taking a capsule from Becca's hand whose condition was equally worse.

Massaging her throbbing head, Elsa sighed, "I am not drinking for at least a year now."

"Yes, me too."

Helplessly shaking her head, Yumi chuckled, "Who told you girls to drink so much?"

"It was a bachelorette party, we had to get drunk," Linyang answered.

"Alright now girls, get back and pull up your pants because the wedding will start in four hours and there is a lot that we need to do," Mian exclaimed.

Pulling herself up, Qiang sighed, "Okay, I'll have to go and get dressed now."

"We all should go and get dressed, the makeup will take ample of time and I am the bridesmaid so there is more pressure," Linyang stated before walking out of the room.


Thirty minutes before the wedding.

Singtan's room.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, Ming inquired, "What happened?"

"Nothing—" Pausing for a while, he answered, "It just feels like yesterday when Yumi was born and now she is getting married."

"I know, I still remember the first time we saw her," she smiled.

Keeping quiet for quite some time, Singtan inquired, "Do you think she is getting married very fast?"

Ming chuckled and helpless shook her head, "Singtan, she is old enough to get married. I mean, I was twenty-four when we got married."

"We were different, we are meant to be together remember?" When she nodded her head, he added, "I suddenly regret helping Zixin back to the country."

"Stop being a kid, our daughter is happy and that is what matters." Pausing for a while, she added, "And did you forget that your son is also getting married today?"

Scrunching his brows, he answered, "Honestly, I almost forgot that he is getting married too. Why are they getting married on the same day?"

When Ming raised her brows at him, he sighed, "Okay, I know but Zian is not going anywhere. While Yumi is—"

Cutting him off, she snapped, "Yumi is not going anywhere too. You forced Zixin to get a house right next door and you also asked him to stay at the mansion twice a week, I don't even understand what you are sad for.".

"Honey, I need to make sure that she is safe and sound all the time. What if she falls sick in the middle of the night and Zixin is out of the city or country for a business meeting? And who is going to take care of her when she gets pregnant—" stopping midway, he frowned, "No, no we will ask them to move with us at that time because Yumi will need constant care and attention."
