Bachelorette party II


Gasping dramatically, Becca said, 'I wouldn't dare to touch any other thing, Guang might kill me." Looking at Qiang with teary eyes, she added, "What will happen to my Yinhai baby if I die? Do you want any other sister-in-law other than me?"

Scrunching her brows, Qiang snapped, "What? Guang will kill you?" Fisting her hand in the air, she grunted, "I will break his nose if he even tries to hurt my best friend, how can I let anyone hurt my Becca baby?" Giving her a hug, she added, "We will break his ass together."

"Ah Qiang, I love you."

"I love you tow and if I was bisexual or interested in women, I would've married you instead," Qiang stated.

"Yes yes, me too."


"Oh come on girls, you can do the hugging later girls but first let's get inside," Linyang whispered.

"Who is climbing the pipes?" Elsa inquired.

Rasinubv her hand high up in the air, Qiang squealed, "Me, I'll climb."

"Okay, but do you have any experience in climbing?" Jeniffer inquired.

Pulling her pants up, Qiang thought for a while and answered, "I may have a little bit of experience." Without waiting for anyone's reply, she added, "I used to climb to the top shelf of the kitchen and grab the cookies with Yushen, does that count?"

Tapping her finger on her cheek, Jeniffer answered, "I think you are good to go girl."


"Yes because I think only you have such an awesome climbing experience," Elsa added.

"Alright then, let's climb." Walking towards the pile, Qiang held it with both her hand and froze. Wondering for quite some time, she turned towards the others and chuckled, "I think you guys need to give me a little push."

"I'll do it," Becca volunteered. Standing right below her, she grabbed Qiang's wasit and pushed her up.

Pointing towards the door which was half open, Jeniffer shouted, "Look, there is a door."

"Yes a door, I cannot believe that there is a door," Elsa beamed in excitement.

"Come on, let's go crash their party," Linyang chuckled before jogging inside the house along with others.



The people who were inside the house had no idea about the massive party crash that the girls were about to do. They were having their own sweet time and were talking about random things.

"Dude, are you both for real?" Huang chuckled.

Shrugging his shoulder, Zixin answered, "Just waiting for the right time man and I don't wanna rush into things but now that I think about it, not a really great idea to take things slow."

"Blue balls?" Ashton inquired.

Helplessly shaking his head, Zixin nodded his head, "Multiple times."

"Ah sometimes I wish I were a woman." When everyone gave him a weird look, Yinhai shrugged his shoulders, "What? It's because women don't have any blue balls problems."

Gulping down the last sip from the beer can, Zian tossed it aside and rubbed his chin. "So you guys have done it right?"

"Yes of course," Huang confidently nodded his head.

When Zian looked at others, they also nodded their heads, "So how does it feel?"

"It—" stopping midway, Ashton scrunched his face. "Wait, we are talking about sex right?" When Zian nodded his head, he chuckled, "It feels great."

Flapping his hands, Huang chuckled, "It's like you are floating in the air."

"And that sensation is too pleasurous to define," Guang added but he quickly sealed his mouth when Zian raised his eyebrows at him.

Ignoring what Guang had said, Zian further inquired, "So it is exactly how I know it is right?"

"Now that depends."

"On what?" Zixin asked.

Supporting his head with his elbow, Yushen answered, "How much you both know."

Snapping his fingers, Andrew chuckled, "Little Li is correct."

Helplessly shaking his head, Michael started, "It's funny how Zian's younger brother is faster than him." Looking at the two men who were still wearing the 'King' crown, he added, "What is stopping you both from doing it?"

"Apart from the fact that we are getting married tomorrow, we were taking things slow," Zian answered.

"Tch tch a man with great morals, quick show me your feet, let me touch it and turn into a virgin again," Miachel explained before crawling towards them.

Scrunching his brows, Zixin complained, "I think you guys are way too drunk, don't drink anymore."

"What? Are you kidding me? We are not at all drunk and even if we are, it's your bachelorette party, so what if we don't have strippers or half naked women dancing around us—"

Cutting Huang off, Ashton continued, "Exactly, it doesn't matter that we don't have a boob shaped cake as well. What matters is that we all are together and you both are getting married."

"Yes, I have always admired you and sister Mian's relationship, it's so sweet and touching," Guang added.

"Pfft look at you trying to suck your brother-in-law's ass," Andrew chuckled.

Shoving his ass in Guang's face, Yinhai grunted, "Here such my ass too, I am your brother-in-law too."

"Get your ass off my boyfriends face you dingus," Qiang snapped before rushing towards them.

Before the guys could figure out what was happening, the girls attacked the place and started clinging onto their partner's.

"Qiang you—"

Smacking his shoulder, she frowned, "I left you alone for a night and you were already all over Yinhai's ass? What the hell is wrong with you?"

Widening his eyes in shock, Guang shouted, "Huh? What are you talking about honey? We were just talking and—"

Pressing her finger on his chest, she gritted her teeth, "What I saw from here wasn't just talking, his ass was all over your face."

"No Qiang, it isn't like that, what you say was just a part of—"

"Just a part? Does that mean that there was more to it?"

Vigorously shaking his head, he answered, "No, there was nothing to it. We were just talking about sister Mian and brother Zian's relationship."

Pouting her lips which were all red and plumpy after drinking too much wine and other alcoholic drinks, she inquired, "Promise? Promise me that you were cheating me with Yinhai."

Wrapping his arms around her, he chuckled, "You are drunk."

"Promise first," she yelled.

Fixing her messy hair, he nodded his head, "I promise."

Hooking her arms around his neck, she whispered, "I'll tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone, okay?"

"Okay, I promise I won't," he whispered back in the same mysterious manner.

After making sure that no one was looking, she added, "I drank alot and then I started missing you so I came all the way here to kiss you."

"Really?" When she nodded her head, he smiled, "I love you Qiang."

"I love you too but first you have to kiss me so that I can feel your love," she demanded.

Looking around, he sighed, "I really can't wait to kiss you but your brothers are around so it's not very appropriate, right?"

"Yushen and Yinhai wont mind, they already have their tongues inside their partners mouth," she chuckled.

Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, he answered, "Brother Zian is here too and brother Zixin is with him."

Looking around, Zian frowned when he did not see Mian.

"Dude, they aren't here," Zixin sighed.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Zian stated, "Everyone is here so why not them?" Without waiting for Zixin's reply, he rushed towards Linyang who was already all over Andrew.

"Linyang, where is Mian?" Ziang inquired.

"And Yumi," Zixin added.

Looking at them with her eyebrows scrunched, she inquired, "Where is who?"

"Mian and Yumi," Zixin answered.

Burying her face on Andrew's neck, Linyang squeaked, "Babe, they are scaring me." Looking at him, she demanded, "You need to scare them away and punish them too."

Hugging her tightly, he kissed the top of her head and snapped at Zian and Zixin, "Stop scaring my boo."

"Boo? What the fuck is a boo?" Michael chuckled.

"Boo is an expression for love," Andrew explained.

Snuggling closer, Linyang smiled, "Yes, I am his Boo and he is my BooBoo."

Helplessly shaking his head, Zian sighed, "Just tell me where they are and we will leave you and your BooBoo alone."

"I don't know, maybe they are still in the place we were partying before," Linyag answered.

Without wasting any more time, Zian and Zixin rushed out of the building leaving the love birds all by themselves."

As soon as Guang saw them leave, he inclined his head and captured her lips. "There you go, are you happy now."

Grinning from ear to ear, Qiang vigorously shook her head, "No, more kisses."

"Qiang, why don't you and I find a place to sit?"

"But I don't want to sit, I want to kiss you."

Rubbing her arm in a very comforting manner, he explained, "I know that you are tired but I am so can we please sit?"

