Sylvester was happy to have found a new pawn, and he knew why the Duke was being so kind to him. After all, King Riveria specifically married a woman wizard to have a highly talented son because he didn't have faith in his other offspring. This meant the Duke was magically and physically weak and required the support of high-value individuals like him.

A god's favored candidate, the famed blessed Bard of the Lord, the highest talent in decades. All this combined ensured that Sylvester would be a top man sooner rather than later. And that's how the Duke can secure the throne.

But that left Sylvester in the wonder of one thing. 'Is he as dumb as Romel?'

Heck, even Romel was not dumb. He was just too young and hence was vulnerable to brainwashing. But, Duke Conrad was a grown man, and to brainwash him—if possible—won't be fast and easy.

He had to learn more things about the man. For that, he needed to spend more time with him. But he didn't have time right now. 'Maybe on the way back, I will.'

"Let's go to the ball! I called the nobles from my Duchy for this night especially. It's my birthday today, you see."

Sylvester gave a blessing to the man. "I pray that you live for centuries to come."


Laughing embarrassingly, the Duke walked towards the door. "Let's go, I have already donned my clothes of choice, and I believe you won't be changing?"

"No—these robes are my forever clothes."

The Duke then led him out of the tower, downstairs, and then towards the largest hall of the fort. And as they got closer to their destination, Sylvester noticed more buzz, decorations, and staff running around. But, above all, he saw a few rooms with open doors and heard not-so-family-friendly moans from there.

The Duke felt embarrassed and faced his second in command, who was walking behind. "Stop these activities at this moment. Tell them Lord bard from Holy land is here, and I wish not to see anything vile in sight for this night."

'Did I just cockblock a bunch of nobles?' Sylvester jokingly thought and followed in.

"Lord Bard, do you have any preference for eating? Please tell me so I can order the cooks." Duke asked.


'Good lad, he knows how to lick shoes.'

"As long as it has nothing to do with alcohol, it will be fine." He replied, remembering a particular meeting with the Pope and Grandpa Monk.

Eventually, they reached a large twin door with two guards standing at each side, fully clad in armors, swords unsheathed.

"Let's enter, Lord Bard. I shall announce your arrival myself—and I hope you can give these nobles a word of wisdom from your collection of hymns."

Sylvester's main goal was to attract people toward him, so he was not troubled in the slightest. But he wished to use the beautiful instrument today. "Is it alright if I use my musical instrument?"

As if Duke Conrad's ears stood up, he excitedly turned to Sylvester. "That is more than what I could ever ask for—the best birthday gift I ever dreamt of."

'This fucker.' Sylvester's brows furrowed as he smelled a hint of lies.


Duke Conrad pushed the large doors open and walked in first. Since he was the main guest anyway, the people stopped talking and looked towards the entrance.

"Ladies and gentlemen, men of nobility and faith. I thank you for coming to the celebrations. It greatly pleases my heart. But, today, someone more significant than me has graced our lands—the Bard of the Lord, Priest Sylvester Maximilian!" Duke Conrad entered with great fanfare and exaggerated theatrics. The man was truly a smooth talker, a skill he developed for being weak.

Sylvester walked in with a halo behind his head, having already started humming hymns.

He didn't waste any more time, and before people could crowd him, he whipped up the Soul Violin and started playing it slowly at first. He loved this instrument as the Soul Tree's wood on it made it feel fresh, as if all the sounds were full of the richness of Solarium.

He walked towards the crowd and stood in the middle, under the largest chandelier with light stones. He could hear the awes of the people, a common reaction from those who see his halo, his hair, and golden eyes.

♫O' the light beyond the void of darkness.

I await your touch, on this world—that's so heartless.♫

Sylvester started singing and playing. This time his lyrics were meant to sound more like an actual song than a hymn. He then closed his eyes, held the violin up, and moved around in rhythm with the music.

It was nothing extra. He was still standing in one place just as he appeared to be enjoying his creation as well—which he was. However, the song may seem to be about Solis, but it was actually dedicated to another light in his dark heart.♫I longed to see you shine, O' beloved of mine.

My day starts and ends on you, as per the Lord's design.

You are so amazing, so divine—more intoxicating than the wine.

Forever shall you remain in my heart, for it's your eternal shrine?♫

He was meant to do this, to move people with his words. That was the whole point of the halo. After so many years, sure enough, his voice was now ethereal to hear with the right amount of base and heaviness in it.

He moved around slowly, gracefully, his long golden-blonde hair fluttering with motion. The breeze slowly filled the hall, thanks to the wizards placed to keep the hall cool with elemental air magic—fools they were, for what Sylvester sang was tragic.

♫It was like another day. I woke up for you.

You were my home, where my rent was always due.

No clue—no clue, what god was about to do.

Who knew, today the light won't pass through.♫

Sylvester could feel the smells from the people around him. He reflected his emotions vaguely with the words, but the effect was all the same. The pleasant heating aroma on his tongue with a slight tulip ensured there were enough worshippers. But the chills of fear and tangerines of anxiety with the rotten smell of sadness revealed there were enough sinners.

♫Just a thought of you was like an unsuspecting prize.

O' my beloved, you leave me cherished—so energized.

But with darkness clouding, how shall I rise?

Yet a true believer, however, worries not if he dies.♫

He decided to end it now with some profound words from the Lord. It was his sorrow. He could not really sing the words his mind had stored.

♫I despise—I despise—close to me is death.

The darkness that now stands in my path.

Oh Lord, it's hard to take another breath.

Be my light, be my hope, be the bringer of strength.♫

He started playing the violin faster and heavily, then brought it to a slow end with his last few words.

♫I pray here, let them fall—your divine rays.

For now, for tomorrow, for infinite days.

,m Pray—pray his words—for the eternal fire blaze.

May Solis carry our soul when this mortal body decays.

May the holy light forever enlighten our ways.♫

He finally stopped and put the bow and the violin away while he looked around at the various faces. He mainly felt regrets from the people and tearful eyes on some. Some felt guilty for doing something wrong, and some merely missed their home.


Duke Conrad suddenly blurted loud, appearing somewhat shaken as his eyes moistened. But hearing him, all the others shouted the same."Amen!"

Sylvester nodded his head and walked to the side to put the violin in the case, letting the party continue. But as he was doing it, a tall, clean-shaven, white-haired old man interrupted him. "Marvelous show of worship, Lord Bard. I feel cleansed hearing your voice and the music."

Sylvester recognized the robes. They belonged to Clergy but were far too noble. The rankplate on the chest gave away the Arch Wizard, while the mitre on the head revealed he was a Cardinal.

"I'm glad you cherished it, Cardinal Suprima. They were just some words from the heart and some guidance the lord departs." Sylvester replied respectfully, as the latter was Cardinal Suprima of this duchy.

"I heard what happened in your way. I assure you that I will get it investigated immediately, while the Holy Land will hear about it too. These assassins have gone out of line now."

'Lies' Sylvester smelled them as clear as day, instantly bringing the man's credibility down to zero.

"M-My lord!"

All of a sudden, a noble woman came to Sylvester's side. Black-haired, tall, and seriously beautiful. She seemed nervous as her hands tugged at the hem of her noble gown.

"What do you need, my lady?" He asked, already sensing the aroma of rose and sweat combine—it was lust.

She looked left and right nervously, then closed her eyes before fairly loudly asking. "Give me your blessed seed!"


Awkwardness, that was all Sylvester could feel. The nobles and servants alike looked at him and the woman. At that moment, Sylvester felt some heated gazes as well, from all the women in the room, from young maidens to old hags—their lust overpowering his senses.

'Hah, I'm in danger.'

"My Lady, you know very well that I am a man of faith. I have taken the vows of Deus Servus to never indulge in the vice of lust or make a family." He replied. However, he knew that the woman didn't want his seeds because he was the bard, but rather because of his extreme talent.

The woman looked confused, however. "What do you mean? Cardinal here always fuc-"

"Ah, my lady, I think you should return to your friends. I'm sure Lord Bard here is tired and wishes to have some rest." Cardinal Suprima quickly sent the woman away.

But Sylvester was not blind. 'So this Cardinal is breaking the vows of celibacy. Well, it's a minor thing.'

Sylvester bid his farewell and walked to Felix, who was trying his best to send women away who wanted to have a dance with him. "It seems we're famous."

Felix scoffed. "Nuisance! If I wish to break my abstinence, it will be with a lady of high morals. Social standings don't mean anything to me."

"Good lad." Sylvester patted his shoulder as he walked towards the exit. It was time they headed out to Markus' village.

"Max," Felix muttered, seriousness in his voice. "I know you, and I know it when I see it. So tell me, honestly, who was that song for? Did you lose someone important in life?"

Sylvester smiled and shrugged. "Not at all—I haven't lost anyone—in this life."


"Lord Bard, wait!" Duke Conrad stopped him again. "Why leave so fast? We have Battle Games next—especially organized for my birthday."

"Battle games?" Sylvester had not heard about this before.

"In the public arena, fighters will battle. Today, my favorite slave will fight to retain his top spot—it will be exhilarating!"

"Ah, you mean a tourney?" Sylvester asked.

But the Duke didn't nod. "No, I mean Battle games!—Deathmatches!"

[A/N: Well, this was the end of the fun chapters. Now we begin the real depressing arc.]


GT = 1 bonus chapter.(Already half done)

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Stones = Bonus Chapter.

