Rubbing; verb; usually a sign of confusion when done to the hair.

And Sylvester did precisely that when the scribe called his name out with so much confidence that it made him question his own intelligence.

Felix's jaw fell, Sir Dolorem sat up in the back, and Gabriel nearly fell from his horse. They had tried their best not to be recognized, and yet, here they were directly being called out.

They all looked at each other's faces for a whole minute, silently asking questions about how they were recognized.

Sylvester rubbed his chin and wondered if he should make a run for it. 'How did he know it was me? My eyes were closed, and I had dyed my hair. But trying to push forward now would be suicide; they'd likely have armies in there... but-'

Sylvester decided to publicize his appearance. As long as the general public knew that the famed Bard of the Lord was here, the words would reach the Holy Land, and in the Fort, nobody would dare do anything against him.

"Were you expecting us, lord...?"


The scribe shook his head and respectfully replied. "I'm no lord, but a mere officer of the law, the name's Jord. But, yes, Duke Conrad has alerted the city guards and the gate scribes to be on the lookout for four injured men, one of them being an old dark-skinned man."

Sylvester looked back at Sir Dolorem in annoyance. Meanwhile, Sir Dolorem wondered how he could have changed his skin color. But Sylvester didn't forget to focus on the underlying meaning.

'So the Duke knew we were attacked and expected us to be injured? Is he also one of those after my life?'

"Then I suppose he wishes to meet us?" Sylvester stopped acting hurt.

"Indeed, that's why I have issued this gate pass for you so you may enter the inner Fort immediately. A guard will lead you in, so please follow him." Jord pointed at a guard waiting beside the gates on the horse.

Sylvester nodded at the man and followed him into the city. He also used some water runes to wash his hair and let the blonde hair reappear, for they were important for his next plan. The place didn't really have a name, as the entire city was also encapsulated in the Fort walls. So it was commonly called Fort Sunflower.


The people in the city looked affluent, as not a single beggar was seen on the streets. People seemed happy, smiling and going about their businesses. Kids were running around, doing little errands, or just playing.

Unsurprisingly, he saw a lot of shops that sold various flowers. The houses were mostly twin stories, with streets wide enough for two carriages to move side by side and still leave space for pedestrians. Not only that, for security, there were sentry towers at every intersection.

"Duke Conrad seems rich enough to send out a bounty of a hundred thousand," Felix muttered.

Sylvester had the same idea, but he didn't speak as he was busy chanting a hymn silently. And that had the intended effect as the bright shining halo appeared behind his head. On top of that, he waved his right palm at the crowd and sent out warm light magic.

In the eyes of commoners, he was instantly a holy man. So, as expected, most people dropped to their knees to start praying. He, too, started chanting louder, making sure people knew who he was.

♫...Oh, is it such a big crime?

I'm merely signing a rhyme.

For the beloved Solis, I dedicate this hymn.

Your bard has come; everywhere is the lord's home.

So, raise your drums, raise your drums.

Get your blessings, lord's daughters and son...♫

The people now knew who he was. The name of the Lord's Bard was famous throughout Gracia and Riveria because of its proximity to the Holy Land and the number of people moving around for trade in the region. The monasteries also kept books with his hymns, for they were great during public congregations to sing.

"M-My Lord!" Suddenly, a pretty, well-dressed woman ran out of the sides and started jogging beside the carriage.

"My Lord, please help me! I've had a chronic stuffy nose and tearful eyes since I was small... I can't breathe at night!"

'Who the hell does she think I am? A God doctor?' Sylvester cursed internally after hearing her request. But he expected this much after flaunting his halo.

"Where do you work?" He inquired.

"Ha... ha..." She was going out of breath from jogging. "At the Sunflower fields! My family has been sunflower cultivators for five generations."

'Ah, so it's probably an allergy.' He reckoned.

So he quickly tore a cloth from his sleeves and handed it to her. "Use a clean, cotton cloth and tie it above your face every time you work in the fields. Sometimes, things you can't see can affect your body greatly--take care, young one."

'Wait, why did I say young one?' He wondered quickly.

But the woman seemed to be on cloud nine because of it. "Thank you, my lord! Thank you!"

With that, she stopped chasing him, and the carriage also moved into the inner fort after crossing the deep moat around the main building. The guard took them to the Duke's own stables, where they parked the carriage.

As soon as they arrived, a brown man was waiting there. Old, yet tall and strong, in neat red noble robes with golden embroidery. He walked to Sylvester and bowed his head a little. "Welcome to Fort Sunflower, Priest Sylvester. I am Duke's Prima, his second in command, Jeremiah Freeman."

"Freeman?" Sylvester blurted.

"I used to be a slave," Jeremiah replied and looked at Sylvester from head to toe. "Please follow me so you may don some new robes and be presentable for the evening ball."


Sir Dolorem quickly interjected. "We are holy men, Lord Jeremiah. Therefore, we do not participate in gatherings of nobles--where vices are exchanged."

"It is not an ordinary ball. Nobles from the whole of the Northern Duchy will be here, and perhaps Lord Bard can shower his light upon us."

Sylvester contemplated going in. He did wish to know more nobles, and it was necessary if he one day wished to achieve great heights in terms of authority. 'What kind of man is this Duke?'

"Fine, but we shall leave immediately after your gathering, Lord Jeremiah. This is because we have important work in the kingdom beside yours--holy work." He responded.

The man quickly led Sylvester and the team into the fort and showed them a small complex of rooms to stay in. It had everything prepared, from bathwater to church robes and some refreshments.

Once Jeremiah left, Sylvester ordered his team. "Do not touch the robes or the food. Drink only what you know others have tasted. Do not use the bathwater either. Instead, use your own magic to clean yourself."

Sylvester had decided to treat Duke Conrad as he would King Riveria for now. Nobody could be trusted--not even the folks from the local Monastery.

Knock Knock!

A while later, some knocks came. Sylvester went ahead and opened the door. It was Jeremiah once again. "Lord Bard, Duke wishes to exchange some words with you in his solar."

'I smell no hostility yet.'

He gave a nod behind to Sir Dolorem and walked out. "Lead the way."

Jeremiah brought him to the tower's top floor and led him to an ordinary-looking door at the end of the stars. "In here, please."

Then, with one swift motion, he opened the door and entered, leading Sylvester in. But, for the first time in both of his lives, Sylvester felt his mind going blank. Wealth!--Extreme wealth! Today he finally saw what that meant with his eyes.

The solar appeared to be at least 50 meters by 50 meters. All he saw was shining gold, silver, emeralds, and diamonds from end to end. Ornaments that Sylvester didn't know could exist were there... There was a bloody full-sized horse made of gold with big diamonds for eyes. Then there were gold replicas of heads of various animals on the wall, each with emerald eyes: Bear, deer, wolf, lion, and much more.

The ceiling was covered with molten gold engravings so complex that even spiders would feel ashamed. Then there were dozens of chandeliers and a large one in the middle.

The carpet was made of rugged red silk but with embroidery of real gold strings. The walls were the same with various elaborate gold-framed portraits, and the sunlight from giant windows on all sides of the tower room added a magnificent shine to everything.

"Meow!" Miraj lowly voiced beside Sylvester's ears. His eyes looked hazy.

'Boy, don't pass out!'

Sylvester knew that the Pope was likely richer than this; heck, many high-ranking men of the church were richer. But the thing was, clergymen took living with simplicity as a pride.

"Welcome, Lord Bard. I call this place the Treasury, albeit this is not my treasury--haha."

Sylvester looked at the handsome duke, who stood behind a large desk, also made of gold. The man appeared somewhat similar to Romel, but that was only limited to the ashen-blonde hair. He seemed to be at least 35, six foot five tall with a muscular build and had a short stubble beard.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, your grace." Sylvester greeted with a smile.

"Come, have a seat. I have wanted to meet the famous bard for a long time. To meet a man who receives words from Solis directly is so--so divine!" Duke Conrad enthusiastically spoke.

'Happiness, excitement, and worship--these are good signs.' Sylvester recognized the odor released.

Duke went as far as to pour water for Sylvester, while Jeremiah stood beside the closed door at the back. "Here, I'm aware of the hindrance on your way, Lord Bard. I am truly disappointed in my father--how could he go against the holy men?"

'This is!' Sylvester didn't show many reactions, but he did smell that there were no lies. That made him question the Duke's intentions. 'Why is he being so kind to me?'

"It's not easy on the divine path to travel--all know it's full of sharp gravel. But, one who truly believes shall forever stomp over murderers, assassins, and thieves!" Sylvester replied in a few rhymes, a habit of his by now.

The Duke smiled ear to ear. "I knew it! My father is blind. How could he accuse you of that pathetic Romel's weakness? Who knows where he has run off to. But--alas, I am once again the Crown Prince of Riveria."


"You're the Crown Prince?" Sylvester repeated, his face calm but heart bursting.

Duke Conrad folded his arms and sat back. "Of course! I am the oldest of my wretched siblings--the future King of Riveria."

At that moment, Sylvester felt anxiety in the man's words. But, then, everything became clear to him instantly, and he couldn't help but rejoice.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! Another Crown Prince--a pawn! Yeah baby! That's what I'm talking about! Thank you, Solis... I will offer you ten human sacrif... I mean, I will sing more!'


GT = 1 bonus chapter.(Already half done)

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Stones = Bonus Chapter.

