Holy Land.

It was just another sunny day in the Holy Land, as it rarely rained here. Like always, most clergymen were at work, students were studying, and some with free time were basking in the energizing light of the Solis.

But appearing out of the ordinary, one woman was swiftly pacing toward the Administration building. With red hair, blue eyes, and a face enough to heal dying men, she was definitely a beauty, but no hands could dare touch her, for she was a Bright Mother and, above all, mother of a very vengeful person.

'You can do it, Xavia. If your son can do it, you can too. Yes, I should be mean as well… I should be bad… I am a bad lady!'

Xavia hurried into the castle-like tall building covered with white marble. It was undoubtedly awe-inspiring but also a reminder of the authority it showcased.

Xavia went to the reception and gave her identification to the attendant priest. "Xavia Maximilian, I was called for an interview."

"Yes, your number is 5th. You will be called soon; sit there."


She nodded and went to sit at the side nervously, rubbing her hands. The last time she felt this nervousness was back during her slavery days. But here, it was not nervousness due to fear but rather hope.

'How does Max stay so calm at all times? I can't even control my heartbeat. Breath, Xavia… you can do it. You must not remain a liability to your son. You must get this promotion!' She talked to herself in the head, trying to fool herself.

But she was no soldier, rather someone who lived in dread for years, hurt and hunted. For most of her life, she lived in fear of her life, so the newfound dignity to hold her head high was something new.

"Mother Xavia, you may enter now."

She stiffly stood and walked like she was frozen. But she soon entered the interview room after fixing her golden gown and wimple.

She looked around after entering and noticed the decorations. It seemed like a royal chamber or something, as the ceiling showed great carvings of gold with paintings of past Popes and their various deeds. The large windows were uncovered, with red curtains on the sides. In the middle of the room was a long oak table, behind which sat four men, the Saint Wazir, his three assistants, and Great Mother Grace.


"Take a seat, Mother Xavia." Saint Wazir guided her while looking at her intently, possibly seeing similarities with Sylvester's face. It may not be the hair or the eyes, but the facial structure was precisely the same.

Great Mother Grace, the head of all Bright Mothers, spoke warmly, as she knew Xavia personally. "Bright Mother Xavia, you have been nominated by 80 Bright Mothers in Guild Peninsula for the position of Superintendent Healer of the Peninsula. So I wish you good luck."

With that, the interview started. Saint Wazir was the one who made all the important appointments, so it was his duty to be the primary judge. "Mother Xavia, can you tell us what you did with the five hundred Gold Graces you took from your bank?"

p "I helped a poor adventurer with no talent for being an adventurer. He was merely trying to gather money to send his magically talented son to the wizard school. But he was injured in a quest." Xavia replied kindly.

Saint Wazir smiled hearing that. Five hundred graces was a lot of money, but it was indeed enough to send a kid to a wizarding school. But that brought another question, Xavia's salary was at most seven Gold Graces. "Where did you get this much money?"

Xavia felt a little embarrassed answering this question. "That… my son deposits money into my account every month so I may spend it on living a better life."

"Understandable, Priest Sylvester has completed many grueling quests in his time as a student. He must have a small fortune by now. But, do you not use that money on yourself?"

"I do not need to, respected Saint. I am a Bright Mother, and I must aid others. I work to heal others with no expectations. So I believe aiming for luxury can taint one's heart, from the faith of Solis make our minds depart. I am happy with what I have—I am blessed." She replied just as she had planned after trying to imagine what Sylvester would have said.

She had realized already that being too honest with the Church was not good. To gain favorable grounds, one also needs to say favorable things.

"Brilliantly answered Mother Xavia. I'm sure he'd be proud of you if Priest Sylvester were here." Saint Wazir praised her. But the main question was left. "Okay, the last question is simple. Tell us why we should allow you to become Superintendent and not one of the other five."

'Be selfish! Be selfish!' Xavia repeated the words of Sylvester in her mind again and again and thought of an answer.

She knew the other four candidates and honestly believed they were better than her. But she knew she could not just let this opportunity go.

"Because I know I can—with the name of Solis on my tongue, with his blessings, I am still very much young. Being a Superintendent, one is expected to travel a lot and oversee challenging situations. All other candidates are aging and cannot spare as much energy as I can."At the same time, Guild Peninsula is the greatest earner of gold for the faith, which is essential to maintain our various facilities. So my focus would be to ensure the smooth functioning of the guilds in terms of healthcare, so they can keep donating their fair share.

"I remember the words of the 24th Pope, Brayden Octavian Brooks, the Builder. After he completed various of the important buildings of the Church, he quoted, 'Humanity without humility is like walls without foundation—both bring instability' And I truly believe that the quote applies to all branches of the Church." She answered masterfully, crafting her words as nicely as possible, sometimes even throwing in a few rhymes inspired by Sylvester.

Saint Wazir took a long breath and rubbed his eyes. He sensed too many similarities between Xavia and Sylvester, especially now as she talked like him. But this was good for Xavia because Saint Wazir had the utmost confidence in Sylvester due to past meetings.

"Mother Xavia, I must say you are the best candidate we've had this afternoon. But we must discuss it before making a decision. So please go out and wait for the announcement."

Xavia saluted them church style and left silently. However, as soon as she was out of the room, she took a long breath, and her shoulder fell. The pressure she had forced to stay away from her was back.

'Why is it more nerve-wracking to wait for the results than the interview itself?' She wondered and took a seat. She saw the other four women too. All of them were old, with one foot in the grave.

'I did exactly as Max would do, confident, ruthless and… I hope he won't get angry for helping that adventurer.' Midway through, her mind diverted to her worries. 'I wonder where he is… I hope he's eating well. Maybe I should make Honey-Banana Pie for him; it will surely freshen him up.'

"Mother Xavia, please come in."

The assistant priest's words suddenly pulled her out of her thoughts as the former called her in to hear the results with the other four Bright Mothers.

'I hope I win—so I can shoulder Max's burdens.'

Sadly, she could never shoulder Sylvester's burdens, for they were too heavy for any mortal to hold.

"Ugh, Chonky, sit on the saddle, not on my shoulder. You've gained weight, it seems." Sylvester complained as he rode his horse amidst the Inquisitor army from the Holy Land.

Their small convoy was transporting Inquisitor General Joseph back to the Holy Land for his trial. Sylvester decided to tag along as it was time to return for him, but he was still the highest ranking clergy as his appointment didn't end until he submitted the report to Saint Wazir.

"Maxy, I'm Chonky Bank, I eat so much gold for you, and you call me fat." Miraj pouted his chubby cheek.

"Wait! You took something from the Count's Castle?"

Miraj nodded and boasted. "I did."

Sylvester felt elated but also annoyed. Black money was useless unless he could invest it somewhere. "What did you take?"

"Hehe, Chonky Bank needs tax first."

Sylvester grunted, took a banana from behind his chest plate, and handed it to the greedy cat. Why did he have a banana on him? It didn't matter, as long as the bank was happy.

"Good boy," Miraj said and took his favorite food. "I did not find any gold, but I followed the bad fat man to his big room. There were many books, and I remembered you said knowledge is the greatest treasure. So I ate the books… and the shiny showpieces."

'Can a Count have books more useful than what's in the Church's library? This might just be the best thing Chonky has done in years.' He muttered.

Satisfied, he gave another banana to the cat. "Here, I feel magnanimous today."

"Huzza! Huzza!" Miraj held the two bananas over his head like a weapon in the hand of an evil wizard.

"Calm down now, and eat it secretly." He hid Miraj under his robes and looked forward at the walking Inquisitors as they sang their hymns. It was very inspiring to hear—beautiful even. That is until you focus on the lyrics that talk about blood and gore.

"I hope those two return soon."Felix and Gabriel were sent forward by Sylvester so they could find a place to eat something good. He wished to celebrate the completion of his first mission silently by offering a nice meal to the soldiers.

However, he could not show happiness as the hurt Bright Mother was traveling with him, at the front on a stagecoach with Sir Dolorem.

Pa! Pa!

"What happened now?" He frowned when the trumpets signaled the convoy to halt.

He trotted his horse to the front of the long march that spanned a few hundred meters. They were heading to the river port between Yggdrasil School of Magic and Goldstown, but this stop would delay their journey.

"What happened?"

But he got no reply as he noticed a crowd at a distance in the front. "Chonky, stay on the horse."

He got off and walked to the crowd that seemed to have encircled something. Crows were circling in the sky—giving off an ominous air.

A few inquisitors had also joined in, while Bishop Moris, Sir Dolorem, and the Bright Mother were at the front of the crowd.

'Did an accident happen?'

"She was pregnant."

That's what Sylvester heard as he reached the front. To his shock, the people had surrounded a big tree on the side of the road, and from it was hanging a man's body with a rope tied around the neck. At the same time, a woman's body was on the ground, likely the work of the people.

The woman also had a rope around her neck, as her face appeared pale as snow, devoid of life yet full of expressions of anguish clear on her face.

"Your eminence!" Bishop Moris of the Holy Land saluted him and made the crowding locals move away to give way to Sylvester.

The people noticed the special treatment and the title of Sylvester and understood he was a big shot.

"What happened?" He inquired.

However, before Sir Dolorem or Bishop Moris could speak, the people burst into angry shouts simultaneously.

"It was the damn Baron!"

"Baron did this to them!"

"You men of faith did nothing!"

It was hard to understand them, so Sylvester raised his right palm and sent a wave of light, instantly shutting them up in awe. He then turned to Sir Dolorem. "What happened?"

The old knight sighed tiredly. "People say these two were lovers and wished to marry… but the Baron invoked the right of the first night. The two were against it and decided to end themselves together."

"She was pregnant!" the Bright Mother added emotionally.

Sylvester looked at the people. Their anger made it clear that the Baron likely did it. But he was also a man of the law and had memorized everything. "Article 401 clearly outlawed this practice five hundred years ago, then why?"

Bishop Moris shook his head in disappointment in response. "Your eminence—Lord made all men the same, but men made laws, and sadly—they're anything but a shame."



GT = 1 bonus chapter.(Already half done)

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Stones = Bonus Chapter![Completed!]

