Article 66—As per the Holy Law of Light, the sacred tome which detailed all sins and their punishment, Article 66 is an annihilation and cleanup order given when the sanctity of the church is at stake. When it's reasoned that letting some people live will do more harm than good… even if there is a chance of rehabilitation. Hence, the order was simply called Article Purge, sometimes.

Sir Arnold and Sir Dolorem were men of the Inquisition, so it was not something too strange for them. But Felix and Gabriel were taken aback.

Sylvester explained further. "The church likely believes that letting this incident be known around will only bolster criminals to hurt more Bright Mothers. Therefore, they presumably wish to erase this incident from history."

"Your eminence, I am Bishop Moris, an Arch Wizard. With me are two more Arch Wizards and two Diamond Knights. We have been dispatched to assist you in completing this task." The leading man respectfully said.

'In short, you're here to ensure the job is done right.' Sylvester thought.

"Good, but first, let me deal with those two Archbishops." He pointed toward three figures coming from the castle. These two were the only biggest powerhouses of the Count. But they also likely knew about the whole incident. Hence, Article 66 was applied to them as well.

"We have brought the Darkstone cuffs. We do not need to fight, your eminence." Bishop Moris suggested.


However, Sylvester denied it, as it was a waste of time. His goal was to get the Bright Mother out and deal with the powerhouses. "Just stay silent."

Saying that, he held his spear firmly and walked alone towards the incoming men. They seemed old and most likely had reached their peak, which was Arch Wizard rank. However, by merely smelling the emotions, Sylvester learned the two men were genuinely scared and were not scheming.

'This makes things easy. Sorry, old boys, good soldiers follow orders… for now.' He muttered as he reached them.

Then, midway, he stopped and let the Arch Wizards and the Bright Mother reach him.

He stood tall, full of confidence as his hair and the short red cape fluttered in the wind. He looked rather handsome for even men, but it often helped him lure the target in—as bad as it may seem.

"I pay my respects to his eminence. I am Arch Wizard, Lord Tonoris, and this is my brother, Lord Ikaris." the two old men stopped in front of him.


But Sylvester kept glancing at the scared woman. Her eyes looked baggy as if she had not slept in weeks, while her pupil seemed dilated, as if still in a shocked state. 'Poor woman, I can't imagine what they did to her.'

Seeing her up close, he lost all pity for the two men he was about to kill. As the Count said, the two also hurt the Bright Mothers. Who knows who else did it too? The entire House of Ranthburg was nothing but filth. However, before he commenced the purge, he had to get the Bright Mother to safety.

"Mother, was there anyone else with you?" He asked her seriously while shoving the two Arch Wizards to the side. The fear in their hearts increased even more, although Sylvester didn't exactly know why, other than his tone.

The woman's eyes teared up when she heard him calling her mother with respect and worry. She ran forward and hugged Sylvester and just wailed loudly. "N-No… it was just me."

Her words resounded throughout the silent battlefield. All eyes were on her. Many were filled with pity and shame.

Sylvester just caressed the back of her head on his shoulder. He pitied her, as this was not the work she had signed up for. Bright Mothers were supposed to be given the highest safety, but he saw their exploitation here.

"The church has failed you, mother. Come, we shall return home now." He walked her towards the camp. Midway, Felix and Gabriel helped her, as there were no other women, and the two were the youngest boys.

Sylvester let her go and stopped midway. The two Arch Wizards were standing behind him, unsuspecting of what went on in Sylvester's mind, clearly showing their fear with the odor.

'Article 66 is justice in this case.'

Woosh!Thud! Thud!

It happened so fast that no one even saw the whole thing. All they noticed was two old men's bodies falling slowly and their throats spraying blood like a geyser. The two men's eyes stayed wide open in shock. All they could do was watch as the vision dimmed.

Sylvester jerked the spear and cleaned its blade from the blood stains. He may be a rank smaller than the two, but he was also a Knight and had better physical strength. If it were a long fight, he'd have lost, however.

He looked back at the men. The Holy army had not yet come, but it was better this way. "Men of the Inquisition! I have received the words from Saint Wazir, the Lord Inquisitor, and the Holy Father. What these vile heathens have done is beyond redemption. For their sins, the Ranthburg family has been wholly excommunicated, and Article 66 is sanctioned against them.

"So, hear my words, lift your swords. It's time to chop their evil chords. We shall not allow a single man or woman to remain alive there, for we are the justice; we slay as we chant our prayer. Go, my holy brothers, leave none alive… except babies that can't walk or talk!

"May the holy light guide the heathen souls to their demise!"


The Inquisitors boomed in unison and roared. They clinked their swords, shields, and spears. The wizards created elaborate spells that lit up the night sky.

"Burn them!" Sir Arnold charged straight to the castle with his men in tow. Meanwhile, the Inquisitors from Holy Land were slow but far more destructive, as they were sent here with the command. They directly destroyed the castle as if it were a house of cards.

First were the boundary walls, and they were easily obliterated by the three Arch Wizards, as they used Earth runes to dismantle them. It was pitiful even to call the Count's men a resistance, as they just gave up as soon as the Inquisitors reached them.

As the supreme commander of the operation, Sylvester slowly entered the premises. As he walked into the castle halls, he only found blood, bodies, and chopped limbs here and there. The massacre was merciless and random. There were bodies of young ones too, but sadly Sylvester could not save them as toddlers were also included in Article 66 laws.

Only babies were spared because they could not remember anything at this stage. They will instead be taken by the church as orphans and then be nourished. They will never know about their family's past because it will be a secret in some Administration files.

He moved from room to room and checked every nook and cranny, not to kill but to ensure no baby was left, for the fate of the castle was not going to be good.

"Your eminence, look here!" Suddenly an Inquisitor called him.

It turned out to be a room in the basement. It had blood around the walls and on the floor. This was definitely a room with some dark memories attached, where so many lives were snatched.

"Did you find the Count?"

"Not yet, your eminence." the Inquisitor quickly hurried.

The bloodbath also included the servants of the family. The slaves as well, and although it was distasteful to kill them, he knew that he must thoroughly tie the loose ends.

The massacre lasted a few hours, leaving behind bloody footprints everywhere. Only the Count was caught alive, however. Sylvester didn't have anything special for him. He just needed proof that the man was dead. So he was going to do it himself.

"I won't even ask you for any last wishes, for I wish to grant you none." Sylvester aimed his spear at the kneeling Count's neck.

The Count had accepted his fate, however. There was no regret in the man's eyes but rather defiance. The fat lord sneered at Sylvester. "I regret nothing, slave of the church. I did what I wished. My noble blood gave me that right."

Sylvester scoffed and thrust the spear forward. "Then show me that noble blood."Woosh!

The spear passed through Count Ranthburg's skull in one swoop and came out of his nape. The Count's body fell back, twitching like a dying fish. With that, finally, Ranthburg House was finished, and some new Count will be chosen by a process he didn't care about.

Sylvester simply wished to have some rest now, as he'd been running around since the moment the assignment started. But it was not over yet, as he found two babies in his arms soon after, while he watched the castle burning down slowly to its ashes, exploding now and then and revealing the elaborate labyrinth under it.

He looked at the babies and sighed internally. He could not kill them no matter what, as they were too small to be held responsible for the crime of their family. "Don't worry. The Holy Land will be your new home. Sir Dolorem, hold them."

He passed the two babies and gathered the army. The castle was turning into ashes anyway, so all they had to do was wait.

But Sylvester had another thing to do. It was to arrest the Inquisitor General, Van Joseph, for his crimes, someone equally responsible as the Count. The man had been left with Jax, as Sylvester didn't trust the adventurer enough to keep him beside.

So he arrived with a few Arch Wizards. They were to transport the man to the Holy Land so he would get punished publicly and be an example of the church's wrath.

"General Joseph, time to head back. The Ranthburg family has faced Article 66." Sylvester called the man over.

However, the man didn't budge. "Where is the Lord Inquisitor? I wish to talk to him first."

"He returned to the Holy Land," Sylvester replied.

"Lies!" General Joseph argued and stood up, angered. "He was never here, was he? You played a game with me, lied to me to make me speak!"

Seeing the anger exploding, the Arch Wizards with Sylvester stood in front of him as guards.

"I am the additional Cardinal Suprima, you must obey me for a trial, or I shall judge you right here," Sylvester ordered.

"I will not go down so easily, Favored One! Let's see how powerful you are!!" Joseph's true nature came out in a moment of panic. He tried to use magic to harm.

However, just then, the arm of Jax, the adventurer, rested on Joseph's shoulder. In an instant, Joseph calmed down as if he was scared out of his wits, and beads of sweat appeared on his face.

"You reap what you sow, General. So stand down and face the consequences of your actions—transgressions."

'What was that?' Sylvester felt the scene was too strange. He could feel the fear rising in General Joseph's heart while Jax seemed to reek of death.

'How powerful is Jax? Why is he with us?' Sylvester had a thousand questions. But he'd rather not have a new enemy at this stage. So he decided to investigate the man later in the Guilds of Holy Land.

"Men of Inquisition, put the darkstone cuffs on him, then let's head back. I wish to report to Lord Wazir as soon as possible." He ordered tiredly.

For now, he only wished to return home quickly, rest, and then take off for another assignment. Also, check up on Xavia if she's still alive. 'I hope she didn't kill herself from malnutrition. The woman is too lazy to cook when I'm not around.'

He thought. But, this time, he was wrong, for even Xavia had a new fire in her heart—a fire to rise and reach high… and he was in for a surprise.



GT = 1 bonus chapter.(Already half done)

Super Gift = 1 Bonus chapter.

Stones = Bonus Chapter!

