"Oyee system, tell me what you think. How big of a mess will it create?"

[Was that really necessary? You could've just lied to her? You could've said you don't remember or can't say, but you fucked that up and said you saw your fate? Do you know how many Gods you pulled on your back with this stunt? Skuld is practically flocking the world system, how will you deal with her? Not to mention Goddess Kali.] System who stayed silent till now, bombarded its host with all the questions it had. In its eyes this was a dumb move, especially since the plot hasn't even begun yet. Playing with Gods - that is suicide.

"Take it easy, system. I know what I'm doing."

[Ohhh do you now. Then why don't you enlighten this primitive]

"Well, since you kept quiet like I asked you. I'll be generous and answer your questions -for starters was this necessary, then yes it was. You should know from the plot that fooling Artemis was impossible, I had to give her something that would keep her focus away from me, so that she never doubts if I am her son or not. Lying to her now may have worked but sooner or later she would've gotten suspicious again, and then I would have to do this stuff all over again. But now I have fixed all her doubts and got her full support in one swoop. She can associate all my actions as if I'm working to change our fate and she will keep supporting me. The little guilt she would feel that I have to do this all alone, would stop the plotline of that fucker's adoption in our family and me losing my position of heir. This way I would always have a Duke's family for my backup, and mainly I would be able to stay near Amelia. Do you get it now."

System who heard all his reasons could now understand about telling Artemis something like this, but still there was something still missing,


[No offense host, but if you only wanted to avoid the adoption storyline, you could just go and kill him. Unless you did this, so you could avoid the situation where you have to fight her, didn't you?]

"That , is also true. I don't wanna fight her. She's Amelia's mother, I should avoid it as much as I can." Rio remembered the event where he would have to face off against Artemis, the fight in the story ended up with Myra dying, Rio and Amelia hating each other and Artemis's …he didn't want to hurt any of them, he even started to like both Myra and Artemis now. 'I should really try to avoid everything related to that.'

[But I don't think you can avoid that, host. That event is fixed, which had to happen for the plot to progress further. If that doesn't happen I don't have to tell you that Amelia's ending might differ, and that will change the plot even further than you or I can control.]

"I know, I will think of something. I still have enough time."

[If you say so, what about the Gods? They've heard your talks. You've even gotten the attention of some middle bosses, how will you handle them? And don't forget Kali, you were already on her radar, and with this she is even more interested in you now. If you're taking her easy, then I suggest you remember the last time you saw her.]As system finished its words, the image of Kali in her battle form, ready to chop off his head came to Rio's mind, and he cursed the system -''fucker, that only happened because you were sleeping, instead of protecting my mind."

[It's good that you remember the dangers, now tell me why take them lightly.]


"I'm not. Gods are not the part of the story till emergence 2.0 , till then they don't take anything seriously and just watch from the sidelines. In the eyes of Gods who've lived for millennia and are primordial, the time of my life is insignificant. The fate I see in years would just be like a blink of an eye for them. For now in their view everyone on Arcadia is just their puppet, for them to use however they want in their game of power.

It is only after the emergence phase 2 , that they learn their lesson and start to take this game seriously. I have around 10 years till that happens according to the plot, so I'm fine for now. The middle bosses you're speaking about, well I can probably guess who it is, and the answer is the same, they can't interfere directly, and unlike me they don't know the plot, so in a way this is another experiment - can the Gods go against the plot, or are they bound by it too."

"Stronger Gods won't focus much on me since they got their own Gods and followers who have this kind of abilities, the weaker ones will probably back off seeing Nyx's interest in me. That leaves some idiot ones who may or may not pester me."

"In both cases they won't be able to directly interfere, and their minions, well I think Blake's at this point of time don't need to be afraid of anyone."

"Kali might be hard to handle but if I bag Skuld in my camp, she would have to let me go too. Plus if I keep her attention on me, maybe I can influence her a little to choose Amelia as her avatar early, that way Lia can get stronger faster than she did in the novel. Thus giving me one more failsafe to avoid our ending."

[All of this would be for nothing, if Skuld came out and said you're lying. Not only would that make you a joke in God's eyes, it would ruin your reputation and chance of getting any blessing from them in the future too. Not to mention Skuld can always see your future so you might not be able to lie or use her in any of your future plans.]

"Tell me system, are you designed dumb, or is it only cause you're at level 0."

[Stop joking and answer my questions]

"Well, it looks like you forgot the novel's plot system. Do you remember what role Skuld played in it? What was her motivation for joining the plot and Goddess Kali."magic

[No friggin way]

"Yupp, I picked a card from our protagonist's playbook.How do they get anyone's support? They get it by giving a helping hand to a drowning man.

Skuld in the story needs something, and I promise to help her, she can try to see my future, but sadly she'll either see nothing since I'm not from Arcadia. Or she will see the future that I will create now.

After I've changed some events, the plotline of the original Rio has already changed. She can't compare my 2 futures and see how much mess I create, the same is the case for any other God with those powers. Unless someone saw Rio's future before I came to Arcadia, they would only be able to see a new version of it and not the original story.

Since most of my actions would be suitable for me to rise in power, it won't be surprising for anyone to doubt that the heir of Blake family is stronger than everyone. Plot wanted me to be dumb and play around with the protagonist, but if I outright kill him now, even that would only make sense in those God's eyes cause which powerful heir would take the insults from an ant and send his minions to bully him. Since they know nothing of the plot or my original future - then whatever I do is my fate. Hell I've killed Noah, and just like Artemis most of them would only think that it was because I wanted to get the Baron, since my action of killing an 8 year unawakened in a hurry doesn't make sense in their eyes.

To maintain my lie in everyone's eye, all I need is one blessing from Skuld, and her approval if someone asks if I'm her follower or not. That shouldn't be hard since I don't need to lie to her or use her, if she decides to help me now, I have no problem in helping her in return -so even if she sees some of my future she'll probably see that I kept my deal.

[And you're sure of that since helping her would also benefit you.]

"Now you're catching on system, good."


"Stop laughing like an idiot, and start counting my points.

I have a feeling I've messed up the plot big time. What an unexpected surprise."

(Fucking bastard)


"Now how about we go and get ourselves a Goddess."


A/N - I've explained about Rio's actions in this chapter, about why he did what he did. Or what his future plans are. If you're still confused about something please write a comment and I will try to explain it better. Or join discord.

Now for today's question - is the fight between mother-son impossible to ignore? What does Skuld want? Why did she join Goddess Kali? Will everything go as Rio wished for? How many points will he get?
