"It's not something you would like to hear, mother. Let it go." Rio said in a firm tone, clearly indicating he had no intention of telling her anything about what he saw.

"Do you not trust me, son? Did I ever do something to harm you or Amelia? Is that why you're acting like that?" Artemis said as she stood up in front of him. "Tell me, was just a vision you saw enough to shake your belief in your own family? Did you trust that Goddess more than me! more than your father now?"

Artemis's heart felt heavy with a tumultuous mix of emotions, threatening to engulf her in a storm of turmoil. Worry consumed her, gnawing at her soul as she questioned her own abilities as a mother. Anger welled up within her, directed not only at that Goddess who had bestowed the blessing upon Rio, but also at herself for being unable to protect her children from the potential dangers or any manipulation.

Tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting the conflict raging within her soul. She loved her children fiercely and unconditionally, and the mere thought of them being harmed pierced her heart like a thousand arrows. Her emotions clashed and tangled together, creating a storm of conflicting desires and fears.

Disappointment settled deep within her, a profound sense of self-doubt creeping into her thoughts. She questioned whether she would ever do something bad to him. Her thoughts were consumed by the what-ifs and the uncertainties of the future. Her mind plagued by the haunting possibility of hurting her beloved children, Rio and Amelia. The thought alone sent shivers down her spine, filling her with an overwhelming sense of dread. She couldn't bear the idea of being the cause of their pain or leading them down a path of suffering.

Rio felt a pang of guilt as he witnessed the range of emotions playing across Artemis's face. He had expected this reaction from her, but he underestimated how much effect her tears could cause in his heart. The thought to just hold her and tell her everything came into his mind, just so he could make sure she's not stressed over anything. For a moment he forgot it all and just a thought to make her smile was left in his head, and if not for the system notification which pulled him out of it, maybe he would've done it.


[Calm down host, think about what you'll say next very carefully. You cannot change it afterwards.]

System was right, he can't just be emotional and reveal everything. The possible repercussions could be disastrous, her rash anger would only end up getting her killed. And that would be much more hurtful than some tears in her eyes.

But still he couldn't ignore her sad look.

Taking a deep breath, he gently reached out and held her hands, Rio looked into her eyes with sincerity. "I trust you, mother. More than anything or anyone else in the world." Wiping the tears that slid down her cheeks hearing those reassuring words, he continued -"There is nothing that would ever make me doubt or angry at our family. I love you all too much for that to happen.""Then why didn't you say anything? It's been weeks since then." Artemis asked as she calmed down a little, though her inner turmoil was far from quelled, the gentle reassurance and his loving words began to chip away at the walls of self-doubt she had built.

"I didn't want to trouble you mother. Whatever I saw, that's just a vision of a possible future and I already changed it, so you don't have to worry about anything, okay." Rio said and hugged her. Hoping it would be enough for her.

Artemis too closed her eyes as she processed everything that he said. "Can you at least tell me what happened? I know it's against the laws, but… " Artemis asked as she sat down on a sofa near the table and pulled Rio to her side.


"Do you really want to hear it, mother? It's not something pleasant." Rio asked, hesitant to speak, while Artemis just kissed his forehead, silently conveying her feelings that he didn't have to do it all alone, that she was here for him.

"I've seen death mother. You, me, Myra, father, Amelia everyone. I saw the last of Blake bloodline disappear from Arcadia."

"I've seen our enemies rising in power, people raising their arms against us, I've seen Gods abandoning us all, and watching from the sidelines. I've seen it all mother. None of us get a happy ending."

Artemis's heart was heavy with an array of emotions as she absorbed the weight of Rio's words. The fate he had witnessed painted a devastating picture, one that shook the very foundation of their family. Anger surged through her veins, fueled by the injustice of such a cruel fate.

Pain rippled through Artemis as she grappled with the magnitude of the destruction foreseen in Rio's vision. The thought of losing her loved ones, of witnessing the annihilation of their family, was a bitter pill to swallow. Disbelief and despair threatened to consume her.

Her mind whirled with questions, searching for answers and solutions. How could they prevent such a tragedy from unfolding? Was there a way to alter the course of fate and rewrite their destiny? Why them, what did they ever do to anybody? Hatred welled up within her, directed towards the forces that threatened to tear her family apart.

Yet, as Artemis glanced at Rio, her young son who bore the weight of this vision on his shoulders for weeks, a sense of awe and admiration washed over her. He didn't cry, nor give up or begged for mercy -no, he worked to change that future from ever happening. The face of Agnus and his words about how his son was the best among everyone, came to her mind, prompting a slight smile on her lips.

Taking a deep breath, Artemis reached out and gently embraced Rio, holding him tightly against her. "I would never let anything happen to you, as long as I'm alive." In that tender embrace, she conveyed her unwavering support and love.

She was curious about everything, she wanted to ask who or what was responsible for everything, but knew the laws of fate's blessing didn't allow it.

Every God who watched fate believed in only one thing -we all make our own fates. Every decision, every choice shapes our future. So when any God chooses to give their blessing they give that person the ability to see and change his fate. But if that person shared the knowledge about someone else's future, then what would be the point of that God's existence? That one guy could announce the whole world's fate and change everything, that's why with every blessing of fate, comes the limitation that they cannot share their knowledge with anyone.

[*if you're wondering then how come Rio said about the fate of his family, well that's because first he's just lying his ass off. Second because what he said confirms nothing - it's a loophole, people who know fate can't share their knowledge but they can be as inconspicuous about it as they want. Like he saw everyone's death -well everyone dies anyway. So no breaking of rules.]

"I'm sorry you had to go through everything. But always remember that I'm here for you."

Artemis spoke in her gentle tone, she still had so much stuff that she needed to think clearly about, but what took priority now was her son. But silently in a dark corner of her mind, the thought to eradicate Baron Misha's family and everything related to him started taking root.

Rio, who was lying in her embrace, found the same peace he felt on the first day when he came to Arcadia. The first time he saw her. "I love you mother." Rio said as he held her tightly. He could finally accept it now -despite what he thought about everyone else in the novel, after living here for almost a month, somehow this new family of his had really fixed a spot in his heart. Maybe it's because of how much he missed his own family, or maybe it's because they are Amelia's family who is practically his sister, or maybe it's just because they've been so nice and caring for him for so long that he couldn't ignore them any longer. But he had started to care for them.

'Maybe it's not too late for that fresh start for me after all.'

Soon Rio fell asleep in his mother's embrace and found himself floating in the system space. He looked around the familiar space and said -"That was hard."

"How the hell does anyone in those novels never notice anything wrong after someone reincarnates in their family. Is Artemis too smart for that shit to happen, or am I too dumb at acting the same."

System who was muted till now, was just waiting for its host to come, and see the results of the mess he created -magic

[Notifications +99.. ]

[Host's actions have attracted the attention of…

[You have changed the plot… ]

[🔻Click to see them all…]


A/N - writing these 2 chapters was so hard. Since they were so different from other novels. Sigh don't know how this will turn out. If you have questions about why Rio did this I will explain it fully in the next chapter.

Tell me what ur thoughts r? What will Artemis do now?U can join my discord . Send me gifts if u need some bonus chapters. ❤
