After a small commotion and an averted declaration of war on the Empire, the group made their way to the target. The rest of the trip was uneventful, this part of the Empire had long been cleared of hostile tribes and all but a few strictly-guarded dungeons (save the newly appeared ones). So they passed through rolling hills and idyllic valleys, home to large villas, small farming communities, and the occasional Legion outpost. It was not long before they reached the target village.

The village elder led them to a cave, right on the outskirts of town. He glanced around at them one more time and took a deep breath.

“A few of our fool boys got it into their heads they would become heroes. I knew nothing good would come of this, but they couldn’t get their heads out of the clouds. I told everyone this place was off limits until the Empire bothered to come and check on it but five of them snuck in during the night. Two came back, one missing his arm. And both of them have hardly said a word since.”

He took another deep breath.

“Are you sure you bunch will be alright? Forgive me, but you seem a bit young.”

Ateia nodded.

“We’ll be careful. And…”


She turned her head to NSLICE-00P.

“We brought an expert.”

The village elder looked over NSLICE-00P again, paying extra attention to her armor. He shrugged, and then turned to leave, muttering something about foolish youths.

As the group turned to the dungeon, Estrith gripped her spear.

“Queen of the Dobhar, are you certain about this?”



Estrith frowned. In her experience, dungeons were not to be trifled with. The dungeons of the deep were terrifying labyrinths of death, designed to defend themselves against sea monsters far more powerful than all but the mightiest Dobhar. She knew not if the dungeons on the land would be the same…but if they were, this would be an extremely dangerous affair.

Though…the Queen of the Dobhar was a dungeon master herself. Estrith was not so blinded by her dislike of the usurper to admit she should be much more knowledgeable about such things.

And, to Estrith’s surprise, the weak Imperials showed no such hesitation. All three of them walked right into the dungeon, without a moment of doubt.

Estrith paused at this, before shrugging.

Well, she’d do her best to guard the Queen of the Dobhar, as Her King and her duty commanded. But…if the usurper happened to perish midway while foolishly challenging a dungeon, then it couldn’t be helped, and Her King would take up the throne once more. And if the two Imperials perished…well Estrith wouldn’t shed any tears. She simply need to do her best to ensure she did not perish with them, if at all possible, though she would consider her own life a worthy to trade to restore Her King to his rightful place.

Estith hoisted her spear and entered into the dungeon…

Estrith blinked at the sight before her, attempting to process what was occurring. They were in a dark cave, which somehow seemed even darker than it should have been. The walls and floors and roof were all made entirely of pitch black stone, and there was hardly any light, just a handful of dim and pale blue torches. These were few and far between, leaving wide stretches of complete darkness.

Or so…it should have been.

If not for her glowing spear. Or the half-Wulver’s glowing sword. Or the human’s glowing arrows. Or the lights shining from the Queen of the Dobhar.

Giant bats screeched and hissed as the light revealed them on the roof. Glowing arrows shot them one by one, as Estrith and the half-Wulver moved to intercept. She thrust her spear forward…Stolen novel; please report.

You have slain Nightwing (Level 8)!

Gained 3XP!
