
Alonso's hands twitched. His eyes shifted from the water in his hands to the door in front of him. How badly the desire built up in him to go through with it. How foul would the trouble be? Not the worst.

The Vedova Nera boss though some time had passed, would likely still be stuck floating on a cloud of pleasure. The pleasure that a little bit of cold liquid would surely help to kill. At what cost? Oh, did it honestly matter? Jovani needed to see what was going on around him while he decided to lose his mind at the worst possible time.

"Alonso, Alonso, Alonso. I told you not to come back and bother me yet." The voice drifted from the far side of the office. Slurred and overly content. The clothes somehow made their way out of the doorway. To join the other on the floor, or did they manage to find their way back into their owner?

"I need a little bit longer, and I'll be right back on my feet where I should be. On the other hand, you need to finish what I tasked you with. I only heard one set of footsteps." Alonso didn't let Jovani's impressive ability dissuade him. If it were going to happen, it would have to happen right now. The right-hand man took a deep breath before stepping around the side of the desk and doing what needed to be done. No way Jovani would kill him for it right now.

A string of unintelligible words and something floundering followed the plop and swash sound against the marble floor. Namely, a less than decently dressed mafioso boss who wasn't anticipating the unexpected and unwelcome cold bath."Alonso! What in the world do you think you're doing? For Christ's sake!" Jovani sounded like he'd suddenly become ten times soberer than before. Not the natural, happy straight after one of his typical binges, but Alonso would work with what he could get for the time being.

"You best better be planning on cleaning up this mess yourself. I will not be wasting anyone else time on such things." The right-hand man allowed himself to peek slightly around the side of the desk. Alonso winced as the wet liquid hit his face before he could lay eyes on the Vedova Nera boss. Alonso wiped his face and could hear the other grumbling about it serving him right for being such an ass or something along those lines.


"If you didn't want me to take matters this far, you should have listened to me first. Instead, there is now one other problem that you need to come along and help me with." Jovani gave the other an unimpressed look. One that clearly stated how little he cared to come and help the other with whatever he was dealing with. Alonso found more water being flicked at his face. Despite being displeased, Jovani refused to remove from the sopping wet floor.

"The whole reason I hired you was to help me deal with these types of problems. Not come about and bother me when I'm in no state of mind to do it myself. Can this be the one thing that you do for me this week without putting up any fight?" The Vedova Nera boss shook his head to get the water out and caused droplets to fly about the room. Someone else would have to come along and clean up the whole place later.

"I would be dealing with the problems myself, except that this is one you need to deal with. It involves your cousin." Hearing the word cousin made Jovani perk up right away.

"Cousin? Little Sammy, you mean? I don't imagine that he would be getting himself involved in anything that I would need to be part of." Unless there was a new development with the devil princess which Jovani hardly believed that would be the case. Not to mention, Sam wouldn't involve his older cousin in that. Lena would pay him no need.

"If you would just come along and see, you could decide on your own. I'm not your mother, so you better get yourself dressed." Alonso couldn't believe everything was right in the world for one second. Even if that was what Cain wanted him to think.

"Pish posh to clothes. Why don't you hand me my phone so I can call him? Quick and easy. No one has to go anywhere, and I go back to enjoy myself." Alonso refused, however. The right-hand man snatched the device off the desk before Jovani could even think about how to get it from his position on the floor."You're going to get dressed and come with me to see what I'm talking about. Now." The Vedova Nera boss didn't get the chance to protest a third time. A well-aimed pair of pants prevented any words from escaping his mouth. The uptight version of Alonso was never any fun. Couldn't the laid-back, fussy one come back? Even if he did over-worry about Jovani more than needed, at least he didn't know the boss and pushed him around.


"Fine. However, if I don't deem it anything worthy of my attention, you'll not be bothering me for the rest of the evening. You can go about babysitting the rest of the children yourself. Fetch me a towel as well." Jovani couldn't put anything on until he'd dried off. He stared longing at the desk as the other went to fetch him a towel. Just a little more, and then they could go for another round together. Hopefully, one that would be even more unforgettable than the one he just out off from.

"I will do whatever it is that you want me to do if you go about keeping your side. You come with me and tell me that I'm over reacting to what is happening." Alonso also made sure to throw the towel at the other's head. Impatient to get going more so than the man still on the floor.

If Alonso wanted him to tell him he was wrong, Jovani could do that any time of the day to get the other off his back.

"You are wrong. I don't see how this is anything to be worried about. If anything, shouldn't you be happy that my younger cousin is here to help keep them out of trouble?" The dark appearance on Jovani's face only grew darker as he stood surveying the scene before him. He stuffed his hand deep into the pockets of his sweatpants to stop himself from smacking his right-hand man. He'd been pulled out to see what exactly? His younger cousin had fun playing what looked to be Craps with a handful of mercenaries. Both parties were equally drunk, Samuel probably less so, but they all seemed to be having a good time.

"The only crime that I see taking place here is that I wasn't offered any alcohol." Samuel would ensure it stayed that way as he smacked the other's hand before reaching one of the amber bottles.

"You're not supposed to be drinking." The younger Vedova Nera cousin moved the alcohol out of the older one's reach. Samuel wanted to ask the other why he looked so damp and messy, but Jovani didn't appear to be in the right mood for such questions.

"You don't think anything is wrong with this setup here? Your cousin isn't used to everything here, yet you're fine with him playing with these types of people?" Cain shot him a look at these words, but Alonso was too concerned with Jovani's reaction or lack thereof to care.

"I told what I thought already. I don't know what you expected, but no. I don't think that there is anything wrong with this. Let them have fun. There's no blood, bruises, or apparent broken bones in sight. Hence, I deem this to be a perfectly safe activity." One utterly unworthy of his attention. Fuck! He'd been soaked and had his excellent mood ruined for absolutely nothing.

"You guys can keep doing whatever you want." Jovani brushed and waved them off as he turned to leave the cramped room. He didn't want to be around so many people right now.

The only thing that Jovani wanted at the current moment was to be able to go back in time ten minutes and slap his old self and tell him not to listen to the troublesome right-hand man.
