Alonso never felt closer to wanting to take a vacation that at the current moment. Someplace a thousand miles away from his contentious boss and his current everyday lifestyle sounded like a treat he deserved.

Sadly, it would remain in the land of dreams for the current moment until current matters were solved. Jovani obviously couldn't be trusted to take care of matters. The Vedova Nera boss could hardly stay together after such a minor injury a few non-fatal spats. How much worse would he get if Lena and him were to get into an argument? Alonso pinched the bridge of his nose.

That wasn't something he wanted to think about at the current moment in time. Finding out where Samuel went took priority over all else. The Princess might've almost shot Samuel earlier but she would absolutely murder anyone in the estate if anything happened to the kid. Even if Alonso wouldn't mind his boss being killed at the much in recent days, if it did happen, the right-hand man wanted to be the one who took care of it.

Why did the kid even leave his room in the first place? Not that he was under house arrest or anything of the sort, Samuel had never done much nosing around the first time he'd been there. Alonso assumed he'd be like Jovani betting the other would be as bad as a cat about poking around. What could've changed his mind and made him do it now? Alonso grumbled and ran a hand through messy hair. After what Jovani told him, the last thing the right-hand needed was the other to be nosing around with unknown dangers lurking around.

The kid surely wouldn't be as bad as his older cousin and scurry off somewhere out of boredom. Alonso's impression of Samuel didn't include that type of behavior. In fact, Alonso would place Sam as being the more mature one out of the two cousin despite being younger in terms of age. With most of the staff gone, the halls were far too quiet for Alonso's liking. Not to mention with hardly anyone around, tracking Samuel became harder. The job would be easier if there were a few souls left around to be bothered.

Alonso began to lose his mind down the trail of dangers as he stepped onto the second floor. One unsavory thought refused to leave his mind and left a bitter taste in his mouth. Alonso turned the right, features drawn tight. The known trouble would be the best place to look first. One more matter Jovani should've never decided upon on his own.


"Are you sure you want to do that? I don't think you know what you're getting yourself into." A tata sound rattled through the air.

"I think I know well enough what I'm getting into. Are you certain that you want to do that? You're being rather reckless all things considered." A small crash and loud thump made Alonso. No no no, this is exactly what wasn't needed right now. Damn Jovani for making his life bad life choices other people's problems.

"Whatever the hell this is, Cain, you better..." Voice trailed off as the door began to open. What the hell was this? Certainly not the sight that Alonso had expected to see the moment that he opened the door.

"Did you have to pick now of all times to poke your nose around? Can't you see that we are in the middle of something important?" Cain might've been unperturbed by the sight of Alonso, Samuel couldn't say that he felt the same. The younger cousin almost choked on the last third of the fifth beer he'd been forced to drink. The pleasant buzz that had been building up fizzled out when Alonso's eyes locked on his own.

"Are you considering whether or not you would like to join us? We do have more than enough seats to take on one more person." The younger cousin motioned to the empty space next to himself.

"There are times that I think you're just crazy insane, and there are times that I believe you're an absolute idiot. This situation right here falls into the second category. I'm sure you can see why without me having to tell you." Alonso leaned over to help the other up, only to have his hand smacked away.


"You've hardly heard why I'm doing this, and you're making assumptions quickly. For once, I'm doing this for an excellent reason; otherwise, I wouldn't don't have anything to do with my older cousin, considering the problems that he caused in the past. Not to mention it's a risk with Richard being around. I didn't know, though, that he would suddenly be showing up. I wouldn't have even accepted this arrangement between Sammy and Lena if I knew how tight Zane was with that Bastard." Jovani shook his head, carding his hand through his hair as he looked around the office. Where did his clothes go exactly? They should've been right there next to him since he'd not traveled that far from the chair at his desk. Did they somehow managed to grow a pair of legs and scuttle over to the other side? Ugh. How troublesome that would be if it turned out to be the case. Jovani took a moment to weigh out of the hassle of picking his clothes up before flopping back onto the cold tile. Indulging in the current pleasure for a while longer was the right choice. Work could wait until later if Alonso were upset at him.

"Rather than fussing about me and this whole situation, I needed you to go and check on Samuel. See if he managed to get in touch with that little devil princess. I don't want my younger cousin to spend his entire time here sulking because of her." Once Samuel had seen a few more things and been around the Vedova Nera estate for longer, Jovani wouldn't care what state his younger cousin saw him in. Right now, though, the kid wouldn't likely understand the relationship Jovani had with them.

"If you're worried about your cousin finding out or getting into trouble, you should've better planned all of this before you asked me to bring him back with me. I would've considered having Julian take him instead. Back at their estate, things would have been safer than this." Jovani tsked at the other and made a noise of disagreement.

"I wouldn't be too sure of that If I were you. Do some digging around, and you're likely to find that being there isn't any safer than me keeping him here. This whole hospital fiasco isn't the only issue that they'd been dealing with." It paid to have people on both sides consistently know about every little thing. Lena or anyone else on her side of the family didn't need to know about that, though. They could discuss it at a later point in time once he managed to sort out his current contentious relationship with the Princess.

The Princess currently had bigger fish to fry if the doctors didn't do a good job with Leo. First, however, she needed to fully explain the situation she experienced to those in the room with her.

"I didn't get injured, so I didn't care to say anything at the time. However, Jovani, from the little I put together, is playing a dangerous game I'm not sure he even realizes." Lena kept her gaze fixed on her father as she continued.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that he wasn't always the person here either. I don't know, however, if he's aware of certain matters." Richard took the initiative to put a hand on Lena's shoulder and petition her to explain further.

"I have come to a similar conclusion, but depending on what you saw or know, that might change how I handle this situation. Jovani, from the little we've talked, doesn't seem interested in being open about the situation. At least not at the current moment." What a not surprise on that matter. Lena didn't have to think twice to know why that would be.

"Jovani wouldn't say anything due to the slew of issues that have taken place so closely together. Whether they are connected or not remains to be seen. It would explain why he wouldn't want to make a fuss if they weren't. Richard, if you know whom I am talking about, you might be better suited to elaborate on this situation's issues moving forward." Richard's lips drew into a thin line.

Was he the right person to take on explaining the current situation? How many years had it been since the last time he'd talked with the other?
