Samuel paused as he looked down both sides of the hall. This wasn't as easy as knocking on every door until he found the right one. Samuel didn't know how enough people at the estate to do that, and the wrong one might tell Jovani what he was up to. Everyone was admirably loyal to the Vedova Nera boss from what Samuel saw thus far.

The younger cousin itched for something to do. Why not find out more about the mercenaries Jovani invited in? Emily would spar against them soon enough anyway. Samuel was better off getting acquainted with them before him being in charge of said match. Jovani would have to accept that Samuel wanted to do this on his terms.

"I know what everyone wants, and I already told y'all that Jovani would take care of it. Be patient; it isn't like this is the first time going a little while without anything to eat." A loud crash coming from the other side of the hall made Samuel pause. All the doors were closed, but the sound rang out loudly down the hall. That certainly sounded like the right kind of sound.

"It'll happen. He's not going to keep us here for long anyways. Alonso's boss man only wants the information that we have. After that and a little fun, we'll be on our way somewhere else."

Thick silence overtook the room the moment that the door opened. Cain's eyes narrowed as his hand cupped the gun on his holster.

"You guys sure don't take well to others crashing your space. I guess it's only acceptable when you're the ones crashing, huh?" The mercenary's red lit up the moment he saw who was standing in the doorway. Damn unexpected this was.

"Well, well well now, I certainly wasn't expecting this little one to come along and crash our space. What a pleasant surprise, "Cain offered the younger Vedova Nera cousin a wide, toothy grin as his arms opened wide. Everyone else slowly began to relax as they watched how warmly their boss responded to the unexpected intruder.


"To what pleasure do I owe this? Did Jovani send you a message. Maybe to let us know food is on the way." Indeed the overly green, unknown mafioso wouldn't have made this kind of move on his own.

"Jovani didn't send me. I didn't expect he would know I'd choose to come here by myself. I didn't come with any messages either." Samuel closed the door with the back of his heel before strolling toward the middle of the room. It wasn't easy to keep in mind everything that Jovani had taught. Right now, though, was the best time to put it into practice without anyone else being around.Cain didn't try to hide the noise of delight that escaped his mouth. He wrapped one arm around the other's shoulders and pulled him in close.

"I'm highly thrilled to find out how much you're defying my initial expectations of you. Tell me, what are you hoping to accomplish by coming here? A hello, how are you won't do now that you're here? "Samuel didn't respond behind a ghost of a smirk on his face. Could it be that easy to make it work?

"I didn't come here with just that in mind. You have a match tomorrow, and I'll be the one in charge of what. I wanted to find out more about you before that and potentially have some fun." Samuel avoided turning his head to face the other upon smelling the pungent odor of liquor on Cain's breath.

"Fun? What kind do you have in mind? I can't say I enjoy childish games, so I hope you've come up with something surprising." A firm elbow to the side made the mercenary release Samuel who moved toward the middle of the room.

"I don't know what you consider childish games. I have a few ideas in mind I don't think you'd find dull. In exchange, you'll answer some of the questions I have for you if I win." The answer came in the form of a freshly opened beer bottle being thrust into Samuel's face.


"If you want to talk about games and having fun, I insist you drink with us. Considering your position, I don't think you should find that a request worthy of rejection." Samuel's eyes shifted from the other's cocky grin to the brown glass bottle. He snatched the bottle before the other could take it back. Don't breathe and the smell won't be bad. Samuel tipped his head back and downed the bottle in one go.

"What do you think?" Samuel handed the bottle back over and forced back the grimace as the bitter taste lingered in his mouth and throat. The beer was obviously much lower quality than anything he'd tried at the club a few weeks back. Did Mercenaries have no taste or money?

"Keep going. You're turning out to be a bucket of surprises." Cain let out a deep laugh as he reached behind himself to put the bottle back on the table before grabbing another.

"You said you had some ideas of fun? Anything in the realm that would be fitting of your status?" Whether the bottle was meant for him or not, Samuel took the beer from Cain anyways.

"I have a few ideas in mind if you don't mind playing with dice. Only a few games, as it likely won't take Jovani long to realize where I vanished."

If Samuel knew the current state that Jovani was in, he'd understand that it would take much longer for the Vedova Nera boss to tag his younger cousin missing than the other anticipated.

Who knew that tiles could feel so good? Jovani couldn't remember how he slipped out of the chair or how long he'd been lying on the cool tiled floor. He didn't care as long as the feeling remained as intensely pleasant as it currently did. His eyes practically rolled back into his head as he pressed back against the cold marble. God, it felt better than anything that could've been described.

Like a cat overindulging in catnip, Jovani indulged in all the sensations that the drug made him. Pure cocaine was absolutely superior to anything that could've been cut or mixed. He'd have taken the whole bag if he could've gotten away with it but overdosing wasn't currently an option. He still needed at least part of his mind working should anything happen.

Speaking of something happening. A harsh knock sounded on the office door. Jovani slurred out a group of words that were supposed to indicate the person could enter but instead came out completely unintelligible.

"Jovani, sorry to bother you. I just wanted to come back and address the matter with.." Alonso stalled in the doorway. The sight of Jovani half-dressed on the floor in evident euphoria caught the right-hand man off-guard as his jaw went completely slack.

"Carry on." Jovani waved a limp hand as he spoke in an overly relaxed tone.

"Best time to tell me whatever is on your mind before this stuff wears off and I have to return to the real world." Alonso roughly shut the office door before anyone walking by saw the boss's current state. Jovani might not care at the current moment, too drugged out of his head to realize, but later, he surely would.

"Boss, Jovani. I don't think this is the right place to do this. Shouldn't you have decided to return to your room beforehand?" Alonso's face twitched as he couldn't decide what expression to settle on as he stared down at his glassy-eyed boss.

"Why wait? I was in so much pain already that I couldn't stand taking the time to get back to my room. Keep the office locked, and it'll wear off in just a little bit." Jovani shifted his stomach and moved as though to stand up but gave up after a few seconds deciding to remain on the floor.

"What did you want to talk with me about? You better make it quick if you want me to remember our conversation later." Alonso cleared his throat and tried rather unsuccessfully to organize his thoughts.

"I wanted to talk with you regarding the matter of Cain. While I'm still not in agreement with what you chose to do, I can understand where I may have overstepped my position in what I said and wanted to apologize." Jovani didn't wait for the other to finish before he started laughing.

"That isn't anything to apologize for. I expected you would react that way. Part of the whole reason that I brought them here. Not the whole one, though. I need their help with something else. You, too, actually.

Regarding Marcus and getting a few people around. I'm sure you won't mind participating in that and being of service." Alonso froze, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end.

What exactly had Jovani just said?
