Julian listed without taking his eyes of Zane. A tiny part of him hoped that somehow his brother would magically wake up now that Leo had. A very unlikely event consider Zane's condition but it never hurt one to hope. The mafioso tapped his fingers on the edge of the seat between his legs as he considered what the other told him.

"What exactly are you intending to accomplish by explain all of this to me? I highly doubt you're only looking for a listening ear." Richard remained leaning against the door frame but made a noise of approval at the other's guess. Romeo's presence made him feel as though it would've been wrong to step past the room's threshold to enter the space within. The bodyguard looked more than a little green around the gills but Richard knew better than to underestimate the men that worked for Zane.

Everyone single one of them always turned out to be more than they appeared even on their worst days.

"You're quite perceptive. Different from the person I used to know so many ears ago. You're right to think that I'm not just looking for a open ear to relay this information to. I'm looking for someone who might be able to help me figure out what to do or how crazy I sound regarding my theory." The bed creaked as Romeo shifted his head. He didn't move to stand up but shifted as best he could to his full height in the bed.

"I appreciate the concern that you're trying to bring forward to my boss but right now is not a good time to consider this on top of everything else. We are dealing with far too many other problems to adequately be able to take on another." Romeo's voice still boomed in throughout the room despite the waver in it. Richard didn't recall the other being a easy to take out man. Whatever took place, it must've been rather serious to put the big man out of commission. Not though enough though to force him to keep his mouth shut.

"I would have to agree with Julian on this one. We are three men down that are still alive. More than have been killed and only one part of our family is currently awake. We are still trying to put all the pieces back together and the last thing I want to deal with on top of that is making an enemy out of a man who seems like he could be a much better ally." Julian would bring it up to Lena despite his feelings but didn't think it mattered if Richard were to know his intentions. He would hopefully have enough common sense to not continue to push matters further than he already tried."I respect the decision you're wanting to make. I must put out however that my intention is not to make him your enemy, but rather to take of a potential problem before it could occur." Richard shifted out of the way to allow the nurse to enter the room past him. It was that time of the day when they would be coming back and forth for some time to ensure that everything was still stable with Zane.

"I know that none of you are as familiar with Marcus as I am. You don't know that much about the Vedova Nera family and the history behind them to understand what the other is potentially capable of." Richard stepped into one of the corners while ensuring he kept a good distance from Romeo. He didn't want to do anything that might trigger the unwell man by being as pushy as he was.


"Marcus is not someone who has come on our radar before this year. We do know a lot of the history behind the Vedova Nera family but my brother never saw it as anything that we needed to worry about or intervene in. What makes you think differently from that opinion." Richard's eyes followed the nurse as he continued to tend to the two men in the room. She didn't seem like the kind of person that they would've set up to be a spy. Women were good at what they did but Richard could sniff out something foul from over a mile away.

"Richard likely knows something for the same reason I do. He's likely seen who Jovani has been having hang around him." Lena's unexpected presence caused even the nurse to jump slightly as the Princess pushed her way into the room.

Lena aura wasn't nearly as hostile as it had been before but aspects of her previous sour mood lingered.

"I'm not wrong in what I am saying, am I? Richard, you need to get better a being straight to the point regarding such matters instead of hinting at them." Julian's mouth shifted as though he wanted to ask a question but the princess shut her uncle down before he got the chance.

"Outside of here isn't the only one that has been dealing with issues. The first day after everything took place, I saw something as well. Or thought I did at least but Jovani hasn't been willing to confirm or deny it for me." The Vedova Nera boss did a good job of avoiding anything that he didn't want t have to deal with. Jovani held the great ability of being either a wet sponge that sopped up problems and trouble or a slick surface that repelled anything he didn't want to come near him.

Much to the Princess's chagrin, she hadn't been able to find a way to put him somewhere in the middle that made him easier to deal with.Jovani sneezed violently causing the pill bag to fly out of his hand as he shook his head. Good job the bag had been closed. Such precious commodities couldn't be wasted at such a point in time.


"Are you sure that you should be going about taking that much? I don't think it can be that healthy if even I can't handle it." Emily stood with her arms crossed and frown on her face that only increased when the Vedova Nera boss brushed her off.

"You don't need to worry about how much I'm taking. I've done more than this before. It's hardly enough to kill or even mess up my line of thought." If anything, thinking would be far easier with the decrease in pain. With potential problems lingering around every corner, he couldn't afford to be out of his clear mindset moving forward.

"Why don't you then at least take a minute to explain to me what is going? I thought that we agreed after last time we wouldn't be keeping any secrets." Jovani only rolled his eyes as GE placed the bag in one of his desk draws. That would be staying there for later.

"We did but that was before all of this started happening. With Sammy here, it isn't as easy to discuss important matters." Emily shot her cousin an 'are you serious look?'. First drugs, now things such as this. Even for her, it was starting to be a little too much.

The girl who tended to make everything harder struggled to handle her peevish cousin.

"Don't give me that look. You're part of the problem right now that I'm struggling to deal with. We can talk about this all later. Right now it's only important that you know he's looking around for information." Jovani leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. A content sigh escaped as he felt the drug begin to take effect. Oh how those few hours prior to now felt like hell.action

"Why are you telling me though? Do you expect that there is something I can do to help?"she could understand him wanting to keep things from Sam, the kid hadn't been around long enough to understand everything. Emily locked the office door when she heard footsteps from the other side.

"I'm telling you because I trust that you can keep a secret and know not to make matters worse. Plus, there is still a lot that I need you for." Jovani spoke without opening his eyes for he knew the moment he did, the delightful floating sensation would go away. Shit, did the injury even hurt anymore? It certainly didn't feel like it at the current moment in time. Emily bit her bottom lip to stop the growl that wanted to escape. Vague answers weren't making the matter anymore clear to her.

"Why don't you at least tell me what you're doing so I know to handle it." Her hands slammed hard on the desk but Jovani simply twirled the chair to face away from her.

pàπdá-ňᴏνêι.cóΜ "You'll find out who our guest is soon enough. Right now, you should be spending more time figuring out how you want to spend the five minutes of fighting that I'm giving." Jovani only had to wave his hand for Emily to understand their conversation was over.

Fine, she would find out the answers without him.
