Chapter 453: Emperor Vs King  

Each contender in the all kingdom tournament was allowed to bring a small token army with them. These acted as guards who would be by their side. It wasn't too long ago that the empire, including the six kingdoms, fought over each other.

It was a temporary truce while the greater threat of the shadow plague was upon them. Next to the two contestants sitting down inside the room, everyone had about five or so guards. This included the Alure kingdom. Where Slyvia's brother was acting as one of the guards.

When entering the room, many were surprised at who had come in. The guard of other kingdoms thought they were simply just kids. As for the contestants themselves, they recognised both Kyle and Harry from the inn.

'If my guess is right, then that bald-headed knight and the warrior Nes will be the two participants from the Redwing kingdom.' Savana thought.

However, in the two seats prepared, they saw a red-haired young man, and the blonde boy next to him sits in the seats. While the rest stayed behind them.

'Him, who even is this guy, where is the warrior Nes?' Savana thought. Before the red wings had arrived, many of the contestants were a bit shaken up waiting to see who would walk through those doors.


The act and display of power had frightened them. In their heads, they had already decided. If they were matched up against him in the tournament, they would simply forfeit there and then. The tournament was just a matter of pride for them. A way to show the other kingdoms that their strength hadn't weakened, but nothing was worth death.

On top of that, they would just show everyone the strength of the Red wings instead.

"Now this is a surprise." The man sitting on the throne said. When Ray turned his head, he was looking at the emperor. But the emperor wasn't what he had expected. He was expecting to see some old wrinkly man, that could barely walk. But the person sitting in the seat didn't even look old enough to pass thirty.

He had no facial hair and had his hair cut relatively short. Covered in white robes and on top of his head, a strange thin-looking crown. His other hand was placed on his face as if he was bored, and he had this strange smile as he looked at Ray.

"When you sent who you were planning to participate, I thought it was a joke." The emperor started laughing. "But it turns out it was quite real."

He then stood up from his seat and walked over to where Ray was sat. His guards and the two contestants by his side didn't move from their place. While the ones behind Ray were unsure what the emperor or Ray was about to do.


'Do these two know each other?' The other contestants thought.

They knew about the bad history between the Redwings and the empire. They had practically declared war against the Redwings, but somehow, they hadn't got rid of them. The other kingdoms wouldn't have been surprised if the Redwings didn't send anyone, but here they were.

Ray stood up from his seat and walked forward as well. The two of them met in the middle, looking at each other eye to eye.

'Please don't do anything, Ray.' Slyvia prayed.

Before entering the room, and entering the place, Slyvia had a talk with Ray. He had tendencies to act as he felt, but right now, they were in the empire. Their army was about 30 times the Red Wings' size, and their fight with Gary and the shadow was right around the corner.

They didn't have to be the best of friends. But just not make them act sooner than what they were possibly planning.

"We've gone through some strange times together right." The emperor said. "I think as two members of royalty we should greet each other The name's Alexander." He held out his hand for a shake.

Ray looked at it for a second. With his dragon eyes, he couldn't see anything out of the ordinary with this man. He was just an average human, beyond normal, it didn't even seem like he had any ki training. Yet he was booming with confidence, how and why?

Right now, what would happen if Ray was to smash his head in front of everyone? Pay him back for all the things he had done. Could they even do anything?

Pulling out his hand. Ray went in for a shake as well.

"The name is Ray. The great Ray." Ray said.

"Has he ever called himself that?" Kyle whispered.

The others had never heard him refer to himself as that either, and in an instance like this, it seemed a little childish. As if Ray was trying to one-up the emperor.

Alexander headed back to his seat.

"I like you Ray, you have balls. Especially for the king himself to compete in this tournament. That's something I could never do." Alexander said as he sat down.

'The king, the red-haired dude is the king of the Redwings!' Savana thought.

Why would a king come into enemy territory? No wonder the emperor was all smiles. It would be the perfect excuse to get rid of the pain in their backside in this tournament. Still, Savana couldn't shake this strange feeling she had.

If that warrior Nes wasn't part of the Redwings. Who was he, and why did the bald-headed knight know who he was? She remembered seeing Kyle's skill for a brief second, and he wasn't even taking part in the tournament. Was the blonde boy really stronger than him?

Still, nobody in that room could imagine a king being a great fighter. They were a political figure. Even if he was strong, it was unlikely they would be the strongest fighter in their kingdom.

Alexander called over one of his men by his side, who held out a scroll, he opened it and started to read aloud. They were the rules of the all kingdom tournament. There would be one fight, from each kingdom each day. A contender once having fought would not have to fight again until the next day.

The drawings were completely random and would be decided on the day tomorrow. This way nobody could prepare beforehand for the opponent they would face. No magic was allowed, but if it was a weapons active skill, then that was allowed.

Hearing this, Ray was wondering if his gauntlets, magic shields powered by his elements would be considered magic or not. Just to be safe, he would not use them. The empire would probably use it as an excuse to say he was cheating.

There were three ways for one to lose a fight, be forfeit, by death, or knockout. It was a simple knockout style tournament. However, one would not be placed against one from the same kingdom or empire.

As the organiser, Alexander even prepared awards for the winners. The kingdoms that held the event before did the same. But this was the first time the empire was holding the all kingdom tournament.

Some of the other kingdoms were expecting some good rewards for winning. Everything else was over, and now they could enjoy a nice meal and spend the rest of the time at the palace. They would have servants at their call if there was anything they needed.

The food came out, and others started to dig in. The conversation was being made, but that was only between the six kingdoms. It seemed at the table the two powers that were being left out of everything, were the Redwings, and the empire.

The empire did things through force, and the good relationship with the kingdoms was just for show for the people, so they wouldn't worry, but many at the top knew this.

While eating away, Ray looked at Roki. He was a stronger man than he thought, being able to defeat the emperor tier beast. He had no magic, and although his Ki force was strong, it wasn't anywhere close to what Ray could produce at the moment. Meaning he had defeated the beat through sheer skill.

Seeing him fight, reminded Ray why he wanted to improve his swordsmanship. However, Ray didn't have his sword anymore. He had given his black raven to Harry. Since his blades had broken. Then using the advanced crystals from the arena event he had also made another sword for Harry, but it wasn't as good as the Black raven or the blades Harry had before, but it had to do.

So, for this event, it looked like Ray would be going back to his gauntlets. When looking at Roki, he turned his head to the other contestant. He looked similar to the emperor, enough to the point where they seemed to be related, but while the emperor had blonde hair, the man next to him had black.

Using his dragon eyes, Ray wanted to get an idea of his power. The second he did though, his dragon eyes were shut off. His vision had returned to normal.

The black-haired boy turned and looked at Ray back.

"What did you just try and do?" He said with a smile.

The feeling Ray was getting from this person was the same feeling that he got from Bliss and Van.


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