The assassination of Qin Tian seemed to have come to an end because Crown Prince William was under house arrest, and no one mentioned it anymore, as if everyone had selectively forgotten about it. Of course, Qin Tian still stayed in the hospital. Gunshot wounds are not so easy to heal, it takes several months to heal. Otherwise, once an infection occurs, it's not fun.

   While staying in the hospital, Qin Tian did not forget to speed up his own industrial development. At the same time, there is research on emerging technologies.

"Your Highness, I have already made an appointment for you. Mr. Gustav Lilienthal will come to meet you tomorrow afternoon. In addition, the people we sent to the United States have already contacted the Wright brothers. We are very interested in the funding. However, I still have some hesitation about leaving the United States." Carl von Jonneret said to Qin Tian.

   Now, Carl von Jonareit is no longer the general manager of the Deutsche Welfare Lottery Company, but has become Qin Tian's secretary. Of course, his investment in the Deutsche Welfare Lottery still exists, and the profits of each period will be deposited into his bank account as usual. After owning a huge sum of money that ordinary people would not earn in ten lifetimes, Carl von Jonareit was no longer interested in running the Deutsche Welfare Lottery. Instead, he wanted to be a steward of the royal family, like his father, and made that his goal.

  The butler of the royal family, although the status is not high. However, the hidden power is very large. Even those important ministers of the empire have to be respectful. Carl von Jonareit wanted to be that.

  Although the current Crown Prince is still Prince, Karl von Jonareit believes that it will definitely be Qin Tian who will eventually become the Crown Prince and inherit the entire empire. This is not only his opinion, but also that of his father Essen von Jonareit, and even many important military and government officials believe that Crown Prince William has no future. Among the many princes, although Qin Tian's succession ranks at the bottom, his ability is the strongest. It will be the best choice for the German Empire to have him inherit the throne.

   Of course, what it will look like in the end is still unknown. But that doesn't stop them from betting ahead.


  Qin Tian nodded: "Wright Brothers, continue to contact them, and if necessary, further improve our favorable conditions. Try to persuade them to come to Germany next year to carry out their research."

   "Yes, Your Highness. But, is their research really that important?" Carl von Jonareit was the first time he saw Qin Tian attach so much importance to an invention that had not yet succeeded.

"Their invention is very important! If it succeeds, it will change the whole world. No matter what, we must hold this invention in our hands. This is an important opportunity for the German Empire to surpass other countries." Qin Tian said with a face. Said seriously.

  The airplane invented by the Wright Brothers changed the whole world dramatically. War, in particular, has become more three-dimensional because of this. In future wars, whoever claims to have mastery of the air will win the war. Although, in a short time, this may not show up. But with the passage of time, and the advancement of technology, the importance of aircraft in warfare will become more and more important.

   "Yes, Your Highness." Carl von Jonareit nodded solemnly. He knew the importance from Qin Tian's expression and tone.

  Qin Tian hesitated for a while, and then said: "If they are still unwilling to come to Germany, I authorize you to use violent means. Even, kill them."


  Carl von Jonareit couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He also had a feeling that Qin Tian had changed since the assassination. If Qin Tian was a gentle and non-aggressive person before. So now, he has become a gentle man with cruelty hidden on the surface, who will use all means to ensure his own interests.

"Mr. Gustav Lilienthal, you have to make arrangements. We also have to fully support his research. If the Wright brothers are willing to come to Germany, let them work in Gustav Lilienthal Let's carry out research under Mr. Er's project." Qin Tian continued.

  Compared to the Wright Brothers, Qin Tian is naturally more willing to trust Gustav Lilienthal, a German.

   Many people may be unfamiliar with Gustav Lilienthal. However, his elder brother Otto Lilienthal was famous.

  Otto? Lilienthal is a German engineer and gliding pilot, one of the world's aviation pioneers. He was the first to design and manufacture a practical glider, known as the "Father of Gliders". In the three years from 1893 to 1896, Lilienthal conducted more than two thousand gliding flight tests, improved the overall layout three times, took many photos during the gliding, accumulated a large amount of data, and compiled the "Air Pressure Data Sheet", which provided valuable information to aircraft manufacturers in the United States, Britain, France and other countries. In 1894, he controlled a glider to glide down a 50-meter-high mountain slope, flew 350 meters, and reached 1,000 meters at the farthest time. Lilienthal's name spread like wildfire with the reports of the press and spread all over the world. People gave him the nickname "Batman".

   On August 9, 1896, Lilienthal took off from a hillside near Stullen, Germany with his glider. With a strong wind, he soared to a high altitude. Lilienthal was very excited, but he didn't know that the glider had reached the verge of stalling due to the high angle of attack. Just as he was trying to try a new method of control, the "two-winged bat" suddenly plunged headlong and fell to the ground. The glider crashed. Lilienthal was also fatally wounded—a fractured vertebrae. People rushed him to the hospital. On the way, the dying Lilienthal uttered his last words to his loyal collaborator and younger brother Gustav: "Someone has to sacrifice..." A generation of "Batman" passed away peacefully at the age of 48 .

   After Otto Lilienthal passed away, Gustav Lilienthal inherited his behest and continued to conduct research on flight. And Qin Tian also plans to fully support their research from now on. If you add the Wright Brothers in the United States, Germany will be able to rank among the top in the world in this field.

   At that time, the research on aircraft in the military field will be carried out again, so that Germany can maintain the world's leading level in this field, and even play a greater role in future wars.
