"Gentlemen, according to the latest information we have obtained, the Germans have assembled a large number of troops in Southeast Asia and Australia. Moreover, their war preparations are nearing completion. I have reason to believe that the German attack is imminent .So, I hope all the troops can be prepared. This time, the Germans will attack very fiercely. And we have no way out. I have received orders to fight to the end. So, I now officially give The troops issued orders. All the ministries must fight to the end, even if it is the last soldier, they must not retreat! Anyone who retreats without receiving the order will be treated as a deserter." General Shouda in the temple looked murderous Said.

   "Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!" All the generals of the island army were stunned. They knew that General Shou in the temple was definitely serious this time. If it really fell into his hands, it must be a dead end.

"However, I believe that the warriors of the empire will never run away in fear of the enemy. You are all warriors of the empire, and you are all elites of the empire. For the benefit of the empire, there is absolutely no problem in fighting to the death." Added a sentence.

  The generals nodded again and again. Indeed, they were deeply influenced by the spirit of Bushido. Needless to say, the military of the island country has issued an order to fight to the end, even if such an order has not been issued, they will also fight to the death during the battle.

   "This time, our enemy is very powerful. But I believe that as long as the warriors of the empire can show their bushido spirit, they will be able to withstand the German attack." General Toshiichi Terauchi continued.

  Although, after occupying the Philippine Islands and the Indonesian Islands, they collected a large amount of war resources from these areas and shipped them back to the country. Most of these resources are manufactured into weapons and equipment. However, in order to restore its strength, the navy of the island country has spent a lot of resources. This makes the island country army's equipment slightly improved, but compared with the world's first-class level, there is still a big gap. Not to mention compared with the world's most well-equipped German army.

  The generals of the island country army also know this. If they fight for weapons and equipment, they are not the opponents of the German army at all. Therefore, the only thing they can fight is the spirit of seeing death as home. Perhaps only with this fearless attack method can the German army be truly deterred. Otherwise, it would undoubtedly be very difficult to resist the German attack.


"Your Excellency, the Europeans have always been timid. It is impossible for them to fight like the warriors of the Empire. The spirit of Bushido will definitely guide us to defeat the Germans!" General Itagaki Seishiro, commander of the 7th Front Army, said.

  The other generals also echoed.

  Perhaps, for the generals of the army of these island countries, the spirit of Bushido who is not afraid of death has become their only sustenance for victory. They very much hope that in this battle, this spirit can enable the island army to exert a stronger combat effectiveness. Perhaps in this way, they can turn defeat into victory in this war.

  Of course, reasonable people will know that the possibility of this will be very low. But the generals of the island country army are undoubtedly the craziest and most irrational group of people in the world. Otherwise, there would be no such tactics as "pig sudden attack" in the attack of the island country army.

   Everyone was not frightened by the powerful German army, but full of fighting spirit. This made General Kotobuki very satisfied. As long as the generals are not frightened, then the troops below will definitely continue to fight. In this case, the Japanese Army still has hope.

   "My lords, this battle is about the life and death of the empire. So, I get rid of you!" General Kotobuki bowed heavily to the generals.


   "Hey, the lowly ranks must do their best to fight to the death!" All the generals replied one after another.

  Now, the main forces of these troops under the army of the island country are concentrated in Sumatra, Java and New Guinea. Among them, the 7th Front Army, the 14th Front Army, the 2nd Army and the 18th Army are deployed in Sumatra. The 18th Front Army, the 5th Front Army, the 38th Army and the 4th Army deployed to the front line of Java Island. The 10th Front and the 31st Army deployed to the island of New Guinea. The Lanyin Front Army and the 37th Army are deployed in Borneo. The Philippine Front and the 34th Army were deployed in the Philippine Islands.

   It can be seen from the distribution of troops of the Southern Army of the Island Army that the Southern Army of the Island Army regards Sumatra, Java Island and New Guinea as the focus of defense. Borneo and the Philippine Islands have relatively few troops. If the German army wanted to launch an attack on Borneo and the Philippine Islands, it would first have to occupy Sumatra, Java and New Guinea. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the German army to attack Borneo and the Philippine Islands, which are located in the hinterland of the island army defense.

   Especially when the navy of the island country was still very strong, the German army had no way to carry out such an operation.

   This also made the southern army of the island country army make up their minds. They hope that in the next battle, they will do their best to resist the German attack. Even with the huge consumption, the German army will have to pay heavy losses. In this case, it may be possible to make the German army retreat. At that time, if some diplomatic concessions are made, it may be possible to end this war and achieve peace.

  The islanders are crazy, but that doesn't mean they're stupid. They all know very well how powerful Germany and the German army are. With the current strength of the island country, it is almost impossible to defeat Germany. If Germany made up its mind to destroy the island country, and at all costs, the island country would definitely be destroyed. Therefore, they can only hope that the huge casualties will scare Germany. In this case, they still have a chance.

  Of course, the islanders don’t know that Germany’s determination to destroy the island country this time is extremely firm. Who made Kaiser Qin Tian dislike the islanders from the bottom of his heart? In order to destroy the island country, Qin Tian even agreed to use atomic bombs on the island country. From this, it can be seen how much Qin Tian hates the islanders. If possible, he would even wish to destroy the entire island country.

  The generals of the Southern Army of the Island Army left Batavia as soon as the meeting ended and returned to their defense zone. Although they are determined to fight to the end. But they also knew that the enemy was very powerful, and this time they had to work hard. If you are not careful, you may die in this battle. Although the generals of these island country armies are not afraid of death, it would be best if they could survive.
