Switzerland, a small country in Europe, is also a permanent neutral country. Even if Germany dominated the whole of Europe, it did not embarrass this small country. This also makes this country a pure land in the war. The war seems to be far away from here.

   Of course, this is entirely because Germany does not want to touch this country. Otherwise, Germany only needs to use a little finger to destroy this small country.

  As Germany continues to win the war, especially after Germany has destroyed even a powerful country like the United States, the eyes of all countries in the world have almost fallen on the islanders. Because everyone knows very well that after Germany solves the United States, it will definitely turn around and attack the island country.

   As for whether the island country can withstand the German attack, almost no country is optimistic about the island country. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big. Germany has defended its world supremacy and the title of the most powerful military force in the world through one victory after another. Although the island country is also very powerful, it is obviously not on the same level as Germany.

  All countries believe that Germany is about to win the war, and there is no suspense. Even Taro Matsumoto, the island nation's ambassador to Switzerland, thinks so.

   "Ambassador, a secret telegram from China!" The secretary respectfully put the telegram in Matsumoto Taro's hands.

  Matsumoto Taro took the telegram and quickly read the above content. However, the expression on his face became very ugly.


  The telegram was sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island, asking Taro Matsumoto to contact the German side and strive to start peace talks. Moreover, the bottom line of the island country was proposed, which is to end the war based on the actual control area of ​​​​the two sides.

"How is this possible? This is simply too whimsical. The Germans are about to win the world war. How can they talk to us at this juncture? Not to mention, they still want to continue to occupy those territories in Nanyang , This is simply impossible." Matsumoto Taro said. He had already expected that such conditions were simply impossible for the Germans to accept.

  However, he can only execute domestic orders. Taro Matsumoto also knows that the country must have been frightened by the fiasco of the United States, and he is afraid that he will become the next United States. Therefore, I can't wait to have peace talks with Germany, hoping to keep the island country.

   "Your Excellency, what shall we do now?" asked the secretary.

   "What else can we do? Get ready to contact the Germans. Do our best and see if a miracle will happen." Taro Matsumoto said helplessly. Many times, he was speechless because of the short-sightedness of those guys in the country. If it was him, under such circumstances, he should immediately voluntarily give up those territories in Nanyang in order to obtain Germany's understanding and achieve a truce. In that case, it is in the best interest of the island country.

   But unfortunately, he is nothing more than the ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island to a small country. He is simply not qualified to make suggestions for the destiny of the country. Those high-ranking cabinet ministers who control the fate of the island country don't care about the opinions of such a small person at all.


  That night, Matsumoto Taro took an unremarkable car to the German embassy in Switzerland.

  The German ambassador to Switzerland, Schneider, did not refuse to meet with the ambassador of the island country. Although, he hates these islanders very much. However, as an ambassador to a foreign country, he must perform his duties well. Of course, Ambassador Schneider had anticipated the intentions of the islanders. He also wanted to hear, at this time, what else can the islanders say? What kind of method is going to be used to appease Germany's anger.

   "Mr. Schneider, I am very sorry for taking the liberty to visit." Matsumoto Taro was very humble in front of Schneider.

   Of course, the islanders have always been like this. Even if he was playing some tricks in his heart, on the surface he was always very respectful.

   "Mr. Matsumoto, please sit down!" Schneider said.

  After a simple greeting, the conversation between the two entered the main topic.

"Mr. Schneider, congratulations to your army's victory on the North American battlefield. The German Empire is worthy of being the world's hegemon, and its army is also worthy of being the most powerful army in the world. No country in the world can compete with the German Empire. " Matsumoto Taro complimented.

  Schneider could not conceal his pride. Not only did Germany win the last world war, but in this world war, it seemed that it would also win the final victory. This is undoubtedly something that every German is proud of.

  "The German Empire has always been the most powerful country in the world. Any country that attempts to provoke the German Empire will be crushed by the German Empire," Schneider said.

  Matsumoto Taro knew that the countries that Schneider called provoking the German Empire also included island countries.

"Mr. Schneider, there is some misunderstanding between the island country and the German Empire. The ongoing war between our two countries is not voluntary by the island country government and people. All of this is behind the scenes of the Americans. At the beginning, the Americans forced We declare war on the German Empire. Otherwise, we will be sanctioned. Our government has made a wrong choice when there is no other way. Now, the United States has been destroyed by the German Empire and has received what it deserves Punishment. Therefore, the island government also hopes to correct past mistakes, end the war with the German Empire, and restore friendship." Matsumoto Taro said.

  Matsumoto Taro put all the responsibility on the Americans. Anyway, the United States has been destroyed, and no one will say anything about putting **** on them.

  Of course, when the island nation declared war on Germany, it was persecuted by the United States. But the more important reason is that the island countries coveted Germany's colonies in Southeast Asia and Australia, and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Germany's war with other countries to seize those colonies. It's just that what they didn't expect was that Germany won the war so quickly, which was really beyond their expectations.

   "Huh! Mr. Matsumoto, such words can be used to deceive children. Do you think that the German Empire will believe your excuses?" Schneider sneered.

"Mr. Schneider, this is not an excuse, but it is true. We really want to end the war with great sincerity. Our government hopes that we can cease the war on the condition that the actual control area of ​​​​the two sides is now the condition, and hope that the German Empire can agree. "Matsumoto Taro said.
