"Your Majesty, the Americans are very dissatisfied with the empire's disposal plan. However, the U.S. government has accepted it. They know that there is no room for bargaining now. If they continue to insist, they will lose more. Now, the U.S. government has planned to Headed to the west coast and re-established the country there. As for the name of the country, I am still thinking about it." Marshal Manstein reported.

  After the fighting on the North American continent came to an end, Marshal Manstein has returned home. The affairs of North America were handed over to the commanders of several army groups.

  In fact, after Germany announced its disposal plan, the three German army groups were distributed in those territories belonging to Germany, preparing to suppress the resistance of the Americans.

  The armies of the slave countries also went to their territories one after another, preparing to suppress the Americans.

  The United States is a country where guns are not allowed, which makes many American civilians own guns. Although from now on, they will no longer be able to buy guns and ammunition. But the proliferation of guns among the American people is enough to cause headaches for any country. Fortunately, Germany and its allies have deployed eight million troops in the United States. Even if American civilians resist, it is nothing at all. How could they be opponents of the regular army without heavy weapons? The more they resist, the more they will pay.

   "Are the Americans starting to resist?" Qin Tian asked.

"The resistance has already begun. Attacks on our troops have erupted across the United States. Those American civilians attacked our troops with pistols, rifles and even shotguns. It is hard to guard against. The troops have also paid a lot for this. The price. However, our suppression has already begun, and all Americans who threatened the soldiers of the empire were killed. It is expected that resistance in various parts of the United States will be suppressed in a short time." Marshal Manstein said.


  Qin Tian nodded. With the German army and many German servants working together to suppress it, the American resistance is bound to result in heavy casualties. Although, this will deepen the contradiction between the two parties. But as more and more people die, Americans will eventually be spooked. In the end, they just accept their fate. After all, not everyone has the courage to take up arms and fight desperately against powerful enemies. When those so-called warriors were all wiped out, all that was left was a flock of sheep.

"Treating Americans who resist must be severely suppressed. Don't talk about human rights to them. After killing them until they are afraid, they will succumb! The population of the United States is 130 million. Compared with the empire, Not much less. Kill ten to twenty million or more, and the Americans will stop resisting." Qin Tian said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." Marshal Manstein nodded.

"Your Majesty, the vassal states are very satisfied with the benefits they can receive this time. They love the Empire even more. They even actively proposed that they are willing to continue to fight with the Empire, and they will still be enemies of the Empire." The island country of the country will also perish." Marshal Manstein continued.

   Indeed, this time Germany can be regarded as very generous. Those servants who fought with the German army suffered little losses on the battlefield. However, they have gained extremely considerable benefits. Even, the territories they acquired in the United States are much larger than their homeland. Although the most essential part has been taken away by Germany, the territories they have acquired have already made them very satisfied. This naturally makes these slave countries high morale. As long as Germany needs it, they will do their best to send troops to assist Germany in fighting. After all, Germany's world hegemony is now firmly established. After the United States has fallen and been completely slaughtered, Germany's hegemony can last at least a hundred years or even longer. Any country that wants to live better in the world system built by Germany must only hold Germany's thighs. Helping Germany fight at this time is undoubtedly the best way to bring the relationship between the two countries closer.

   What's more, Germany has always given preferential treatment to slave countries that send troops. After defeating Russia, many slave countries received a lot of war reparations. This time it was directly assigned to the land. This naturally made the slave countries rejoice and eager to participate in the next war.


   And those slave countries that did not participate in the North American War regretted it even more. This time, they lost a lot of benefits because of it! If they were given another chance to choose again, it is estimated that they would finally step on the German chariot and fight with Germany.

"Everyone, there is no longer any threat to the direction of the North American Atlantic Ocean. The United States has completely fallen, and it will no longer pose a threat to the empire from then on. Then, now the energy of the empire must be put on the eastern battlefield. Defeat the island nation , to completely end this war." Qin Tian said.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." All the military and political ministers of the empire replied.

  The previous strategic plan of the empire was to solve the European battlefield first, then the North American battlefield, and finally the enemies in the Far East. Now, Russia, the United States and Britain have all fallen one after another, completely defeated by Germany. Then, of course, the enemy of the empire is only one island country left.

  Although, the island country still has good military strength. But for the German Empire in its heyday, the military strength of the island country was nothing at all. The only problem is that the Far East is too far away from Germany. This will put a lot of pressure on Germany's logistical supplies. After all, the distance from Europe to the Far East is much farther than to the North American continent.

  While the German army concentrated its forces to attack North America, the German army was on the defensive in Southeast Asia. Even after the German army dispatched two armies to the Southeast Asian battlefield, the German army in Southeast Asia reached six armies with more than 1.2 million people. However, compared with the troops invested by the island countries, it is still much less.

  The island country has invested more than three million troops on the Southeast Asian battlefield. This has even accounted for half of the total army strength of the island country. Moreover, after more than half a year of recovery, the navy of the island country has become stronger again. A large number of aircraft carriers were in service, and the "Yamato-class" battleships were also in service, which further expanded the strength of the German Navy.

  The current island country army has completely occupied the original Dutch Indonesia and New Guinea. Even with the assistance of the navy of the island country, it launched an attack on the Indochina Peninsula and Australia. But under the resistance of the German army, progress was very slow.
