"Your Excellency, the 8th Armored Division, 88th Armored Division, 71st Mechanized Infantry Division, 72nd Mechanized Infantry Division, 73rd Mechanized Infantry Division, and 74th Mechanized Infantry Division have all crossed the St. Croix River. United States There was no attack," Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert reported.

Marshal Guderian nodded: "It seems that the Americans are a little more timid than we imagined. However, this is more beneficial to us. Since the Americans think that defending their positions can resist our attack. Then Let them see how we broke through their positions and smashed their hopes!"

  If the U.S. military launches a counter-offensive, it will certainly not be able to drive the Germans back to the north bank of the St. Croix River. However, it can interfere with the German crossing operation. Especially those heavy tanks of the German army, once the pontoon bridge was broken by shells, they would not be able to cross the river.

   "Order the 71st Mechanized Infantry Division, the 72nd Mechanized Infantry Division, the 75th Infantry Division and the 76th Infantry Division to attack Topsfield." Marshal Guderian ordered.

   Now, the reinforcements of the U.S. military have increased to reinforce Topsfield, and he doesn't want to waste any more time, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

   "Yes, Marshal." Lieutenant General Karl Hilpert quickly conveyed the order.

  The German artillery, which had already been prepared, began to pour shells into Topsfield. The large-caliber heavy artillery from each door let out a roar that shook the sky. The artillerymen were shirtless, carrying the shells, trying their best to reflect more shells in the shortest time.


   Shells roared and smashed on the US positions. The fortifications built by the infantry of the US 5th Army were gradually reduced to ruins under the heavy shelling of the German army.

  The dive bombers and ground attack aircraft of the Luftwaffe also joined in and bombed the US positions.

   Bombs fell from the sky one after another, and large areas of the US military positions were destroyed.

   Countless American soldiers were killed under the fierce firepower of the German army. Even many soldiers who hid in the bomb shelters or air-raid shelters were buried alive because of the collapse of the bomb-proof caves and air-raid shelters.

  Under the fierce firepower of the German army, the defense line built by the US military is no different from that of paper.



   After the German artillery preparation lasted for an hour, the German mechanized infantry division and infantry division launched an offensive. The two mechanized infantry divisions took the lead, assaulting Topsfield from two directions. Two infantry divisions followed in support.

  The mechanized infantry division of the German army is also equipped with more than a hundred tanks, although there is no latest "King Tiger" heavy tank. However, the performance of the "Tiger" heavy tank and the "Black Panther" medium tank is still strong enough to beat the US tanks. Not to mention, the US military deployed mainly infantry in Topsfield.

  Although the U.S. military has prepared a large number of anti-tank weapons in Topsfield, such as anti-tank guns and rocket launchers, etc. However, the previous bombing by the German army was not a vegetarian, and a large number of US anti-tank firepower points were destroyed. The surviving American anti-tank firepower points are very few. But those bazookas survived more.

  But in battle, these anti-tank weapons of the US military can play a very limited role. When the German army was attacking, hundreds of fighter jets and bombers were circling in the sky, ready to provide reinforcements to the troops on the ground at any time. At the same time, hundreds of helicopters also participated in the attack. These helicopters can use machine guns and rockets to clear the firepower of the US military and clear the way for the infantry to attack.

   "God! The Germans have dispatched tanks. Pull up the anti-tank guns quickly." An American officer ordered.

  A 57mm anti-tank gun was pulled up. But before he could fire, he was spotted by a German helicopter.


  Several rockets roared in, tearing all the anti-tank artillery to pieces.


  An anti-tank gun saw its chance and fired a shell.

  The armor-piercing projectile whizzed and hit a 'Black Panther' medium tank. The armor-piercing projectile penetrated the front armor of the "Black Panther" tank and hit the ammunition depot.


  The ammunition depot fired a martyrdom explosion, and the entire tank burned.

  The tank soldiers covered in fire got out of the tank and rolled all over the ground, trying to put out the fire on their bodies.

  The infantry behind the follow-up tanks also rushed up to put out the fire for them.

"Da da da!"

  After a row of machine gun bullets fired, the German infantry suffered heavy casualties.


  A dive bomber of the German army swooped down from a high altitude and dropped a heavy aerial bomb at a height of less than 500 meters from the ground.


  A violent explosion sounded, and this firepower point of the US military was hit. After the smoke cleared, a large pit appeared on the US military's position. As for the anti-tank gun, it has already been blown into parts and scattered everywhere. And those anti-tank artillerymen have no bones left.

  The anti-tank firepower of the US military caused some casualties to the German army. However, under air cover, casualties were very limited. Under the cover of tanks and armored vehicles, the German infantry broke through the US defense line and launched an attack on the core positions of the US military.

  Although the U.S. military has deployed a lot of troops in Topsfield, it is obviously impossible to resist the German attack.

   Lucien Truscott Lieutenant General also quickly realized this problem. He originally wanted to use the fortifications to consume the vital strength of the German army, and then try to reverse the situation. But now it seems that this is simply impossible.

   "General, the German offensive is too fierce. Our anti-tank guns and bazookas have been destroyed by German planes and helicopters, and they can no longer withstand the German attack."

   "General, let the armored troops go out. Otherwise, Topsfield will be captured by the Germans in no time."

  The generals of the 5th Army began to persuade.

  The 5th Armored Division, the 41st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Division, this has become the last force in the hands of Lieutenant General Lucien Truscott.

   "Order the 5th Armored Division, the 41st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Division to enter the battlefield and attack the German flank!" Lieutenant General Lucien Truscott gave the order.

   The mobilization of U.S. troops cannot be hidden from the German army at all. The German Air Force has a large number of aircraft circling in the sky.

   "Order the 8th Armored Division, 88th Armored Division, 73rd Mechanized Infantry Division and 74th Mechanized Infantry Division to fight and eat up the American armored forces in one fell swoop!" Marshal Guderian issued an order.
