The 2nd Army of the U.S. Army had already stationed in New Brunswick, and together with the British Army stationed here, it shouldered the defensive task of this area. However, following the order of the Army General Staff, the entire Second Army of the United States Army began to move towards Nova Scotia by road and rail.

  Acting with the US 2nd Army, there are also 10 infantry divisions and an armored division of the British Army.

  Once these US-British coalition forces enter the Nova Scotia Peninsula, the strength of the US-British coalition forces will be greatly increased. The total strength of the US and British coalition forces on the Nova Scotia peninsula reached more than 700,000. This is undoubtedly a very large number of troops. You know, the entire Nova Scotia Peninsula is only more than 40,000 square kilometers. Gathering hundreds of thousands of troops in such a small area is undoubtedly very dense.

  The arrival of reinforcements made Lieutenant General Omar Bradley full of confidence. He began to mobilize the troops on the Nova Scotia Peninsula and marched towards the Canso Strait, preparing to besiege the German troops who landed.

   Not only the remaining five infantry divisions of the US Army's 1st Army began to attack. Even the British troops stationed on the peninsula began to move. In particular, the 8th Armored Division of the British Army has become the main force. Lieutenant General Omar Bradley hopes that this armored division can be put into the battle of the Canso Strait to assist the 1st Armored Division of the US Army against the Germans.

  As if the German army was not affected by the increase in US troops, it is still sending additional troops to the Nova Scotia peninsula according to the scheduled plan.

  The German 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division landed in Port Boucher. Several infantry divisions under the German 1st Army are also methodically landing on the Nova Scotia peninsula through the pontoon bridge built by engineers on the Canso Strait. Especially after the engineers began to build solid pontoon bridges on the strait that could pass trucks, armored vehicles and heavy artillery, it enabled the German army's heavy equipment to cross the strait. This greatly increased the strength of the German army on the southern shore of the strait. Even if it encounters the onslaught of the US armored forces, it can hold on. Of course, can the US armored forces that have suffered heavy losses continue to attack?


   Cape Breton Island, Sydney, the headquarters of the German 1st Army Group.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, the reconnaissance plane discovered that the US 2nd Army stationed in New Brunswick and a large number of British troops have begun to march towards the Nova Scotia Peninsula." Lieutenant General Coulter looked excited.

"Very well, it seems that the Americans have decided to continue to increase their troops after being beaten on the Nova Scotia peninsula. And isn't this what we want to see? If these Americans and the British don't unite, how can we Take them all away?" Marshal Bromberg smiled.

   "Yes, Your Excellency Marshal. According to the progress of the US-British coalition forces, they will all enter the Nova Scotia Peninsula in at most three days." Lieutenant General Coulter continued.

Marshal Bromberg nodded: "Then let the 4th Army get ready, and they will launch an attack on December 17. This time, we will take the hundreds of thousands of U.S. and British troops on the Nova Scotia Peninsula in one fell swoop. The coalition forces will eat them all. Let them know that if they want to fight us, they must be prepared to suffer failure!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal."


  The German army had already been prepared, although when crossing the Canso Strait, the German 4th Army dispatched artillery to provide fire support for the landing troops. But in fact, the main force of the 4th Army has all assembled in the west of Cape Breton Island. Once the order was given, they would land at Port Elgin on the Nova Scotia peninsula with the assistance of marines, and then attack south to take Sackville. And based on these two cities, a 20-kilometer-long defense line was built to completely surround the American and British coalition forces on the Nova Scotia peninsula. Then invest in the follow-up 10th Army, and the newly formed 25th Army and 26th Army to wipe out all the American and British coalition forces in the encirclement.

  Even if the strength of the U.S. Army has expanded to more than five million. Once the two main group armies are annihilated by the German army, it can also deal a heavy blow to the US military. The most important thing is that it will cause a great blow to the morale of the US military. Even the entire American society will be frightened by this. This will be very beneficial to Germany's next defeat of the US military.

   On the afternoon of December 12, the German 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division had completed the landing.

   Immediately afterwards, these troops launched an attack on the U.S. troops stationed outside the Port of Buscher, preparing to block the German troops.

  Facing the torrent of steel composed of hundreds of tanks and a large number of armored vehicles of the German army, the two infantry divisions of the US military could not bear it at all. Even if they are equipped with a lot of anti-tank guns and rocket launchers. However, the defense of the existing Tiger and Leopard tanks is very strong, and the anti-tank guns with small calibers can't move at all. At the same time, these anti-tank firepower points will also be attacked by bombers of the Luftwaffe. The German helicopter unit will also hover over the armored units to provide cover for the armored units.

  Under the fierce attack of the German armored forces, in just two hours, the two US infantry divisions were defeated. Not only tens of thousands of people were captured, but the rest were also scattered. This further exacerbated the deterioration of the US military's war situation on the Nova Scotia peninsula.

"General, the Germans have launched an attack. The 9th and 10th Infantry Divisions have been routed and suffered heavy losses. Now, the German armored forces have begun to march towards the Canso Strait. Our armored forces have been severely damaged. For the time being I'm afraid it won't be able to fight against the German armored forces." Major General Thomas reminded.

   Lieutenant General Omar Bradley looked gloomy. Although he believed that the combat effectiveness of the US military was no worse than that of the German army. But he also has a little self-knowledge. If the armored forces of the two sides confronted each other in their heyday, the US armored forces would undoubtedly be at a disadvantage. Now, the armored forces of the US military have suffered heavy losses, and they have no capital to confront the Germans. If the two sides encounter each other, there may only be one result, that is, the US armored forces will be completely annihilated.

"Order the 1st Armored Division, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division to retreat immediately. In addition, let the 2nd Army speed up. The Germans have begun to counterattack, and we need greater strength to withstand their offensive." Lieutenant General Omar Bradley ordered.

   "Yes, General."

  As the battle situation on the Nova Scotia Peninsula became more and more tense, the U.S. Second Army and a large number of British troops had to speed up their march. And this is clearly rushing to die.
