"General, Aldous and Mulgrave came under heavy shelling from the Germans!"

  U.S. 1st Army Command, Major General Thomas reported to Lieutenant General Omar Bradley.

"Huh! The Germans really want to cross the strait from those two places. Order the 5th Infantry Division and the 8th Infantry Division to hold their positions with all their strength. With the help of fortifications, kill and wound the Germans' vital forces. When necessary, there will be reinforcements. Theirs!" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley ordered.

"Yes, General. However, the German artillery fire was very fierce. According to reports from the front, they were even attacked by large-caliber heavy artillery with a caliber of more than 200 mm. The fortifications were seriously damaged, and the casualties were not small." Major General Thomas said somewhat Worry.

   Not to mention, once the German offensive begins, it will definitely invest a large number of fighter planes and carrier-based aircraft for air cover. Although the U.S. military has an infantry division in Aldous and Mulgrave each, it is undoubtedly very difficult to stop the German attack.

"Let our heavy artillery brigade rush to reinforce. The 1st Armored Division, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, and the 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division can also gather for the strait. Once the Germans cannot be prevented from going ashore, let them go ashore. However, I really want to see what kind of expression the Germans will have after our armored forces crush all the German troops ashore!" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley ordered.

   "Yes, General." Major General Thomas nodded.


  Although the German army has a great advantage, if the US armored forces launch an attack shortly after the German army lands, the German army will definitely not be able to resist it. At that time, the Germans will pay a heavy price.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The heavy German shelling continued, half an hour after the shelling started. Luftwaffe fighters also joined the attack. Because the U.S. Army Air Force did not have fighter jets to participate in the battle, the fighter jets of the Luftwaffe also added rocket launchers or bombs to participate in the strike on the ground.

  Under the fierce firepower of the German army, the US military's position in the south of the Canso Strait became a pilot at a speed visible to the naked eye. The German army was completely using powerful firepower to directly plow the US positions.

   "General, the German firepower is too fierce. Many fortifications on the front line have been destroyed by the Germans. Can we resist their attack?" An officer had a look of horror that could not be concealed.

   "Resist as much as you can. If you can't resist, retreat. At that time, the rest of the troops will naturally deal with the Germans." Major General Laming, the commander of the US 5th Infantry Division, was not very worried. As the division commander, he naturally knew the follow-up battle plan. In fact, the 5th and 8th Infantry Divisions were nothing more than decoys. As long as they can lure the main force of the German army to take the bait, their mission will be considered complete.


  The officer nodded half understanding.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, the 6th and 7th Divisions of the German Marine Corps set off from Hastings Port and Hawkesbury Port respectively, and began to cross the strait to attack the US positions.

  The Canso Strait is only one kilometer wide, and it is not difficult for the German Marines to cross the strait. Even the engineers of the 1st Army and the 4th Army are ready. Once the Marines had secured a beachhead on the southern side of the strait, they immediately set about building the pontoon bridge. Once the pontoon bridge is built, the German troops can pass through the pontoon bridge continuously and reach the south bank of the strait. The one-kilometer-long pontoon bridge was nothing to the German engineering troops.

  The attack of the German Marine Corps is still the mode of helicopters and landing craft. Because the strait is too narrow, if the landing ship enters the strait, it may be attacked by American artillery. Therefore, China's army is in the open sea. Helicopters also all take off from airports on land. The landing craft is also hidden in advance.

  Dozens of armed helicopters took the lead in crossing the strait and attacking the positions of the US troops. On the sea, hundreds of landing craft also set off from the north shore of the strait and began to cross the strait.


  The armed helicopters began to use rockets to sweep across the US military positions, destroying those firepower points that were not destroyed by the artillery fire.

  General-purpose helicopters and transport helicopters also began to take off one after another.

   "Open fire and kill the German helicopters!" An American officer ordered.

  A 12.7mm heavy machine gun suddenly appeared and opened fire on an armed helicopter.

"Da da da!"

  Dense bullets enveloped the armed helicopter. The bullets from the large-caliber heavy machine gun easily penetrated the body of the armed helicopter, leaving bullet holes one by one.

   "Damn, pull up!" The pilot yelled in horror.

  But in the case of being caught off guard, it was already too late.

  The helicopter was soon riddled with holes, and even the engine was shot.

  The helicopter crashed on the beach and became a bunch of burning fireballs.

   "Good job!" All the U.S. troops on the ground cheered.

   But then it was hit by several rockets and completely destroyed.


  A rocket soared into the sky and attacked the German gunship in the sky.

  The German armed helicopters knew they were in crisis when they saw the flash of fire. The pilot decisively drove the helicopter down sharply.

  The rocket passed over the helicopter.

   "Damn it, I almost hit it!" The American soldier cursed.

  They also want to reload the rockets and attack again. Unfortunately, however, such an opportunity no longer exists. After the German armed helicopter safely escaped the rocket attack, it immediately launched a counterattack.

"Da da da!"

  The heavy machine guns on the helicopter almost sifted the US rocket launchers.

  The large number of machine guns and rockets equipped by the US Army played a very important role in the battle against the German helicopters. Many helicopters were hit and crashed on the beach.

  Although the U.S. military caused a lot of casualties to the German Marine Corps, they still couldn't resist after the German Marine Corps landed on a large scale.

   With the support of the German Marines, supported by their own planes, helicopters and heavy artillery fire, they broke through the US defense line in the southern part of the strait. The US 5th Infantry Division and 8th Infantry Division began to retreat after holding on for less than an hour.

   Moreover, under the German attack, both infantry divisions suffered considerable losses.

  The 6th and 7th Divisions of the German Marine Corps captured Aldous and Mulgrave.

  The engineers of the German army also took this opportunity to start building pontoon bridges, allowing the follow-up army to pass behind.
