On November 30, the German army first launched an attack on Cape Breton Island.

   At 6 o'clock in the morning, before dawn, the 15 capital ships of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet were divided into three formations and launched a fierce bombardment to the scheduled landing site.

   These three landing sites were all carefully selected by the German Marine Corps. They are New Waterford and Port Morion in the northern part of Cape Breton Island, and Louisburg in the eastern part of Cape Breton Island.

  In this landing operation, the German Marine Corps will dispatch three marine divisions at one time to land on these three landing sites. If it goes well, then join the troops of the Army's 1st Army and 4th Army. If it doesn't go well, the other two divisions of the Marine Corps will also be involved in the landing operations.

   Of course, in the opinion of Admiral Ernst von Busch, commander of the Marine Corps. The British should not be able to withstand the attack of the German marines. They can not only get fire support from naval guns on the sea, but also air support from carrier-based aircraft units. The strength of the Marine Corps' own amphibious fleet is also not weak. In addition, the Air Force also deployed a ground attack aircraft wing on Newfoundland. This will allow them to get more fire support in their attack on Cape Breton Island.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  On the sea, the capital ship of the German Navy is pouring shells on the landing site. Although, the capital ship formation of the home fleet was completely lost. The capital ships of the Atlantic Fleet and the Mediterranean Fleet are both capital ships equipped with 380mm main guns. In terms of power, for example, the capital ships of the local fleet equipped with 410mm main guns are weaker. However, this is still not something the British troops stationed on Cape Breton Island can resist.


  The shells of the large-caliber naval guns exploded on the beach, shaking the sky, as if the whole island was trembling. Every shell exploded, leaving a large crater on the beach. And the defensive positions of the British Army became fragmented under the fierce shelling of these battleships.

  The heavy cruisers, light cruisers and destroyers of the German Navy also joined in. Started to bombard the British positions on the coast with heavy artillery fire. They all hope to use powerful artillery fire to clear the way for the landing of the Marine Corps.

  In the waters south of Newfoundland, the aircraft carrier formations of the three major fleets of the German Navy are also operating in this waters. The deck is full of carrier aircraft. Once the front-line air search radar detects British or American fighters, they will immediately take off to fight.

  The headquarters of the British defense force on Cape Breton Island is located in Sydney, which has the same name as Sydney in Australia.

  When the German fleet began to bombard the British positions violently, the British troops on the front line called the headquarters one after another.

   Admiral Wavell, commander of the defense of Cape Breton Island of the British Army, was awakened immediately. In fact, Sydney is only ten kilometers away from New Waterford. The sound of the battleship's main guns could be faintly heard even at such a distance.


"General, the German attack has begun. Our units at New Waterford, Port Morion, and Lewisburg have all been heavily bombarded by the German heavy-caliber naval guns. The troops are now suffering heavy casualties. The fortifications built are also being destroyed. The troops on the front line need reinforcements." A major general reported to Admiral Wavell.

Admiral Wavell nodded: "Order the troops on the front line to prepare to resist the German landing. Especially the 3rd Armored Division. Once the order is issued, they must attack immediately. Also, send a telegram to Toronto and tell them that we Under attack by the Germans, we need more support!"

   "Yes, General." The general immediately went to make arrangements.

  The British Army has deployed heavy troops on Cape Breton Island. In addition to the 10 infantry divisions, there was also an armored division. The total force is as high as 150,000 people. You know, the entire Cape Breton Island is only 10,000 square kilometers. Deploying so many troops is already quite dense.

   It's just that Admiral Wavell knows that once the German army launches a fierce attack, these troops alone are obviously not enough. Therefore, when the German army just started to attack, he began to ask for reinforcements.

  When the news that the German army began to attack Cape Breton Island was reported to Toronto, the Secretary of War David Magson immediately ordered the British troops on the front line to prepare for battle. Especially the British army on Prince Edward Island must be especially vigilant against the German attack. At the same time, David Magson also ordered the British troops on the Nova Scotia peninsula to prepare for reinforcements on Cape Breton Island.

  With the US 1st Army on its way to the Nova Scotia peninsula, it has greatly eased the dilemma of the British Army's shortage of troops. They now have enough troops to reinforce Cape Breton Island.

  At the same time, the British Royal Air Force also received an order from Prime Minister Churchill to compete with the Germans for air supremacy. The remaining shore-based aircraft of the British Navy will also participate in the battle for air supremacy. Also, wait for an opportunity to attack German warships on the sea with dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft. As long as the German navy can be severely damaged, the fire support received by the German army during the landing operation will be greatly reduced. This is of great help in resisting the German attack.

  The bombardment of the battleship formation of the German Navy lasted for a full hour.

  The British defensive positions at New Waterford, Port Morion, and Lewisburg were almost plowed by the German navy with artillery fire. The fortifications that the British army painstakingly built were blown to pieces during the fierce shelling. The British troops stationed in these places suffered heavy losses under the fierce German shelling.

  Just after 7 o'clock in the morning, Admiral Ernst von Busch, commander of the German Marine Corps, gave the order to attack.

  For a while, the 5th, 6th, and 7th Divisions of the German Marine Corps began landing in New Waterford, Port Morion, and Fort Lewis respectively. The 3rd and 4th Divisions of the Marine Corps are on standby on the sea, ready to reinforce the front line at any time.

  The 1st Army and 4th Army of the German Army have also been uploaded. As long as the Marine Corps can gain a firm foothold on Cape Breton Island, they will immediately set off and land on Cape Breton Island, becoming the main force against the British army on the island.

  Facing the German attack, the British army on the island will naturally fight back. For them, they must try their best to resist the German attack. Otherwise, once the German army captures Cape Breton Island, Britain will be even more dangerous.
