Chapter 224

As time dragged on, a few more new recruits trickled back in twos and threes, having heard that they had passed as well. They didn't have much energy left to feel happy, but you could see the relief on their faces.

When time was up, the rest who had given up were fetched back in military vehicles.

The squads took roll call and reported the numbers to Battalion Commander Zhao.

"Still over thirty missing."

Song Huan was listening on the side and felt a little surprised.

But Battalion Commander Zhao just nodded, telling the squads to take their troops back to rest. The children really were exhausted, so there would be no other training scheduled for the afternoon.


"Aren't you going to do anything about those thirty missing?"

After everyone had left, Song Huan walked over and asked the battalion commander.

He glanced at her and said:

"Stubborn and competitive ones who can't take losing - we get those every year with the new recruits. You all went through the same thing to get here, didn't you?"

Song Huan laughed.

"I wasn't one of those. I remember scoring in the top thirty of the new recruits for all three months, that's how I got sent to the best unit."


"Well, don't talk in absolutes. What about that one person from your unit... what was his name... Mu Chen? He did terribly as a new recruit for six whole months, ranked at the bottom multiple times, but still ended up at your place in the end?"

"Mu Chen?"

Song Huan immediately thought of him.

Battalion Commander Zhao nodded.

Song Huan just smiled.

"That's because our unit has a loving heart."

... At two in the afternoon, Qin Wei and her three companions finally made their way back, sitting on the ground for a good half hour before struggling to their feet and heading towards the barracks.

It wasn't actually far, but Jiang Zhiyu really couldn't walk anymore. Her ankles were badly blistered and bleeding, so the other three took turns supporting her.

That was why it took them so long.

They had barely taken a few steps when they ran into Song Huan again.

"You're late."

"That's because..."

Ye Jiahe wanted to explain, but Song Huan didn't seem interested in listening. She just told them to go back and rest, then went to help Jiang Zhiyu to the infirmary herself.

Since they were already back, the three didn't think much more about it. They went to take showers, then returned to their quarters and instantly fell asleep, exhausted. They didn't even hear the whistle when it sounded, forcing Zheng Qiancheng to run around knocking on doors to wake them all up.

It was half past five in the afternoon.

Qin Wei yawned as she headed downstairs, only to find that everyone else was already standing in formation looking at her. She realized she was the last one.

Instructor Zheng glanced at her but didn't say much, only asking her to hurry up and fall in.

"Let me briefly summarize this field march. Overall, everyone did quite well - in the end, just over a hundred failed to meet standards. Higher up already said the squads should increase difficulty appropriately during future training. But there's no need to worry - our two squads performed the best. Aside from those three injured girls who didn't complete it, everyone else pushed through. Of course there were still some who didn't meet standards, maybe seven or eight, but that's normal to have some slower learners. On the whole, you all did very well and deserve praise..."


After dinner, there was no physical training tonight. Instead we had a lecture on theories and regulations - just go to the big lecture hall on the first floor of the teaching building on time.

Seeing that she still had some time, Qin Wei headed to the admin building alone.

When she got to the entrance, she saw Song Huan sitting on the steps waving at her.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class? What are you doing here?" Song Huan asked.

"Filing a complaint against you."

Qin Wei said grumpily, then tried to circle around her into the building.

But Song Huan blocked her way.

Without touching her, Song Huan waved a photo teasingly in front of Qin Wei's face.

Qin Wei instantly turned pale.

The photo showed her standing in the grass, face twisted in anger.

Qin Wei snatched it over impulsively, intent on destroying the evidence.

She ripped it halfway when Song Huan made no move to stop her.

"Do you have backups?" she asked.



"If you don't file that complaint, no one else will see this picture."

Song Huan said.


"I'm just kidding with you."

Seeing Qin Wei crush the photo into a ball and throw it back at her, Song Huan caught it and tore it up before tossing the scraps away.

"You're not even mad? But you do care a lot about your idol image, huh."

Song Huan said to her, but Qin Wei ignored it. Seeing that she still wanted to enter the building, Song Huan asked:

"Going back on your word already?"

"Something else came up."

Qin Wei said simply, then went upstairs.

"Afraid of getting reported, aren't you?"

Zheng Qiancheng walked over and whispered from behind Song Huan.

"Not really, I'm just bored every day. It's nice to get some entertainment."

Of course she couldn't mention confidential matters.

Song Huan replied. She glanced at Instructor Zheng.

"Weren't you supposed to be teaching the military regulations course? What are you doing here?"

"Battalion Commander Zhao wanted me for something. He said Qin Wei's agent called."


When it was about time, Qin Wei yawned and headed to the lecture building. She sat in a corner of the hundred-person conference room listening to the lecture. Unknowingly, her eyelids grew heavy and her mind turned fuzzy...

"Qin Wei!"

Instructor Zheng called her name from the podium. Ye Jiahe, sitting next to her, elbowed her awake. Only then did she struggle to her feet.

Still disoriented, she stood up.

"Any other questions about the regulations?"

Instructor Zheng said as he walked over.

What regulations...I have no idea what he was talking about...

"Let me repeat for you. Other countries may be different, but in China, the outside world has laws, while the military has its own regulations. There is a lot of content that differs between them, which is why we're explaining everything in detail.

If you have any doubts about what I just talked about, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I'll be the one asking you questions."

Instructor Zheng deliberately put on an expression that said he was going to test her memory. Well, since that's the case...

"I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"For example... if someone were to commit murder in the army... would that be against the law?"

Instructor Zheng froze for a second before asking her:

"Huh? Murder? Tell me, who are you thinking about killing?"

"Instructor Song..."

"Instructor Song???"

Instructor Zheng's eyes popped out. Song Huan had also paused in surprise right as she reached the doorway.

"...Instructor Song is here. I'll take the punishment and go run laps outside!"

Qin Wei quickly finished her sentence then dashed out of the classroom towards the track field.

It was just a random question, asking questions wasn't against the law.

Plus the lecture was making her sleepy - running around would help her wake up.


That night.

"Instructor Song, I've asked for two or three days of leave. I need to go take care of something else during that time."

Qin Wei informed her instructor.

Song Huan didn't ask for the reason. She just said:

"Did higher up approve it?"

Qin Wei nodded:

"They approved it."

"Then go on."

Song Huan didn't care much either way.


Right as Qin Wei was leaving, Song Huan added:

"You'll have to..."

"I know, extra training. OK."

Qin Wei had already guessed what she wanted to say.


From that day forth, Qin Wei received special treatment during every training session.

"Qin Wei, step out! Everyone else, fall in and march back!"

"Yes ma'am!"

The rest got to rest while Qin Wei alone stayed for extra training. To outsiders, it looked like Song Huan was singling her out on purpose.

When others ran three laps, she had to run five. When others did two pull ups, she did six. She always had to do more than everyone else - to onlookers, it seemed to be at Instructor Song's command.

Even the new recruit fangirls couldn't stand to keep watching. They went to file complaints with the battalion commander several times, but never got a response.

Everyone felt that Instructor Song was being petty and targeting Qin Wei over some minor disagreement.

Qin Wei wanted to explain, but Song Huan said it wasn't necessary.

"But damn, Lu E's awesome," they chatted during breaks. "He's been tortured by Instructor Song for three days straight now but still hasn't cracked." Even non-fans expressed great admiration for Qin Wei's perseverance.

"My precious goose is suffering in silence... nothing came out of reporting this... *sigh*... my heart hurts..."

The fangirls said sorrowfully, gazing out at the field where two distant figures stood - one the hard-hearted Instructor Song, the other the innocent Lu E Qin Wei.

And here we were, resting, while Instructor Song still had Qin Wei out there training.
