Chapter 30

Xiaochen Residence One was also located downtown. The location was good and living was convenient.

Yu Na asked, "If you rented out this apartment, how much would you charge?"

Xiao Chen: "Are you looking to rent it?"

"No way," Yu Na seemed to think it preposterous. "My current rental term hasn't expired yet. After that, I'll be moving into teacher's housing."

"Then why did you ask?"

"Just curious. Wanted to get an idea of Longwan's real estate prices."


"I see." Xiao Chen thought for a bit. "For a normal rental, probably starting around 30,000 RMB."

"......" Yu Na: ???

Seeing her incredulous expression, Xiao Chen laughed. "Don't believe me? Go online and check the rental prices for other units in this complex."

She actually took out her phone to look it up. The cheapest one-bedroom unit in the same complex was still 28,000 RMB.

Yu Na's face stiffened as she put her phone away.

Xiao Chen looked around the empty apartment. "Anyway, this is the best I can help with. If your parents still aren't satisfied..." He said slowly, "Then there's nothing more I can do."


...After seeing the apartment, Xiao Chen gave her the keys and access card. "Just come directly whenever you need it."

Yu Na's breath hitched. She shook her head. "You should hold onto them for now. I'll come find you if I need them."

"Wouldn't that be troublesome?"


If she took them now, that would be one less chance to see him. No way was she doing that.

Yu Na managed to squeeze out, "Afraid I might lose them."

Xiao Chen's movements froze. Given her personality, that was indeed a possibility.

So he put the keys and card away again. "Alright then, just let me know when you need them."


Just then, Yu Na's phone rang.

She was surprised. "It's a voice call from Qiao Rui."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Chen said, "Put it on speakerphone."

Yu Na did as he asked.

"What's up?" she said, answering the call. "Teacher Yu, I have incredible news for you!"

Yu Na laughed. "What kind of news could you possibly have?" "Looking down on me, huh? Listen up. All the events for our class's sports day have been registered."

"No way, really?"

Yu Na was truly surprised. She'd heard that many students went to Sports Day just to eat, drink and have fun. The simpler events got participants, but longer races like the 5k had no takers. Teachers usually had to assign runners.

Yu Na didn't like forcing students, so she was worried about this too.

"Why would I lie about this? Someone just called me saying they volunteered."

Upon hearing there was a 5k volunteer, Yu Na was shocked. "There's someone running the 5k too?"

There was an obvious pause on the other end. "...Yup!"

Detecting something off in his response, Yu Na suspiciously asked, "Who registered?"

The other side cleared their throat, as if they'd done something bad but craved praise regardless. "Me!"


Exchanging a look with Xiao Chen, Yu Na unhappily said into the phone, "Didn't I tell you not to participate? Your foot's not better yet."

"I didn't have a choice!" Qiao Rui's tone totally changed. "Everyone asked me to register them for events. Just the 5k had no takers. As committee director, who else would do it if not me?"


Xiao Chen touched her arm, signaling her to let it go.

Yu Na solemnly shook her head, mouthing to him, "This is no joke."

Unaware Xiao Chen was next to her, Qiao Rui breezily went on, "What, am I that sensitive? If I don't register, you'll have to assign someone yourself, Teacher Yu. Who do you want to offend?"

Yu Na was rendered speechless.

After a long pause, she resigned herself and solemnly said into the phone, "Fine then. During the race, if you can't finish, stop or even sneak away. That's fine."

Qiao Rui: ?

Xiao Chen: ?

Yu Na seriously added, "I'll cover for you."

Xiao Chen: "......"

He watched Yu Na say the most outlandish things with utmost seriousness—and she didn't seem to be joking. Biting her lips, she brushed some hair behind her ear. She had a habit of looking down when talking on the phone, eyes lowered, lashes fluttering.

Xiao Chen turned away to pointlessly rearrange the sofa pillows again, even though they were already tidy.

Just then, he heard Qiao Rui's cheerful laugh through the phone. "Teacher Yu, you don't even see yourself as a teacher. Coming up with nonsense like letting me sneak away—who exactly are you insulting?"

Lacking a rebuttal, Yu Na stubbornly clung to dignity and brought the phone closer. "Good intentions received like donkey livers and lungs."

Then she promptly ended the call.

Xiao Chen smiled at the pillow in hand, unable to help it.

Yu Na's face reddened, suddenly remembering her cousin was right there.

But Xiao Chen didn't mind. On the contrary, he teased her, "You've been led by the nose by your students every day. And it's the perennial underachiever, no less."

He casually added, twisting the knife, "Still think you can't teach well?" "......"

Still worried, Yu Na said, "Maybe you should tell Qiao Rui not to run the 5k after all. I'll think of another solution on Monday."

Xiao Chen shrugged. "Don't worry. He's not the kind to push himself too hard. The moment he gets tired, he'll definitely duck out."


When they were about to leave, Xiao Chen happened to receive a call.

Yu Na was in no rush and sat waiting for him on the sofa.

Xiao Chen stood by the living room window, distractedly gazing at Longwan's scenery while taking the call.

Yu Na sat quietly, yet her eyes kept involuntarily drifting to the man by the window.

One hand tucked in his pocket, the other holding his phone, his tone revealed no emotion as he spoke.

Yu Na's heart pounded violently.

Not knowing what came over her, her hand moved uncontrollably to take out her phone and deliberately switch it to silent mode.

Flustered yet feigning calm, she bit her lips as her breathing grew heavy.

Not daring to be too obvious, Yu Na timidly held up her vertical phone, bracing the bottom against her thigh. Tilting it slightly towards herself,

she hastily snapped a photo when he wasn't looking.

After ensuring the picture wasn't blurry, she hastily put her phone away.

Despite the seemingly smooth motions, her palms were slick with cold sweat. Her back alternated between hot and cold flashes despite her clothing.

She was extremely nervous.

So nervous she didn't even dare examine the covert shot.

Fortunately Xiao Chen didn't notice anything. After finishing his call, he asked, "Ready to go?"

Still basking in the relief of not getting caught, Yu Na uttered, "...Mm."

"I'll take you back. I have some things to do."

Disappointment instantly flooded Yu Na's heart. She'd wanted to ask if he wanted to grab dinner together.

She'd spent so long doing her makeup just to see an apartment.

Hiding her disappointment, she replied blandly, "Oh, alright then."

...Back home, Yu Na swiftly removed her makeup and took a shower. After showering, she ordered takeout.

Lying in bed while awaiting delivery, she timidly yet eagerly opened the sneak-shot.

The angle was just right—with no coffee table or obstruction blocking the sofa, she'd managed to capture his full form.

He stood before the window, gazing distractedly at the scenery, back ramrod straight yet stance nonchalant. Sculpted side profile, zooming in revealed a sharp jawline and long lashes half-veiling lowered eyes.

Everything was just perfect.

Seeing the photo alone kickstarted her imagination into overdrive. She was practically going insane.

His everything, she loved it all.
