Chapter 271 : Chapter 271 The village chief’s eyes grew heavy as he looked at Marie’s face in the distance.
“She was too young to know that with power came great responsibility. She killed her father, and then her mother died not long afterward. It’s cruel that she had to handle that as well as deal with the hatred from the villagers.”
“Still, seeing how she’s smiling so brightly now, she’s no ordinary little girl.”
Ho Sung Lee smiled as he pointed at Marie.
The village chief also smiled and nodded.
“I hope she smiles lots from now on.”
“She will.”
“Oh yeah. Marie’s been praising you every chance she got.”
“Sorry? Me?” Ho Sung Lee asked the village chief with wide eyes.
“Yes, she said you are an incredible cook.”
“I have no choice but to be a good cook.”
Ho Sung Lee continued as he put down his beer and put a cigarette in his mouth, “I also hold a sword since I’m a player, but I’m more often holding a cooking knife instead.”
Ho Sung Lee smoked with a sad look on his face.
“I’m a chef, not a warrior.”
The atmosphere became awkward and heavy.
The village chief coughed.
While the awkward vibe continued, the festival became more lively.
In order to get rid of the outsiders who trespassed onto his territory and made a mess, Krok set out from his castle.
Not many soldiers accompanied him.
That was because he wanted to make sure he didn’t draw much attention.
Krok rode on his horse as he thought of Eichmann, who he had killed.
The truth was, he had no interest in the outsiders that trespassed onto his land.
All that bothered him was the 12 signs.
The high ranking players that were close to the level of the gods.
The beings that were human, yet not human at all.
Krok thought of the players of the 12 signs and kriked his teeth.
He had poured all of his energy so that he could stand side by side with them, and it was time to make that happen.
He couldn’t surrender any longer.
He was going to make it.
Krok walked as he dreamt of the utopia with twinkling eyes, and then he stood on top of a hill and looked down at the village that was having a festival.
The villagers were eating pig and enjoying their festival.
Some were dancing, others were singing, and Marie was even shooting fireworks with her magic.
The people had fun over some drinks as if they didn’t have a care in the world.
Krok grimaced at the sight of the villagers.
“What the hell are they doing?” Krok asked.
His underling stood behind Krok.
“Do you remember the girl, Marie, who has magic powers?” The underling asked.
“Yeah. What about her?”
The underling explained that Marie had been called a witch by the villagers and that she was the target of their hatred and fear.
But when the outsiders arrived, they changed the minds of the villagers, so they decided to accept her into the village and threw a party.
Krok scoffed.
“Those fools… They dared to listen to the words of an outsider who killed my men?”
The underling bowed his head.
Krok glared at the villagers, who were enjoying their festival with killer eyes, and clenched his fists.
The chain wrapped around his gauntlet made a large zapping noise.
“It’s time to clean up the trash.”
Krok widened his eyes at the villagers enjoying their festival and lifted his fists.
A blinding light flashed from Krok’s gauntlet.
Ho Sung Lee, who was drinking his beer, felt a shiver up his spine.
The sky flashed as if someone turned on the headlights of their car, and that created a shadow.
The villagers, as well as Ho Sung Lee, looked in the direction where the light was coming from.
The light was blinding.
The villagers looked blank, and Ho Sung Lee realized that the light was that of an Aura.
His heart sank.
He immediately used his magic energy to form a barrier.
“Damn it…”
But before he could even finish…
The powerful Aura flipped the land upside down and swallowed the villagers like a wave.
The strong force broke through the barrier, and Ho Sung Lee rolled on the ground while covered in blood.
Ho Sung Lee choked on the smoke and wriggled on the ground.
The strike was so strong that he couldn’t feel his body.
Once he managed to drink a potion and got himself back up, Ho Sung lee looked around him.
The place where the festival took place was now in ruins.
The people, who were dancing, playing instruments, laughing, and chatting just a few minutes ago, were all dead bodies on the ground.
The same went for Marie.
While Ho Sung lee blankly stared at the dead people.
He heard a large thud on the ground.
Ho Sung Lee looked in the direction of the noise, and there was a large man there.
It was the owner of the territory, Krok.
He was shaking the gauntlet covered in chains as he laughed.
“Haha, you’re still alive. Are you one of the outsiders?”
Krok laughed at Ho Sung Lee.
Ho Sung Lee glared at Krok with a low gaze.
“Are you Krok?”
Krok walked toward Ho Sung Lee and looked down at him, who was still on his knees, and smiled.
“You have no fear, do you? I see you’re an arrogant one.”
Krok looked around him and then back at Ho Sung Lee.
“Are you alone?” Krok asked.
Ho Sung Lee looked up with kriked teeth.
“You didn’t have to kill the villagers like that,” Ho Sung Lee said with a glare.
Krok continued to look down at Ho Sung Lee and smiled with his teeth showing.
He then kicked Ho Sung Lee in the gut.
Ho Sung Lee flew in the air and plopped down on the ground.
Ho Sung Lee grabbed his stomach with a flushed face and coughed out blood.
Krok walked over to Ho Sung Lee. He grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up.
Ho Sung Lee stared at Krok with half-opened eyes and grimaced.
“Where’s your master? Where’s the bastard who tried to trespass onto my land?” Krok asked Ho Sung Lee with a smile.
“Tell me. Where is he?”
Krok asked Ho Sung Lee with squinted eyes.
Ho Sung Lee snickered at Krok.
“Don’t worry. You’ll meet him soon.”
Krok frowned and nodded.
“I see.”
Krok pulled his fist back.
The sound of his chains clanging could he heard following by a punch.
A hole formed in Ho Sung Lee’s chest and he flew away.
Krok didn’t even look at Ho Sung Lee on the ground and glanced around him.
The land was flipped upside down, and his surroundings were covered in blood, but he looked at his gauntlet.
He would only be able to test his strength on a powerful opponent, but he was too weak for him to test anything.
After realizing that, Krok turned toward the direction where he heard a noise.
“… Hm?”
Ho Sung Lee, who had a hole in his chest, was transforming into the Berserker.
The hole was healing, and he was undergoing a regeneration process.
And after seeing his appearance change, Krok laughed out of amusement.
“What an interesting guy.”
Ho Sung Lee turned into the Berserker. He held his sword and glared at Krok.
“Let’s see just how long you can last.”
Krok scoffed and charged toward Ho Sung Lee.
Krok accepted Ho Sung Lee’s attacks with a relaxed look on his face.
Ho Sung Lee launched his sword energy and swung his sword at a high speed, but Krok blocked out every single attack.
Krok was incredibly agile for his large size.
Krok blocked out Ho Sung Lee’s every attack with his gauntlet and didn’t lose his smile.
Every time Ho Sung Lee swung his sword, Hell Fire exploded from it, but it didn’t harm Krok in the slightest bit.
Without having suffered a single wound, Krok accepted all of Ho Sung Lee’s attacks and then used his fist.
Krok’s gauntlet targeted Ho Sung Lee’s side.
Ho Sung Lee’s eyes shook. His ribs broke and his legs floated in the air.
Krok pulled his fist back and launched his Aura toward Ho Sung Lee’s head.
Ho Sung Lee spun like a top and rolled on the ground.
“Get up,” Krok said with a grin.
He had only used a small amount of his power.
He wanted to fool around with him.
Despite having suffered an incredible amount of force, Ho Sung Lee stabbed his sword into the ground and got back up.
His body wavered back and forth, but Ho Sung Lee’s eyes contained the instinct to attack and kill.
“Seeing from your ability, I don’t expect too much from your master either,” Krok said in a disappointed voice.
Ho Sung Lee screamed and charged forward.
“… Hmph!”
Krok decided to end things once and for all.
A white light began to gather in Krok’s gauntlet.
Krok punched his fist toward Ho Sung Lee, who was swinging his sword.
Light exploded from Krok’s gauntlet.
Before Ho Sung Lee could even swing his sword, Krok’s power swallowed Ho Sung Lee whole.
Ho Sung Lee lost his right arm and left leg, and he flew in the air and rolled on the ground.
Ho Sung Lee sprawled out on the ground, and without being able to regenerate, the life in his eyes began to fade.
Krok walked toward Ho Sung Lee to check if he was dead.
He showed no life.
He was dead.
Krok looked down at Ho Sung Lee’s body and smirked when he heard the sound of footsteps.
Min Sung was walking over with his hands inside his pockets.
Krok realized he was the outsider that was the master of the person he just killed.
Krok smiled at Min Sung.
“… Uh oh. You’re too late.”
Krok kicked Ho Sung Lee’s body and smiled with his white teeth showing.
“You should’ve come earlier.”
Min Sung looked down at Ho Sung Lee’s body and pulled out his Gungnir S from his item window.
The sound of thunder.
That was when Krok’s face changed.