Chapter 247 : Chapter 247
What would be the best method when force didn’t work, and there wasn’t a single crack in sight?
Time continued to pass.
And then…
“You have 1 minute left,” said Min Sung.
He felt like his heart was going to explode.
He was finally acknowledged for his supporter abilities, so he didn’t want to be treated as useless all over again.
In the midst of Ho Sung Lee’s thoughts, one idea passed through his head.
He wondered if such a bullshit idea was worth suggesting, but it was more rational than punching through the brick walls.
“A dog hole!”
“I’ll dig a dog hole to crawl inside…”
“Will you come back out alive? And even if you did, am I expected to crawl through that dog hole to get in?”
“Even if they have no intention to talk, we’re in a rush. With earth rotting away as we speak, we can’t wait around forever.”
“That’s true, but I’m worried you’ll consume too much of your stamina.”
“There’s no other answer. If I can’t punch through the wall, you’ll just have to crawl through a dog hole.”
“It looks strong, doesn’t it? It’s not just me.”
Min Sung took out his Gungnir S from his item window.
He charged the end of the sword with some magic power and poked at the outside of the wall.
It reacted strongly with the Gungnir S bouncing off the wall.
Min Sung squinted his eyes and stared at the wall.
It was no easy feat.
From his experience, he could tell that the shield on the wall was very powerful.
Since it seemed that way even from Min Sung’s point of view, that meant the shield was very powerful indeed.
But that didn’t mean they could just give up, so he had no choice but to go all in.
Min Sung pulled back his Gungnir S and after charging it with great magic power, he struck the wall with it.
Lightning flashed from Min Sung’s gold Gungnir S.
The fortress experienced turbulence.
The ground shook as if there was an earthquake.
The dark elves looked around in shock, and even Ellen and the elder jolted their eyes wide open.
“They’re trying to break through the fortress,” said one elder, and Ellen commanded that they check where the impact took place and to calm down the other elves.
Silence fell for a moment before the meeting proceeded.
Once they confirmed that no hole was made on the wall…
“Is that all the information we have on the intruders?”
Ellen asked with sharp eyes that contrasted her beautiful appearance.
“Yoring said that he looked like a high-ranking player. The most rational thing to do is to drag this on for as long as possible. Seeing how he wants the ancient document, he must be here for a quest, and for any player, time is money, so he’s in a rush.”
Ellen closed her eyes shut.
She tried her best to suppress her emotions.
“Why do we have to run away from the intruders?”
Ellen asked the elders with emotional eyes.
One of the elders answered calmly.
“So that we can resolve the issue without being harmed.”
“It just sounds like we’re hiding. It doesn’t sound like a wise strategy to me. What if there are more of the intruders than we know? What if they continue to look for an opportunity? What if more players gather outside?”
Another elder shook his head.
“We’re simply here to offer our opinion. You’re the one who’ll make the final decision. If you decide to act differently, we’ll follow your command.”
His words contained thorns, but Ellen didn’t notice.
“In that case, you should give me your proper opinion so that I can make my decision.”
“That’s why we’re in a meeting,” the elder responded with a smile.
Ellen appeared angry that he wasn’t backing down, but he was a mentor that taught Ellen ever since she was little.
She was unable to refute and simply sighed.
“I’ll give you 3 days. If you don’t have a convincing argument in 3 days, I’m going to open the fortress.”
The elders were itching to express that 3 days was not a very long time.
But since Ellen had already made her decision and was determined of it, they couldn’t say anything further.
They had no choice but to come back with a convincing argument in 3 days’ time.
The sound of groaning filled the meeting room.
Ho Sung Lee felt as though Min Sung could put a hole in the wall if he kept trying.
After all, he had always exceeded his expectations.
But this time, it was different.
All he could do was make a slight dent in the wall.
That was impressive as well, but compared to Min Sung’s previous results, it was pathetic.
“Phew… This is going to be hard even for you. This is no ordinary wall.”
Ho Sung Lee was in awe, but Min Sung thought differently.
“This is not that big a deal.”
In response, Ho Sung Lee flinched and glanced over at him.
“So you can do it? But…”
“Compared to the Iris tree connecting earth to Beatrice, this is definitely doable. It’ll take some time, but I’ll get through it.”
“But you’ll expend a lot of magic energy, and seeing from the size of the fortress, there must be many elves inside.”
Ho Sung Lee made sense.
But there was something he was forgetting.
“I have more magic power stored within me than you think.”
If it was before they came to Beatrice, he probably wouldn’t have had enough magic energy to face off against the dark elf.
But after coming here, he gained much more magic energy thanks to the support of the Dionysus Gods.
The only reason why he wasn’t using all of it was because he never had to.
And even in this case, it was more rational to use little bits of magic energy at a time to break through the wall rather than using all of it at once.
As long as he paced himself, he was able to recover his magic energy at the same time.
That was his strength.
It would take longer, but his final objective was to obtain that ancient document.
He needed to maintain his magic power as well as his overall condition.
And even if this would take some time, it wasn’t going to take that long either.
If the door was closed, he had to open it.
He had no other choice.
He didn’t want to think about the dark elves’ soldiers or their level of force.
Min Sung was the type to take it one step at a time.
The only reason why he told Ho Sung Lee to come up with another method was because he felt bothered knocking down the wall.
He wanted to go for an easier method if there was one, but the strength of the wall was never a problem for him.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Min Sung’s Gungnir S began to pound at the Dark elves’ fortress wall like a hammer.
Every time he pounded at the wall, a powerful lightning flashed in all four directions.
Ho Sung Lee covered his ears with both hands and watched the blinding sight.
In Ho Sung Lee’s eyes, Min Sung looked like a blacksmith from the skies.
The loud noise continued without rest.
But since the average dark elves had already caught on to the situation, they didn’t show any big reactions.
The same went for the elders.
“They’re trying to break through the wall,” the 4th elder said.
Ellen smiled.
“It’s useless. Our fortress has a history of over 500 years. For all those years, it was continuously charged with mana, and that enormous power is what’s been protecting us all this time.”
“Like you said, there’s nothing to be afraid of. But… I’m just worried that the noise will notify the dwarves nearby and take this as an opportunity.”
Ellen showed a sensitive reaction to the mention of the dwarves.
“Nothing will change even if that was the case. What I want is a progressive meeting, not a useless one!”
Ellen shouted.
In response, the elders offered their opinions one by one.
But everything the elders had to offer sounded useless to Ellen.
At that moment, Ellen’s mentor opened his mouth, and his opinion was the closest to a resolution.
He had the only method that could resolve the issue without suffering harm.
It was a negotiation.
They would exchange their opinions and come to a rational agreement.
The elder who was also Ellen’s mentor explained the method further.
Upon hearing the explanation, Ellen and the other elders were shocked.
It was an impressive strategy.
Ellen thought deeply and made the decision to go through with the elder’s method.
Ho Sung Lee let out a curse word without realizing it.
The reason was that the very powerful wall enchanted with a shield began to show a hole forming through it.
Min Sung didn’t stop his pounding at the wall.
As a result, there was a hole big enough for an arm to pass through, and it was getting bigger and bigger.
At this rate, the wall was going to break down eventually.
When the dark elves first heard the sound of thunder and lightning striking against the wall, they laughed at his useless effort.
But as time passed, the elves near the wall where the impact was taking place began to show faces of worry.