Chapter 94   - Morning

April curled up under the blankets searching for more heat as it was suddenly cold on one side. As she started to wake she remembered the previous evening's events and she buried herself under the blankets further with her cheeks burning red. She turned to her left and saw that the bed was empty. Did he leave already… good it saves her from any embarrassment she thought.

April reached out and checked her phone for the time, it was still early. She also had a text message from Aarna.

(I hope you are having a magical evening. I know I did xx)

April smiled as she was delighted for her friend, she had waited for Casper to respond and finally, the wait had shown that they just misunderstood each other. April replied.

(It was good. We need to meet before work I want details xx)

April smiled as she sat up stretching her aching muscles, last night came back to her and she frowned as she wondered if men ever woke up this sore the morning after. She sniffed the air as she realised Dean must be cooking all she could smell was bacon. So he didn't leave she thought.


April got out of bed and noticed that she was only wearing Dean's shirt which he had worn the day before, she smiled and entered the bathroom with some clothes in her hand. April washed up and put on a pair of black Nike leggings and a matching crop top. She left her bedroom soon after and walked towards her kitchen.

The view that greeted her was off Dean's sturdy bronzed muscular back as he stood at her oven frying bacon. She smiled and licked her lips as she walked towards him, she impulsively hugged him from behind, her arms wrapping around his strong waist.

"Morning," April said.

"Good morning beautiful." Dean greeted her with a smile. He put down the pan in his hand, turning off the heat before spinning around and embracing April properly.

"I thought that you had gone to work." She mumbled as she was now buried into Dean's warm chest. She was so small she barely reached his shoulders.

"No, why would I work when I can spend time with you and cook you breakfast? You need it after all the exercise last night." Dean teased.


April poked his side and Dean reflexively jerked his body, "Ouch! Is that what I get for cooking for you? I maybe should have stayed in bed and woke you up in another way." Dean smirked down as he watched April's cheeks turn bright red in response to his teasing. She was so bold one minute and shy at others, he loved all her responses.

April felt her cheeks heat up but she pretended she wasn't embarrassed, "I think the food would be more appetising."

"Sure we can always try both." Dean picked April up and set her on the dining room table. She instantly remembered what they had done in the same spot the night before.

Knock Knock Knock

Saved by the door April smiled and slide off from the dining room table, she squeezed past Dean and walked towards her front door. As she did she turned a stuck her tongue out playfully.

Dean looked obviously disappointed that she had got away, he returned to the kitchen to serve up breakfast.

I was saved from being eaten she thought as she opened the front door.

"Granddaughter, good good your up and dressed. Where you about to go to the park for a run? Don't be doing that, you need to rest. Come on let this old man in and we can chat and eat some buns." Dean's grandfather Joseph pushed his way past April as he handed her a basket of breakfast muffins.

April beamed at him as he made his way past her into her condo. Looks like Dean wouldn't be getting a side of April with his breakfast after all.

Joseph took in the comfortable condo and turned towards the kitchen/dining room. He saw his grandson cooking and huffed, he had wanted some alone time with his granddaughter. But just as he was about to speak out grievances he saw red scratch marks on Dean's back that stood out against his tanned skin.

Joseph smiled, at least his grandson wasn't all useless he thought. He hoped to hear soon of news that great-grandchildren were on the way.

"Old man why are you here?" Asked Dean as he turned around.

Used to his behaviour Joseph was about to give off to his grandson when he heard Aprils voice behind him.

"My home, I say who is welcome and Mr Davis is always welcome in my home. You can leave if you wish." April announced as she walked to the dining room and set down the breakfast muffins. She then made up an extra place set and poured.

Joseph lost his smile at being called Mr Davis, it was too impersonal for him.

Dean also grumbled internally, he quickly worked out he had no say against any of his angel's wishes. Dean then walked to the kitchen and put out a third breakfast plate for his grandfather, realising he wouldn't be getting rid of him any time soon. He joined the two as they sat at the dinner table and placed their food in front of them.

April smiled, she was hungry. Dean was right after last night she needed a good breakfast.

"Thanks for breakfast." April thanked Dean. Dean had made bacon eggs and pancakes for breakfast. April happily ate beside the two oblivious to the two glaring at each other.

"I enjoy cooking so if I'm here I will cook for us," Dean answered, he smiled seeing her happy dance in her seat as she ate.

"We can share cooking duties. I like to cook also." April answered.

Joseph coughed as he wanted an invitation.

"Here drink some orange juice." Dean seeing through his grandfather quickly handed him a drink.

Joseph could only glare at his grandson, he was too smart for his own good he thought.
