Chapter 89   - Reincarnation

April smiled and let her hair fall in front of her face as she felt her cheeks burn. He was unexpected like a tornado landing during a calm summer's day. She truly didn't expect him, she had given up on love when she woke up in this lifetime. She also was not prepared for the effect he would have on her, her heart, her mind and her feelings.

She looked over at his face as he watched for her reaction, his facial expression and voice soothed her heart and mind like the calming sound of the light, pitter-patter of drizzle on an April Sunday morning in her brutal, destructive hurricane.

Oliver sat in the front driver's seat and concentrated on driving the two in the back seemed oblivious to him and his poor single heart. He would have to start making an effort in finding a wife or he may end up feeling lonely and very single listening to the two in the back declare their love for one another. He was grateful that Dean usually liked to drive himself and this was a one off.

"I." April turned to reply but Dean cut off of her words. When they kissed she forgot the world it was only the two of them at that moment.

April was lost for words once again as Dean pulled away she decided to let her brave heart take the lead from now on. After all, no matter what would happen in the future between them she would always know that at this moment he was everything to her.

"As I was trying to say before your lips rudely interrupted my thoughts, in a hundred lifetimes, I would only choose you to be by my side. If any other lifetimes existed and we missed being together then at least in this lifetime I found you." April smiled as she opened up a bit more to Dean.


She didn't know if Dean believed in reincarnation or if he would have thought that she was crazy if she did tell him she was not only reborn but remembered meeting him in her last life. Most wouldn't believe her, it did sound like a fairy tale from a book and not real life.


"We are here," Oliver announced interrupting April's question.

"What is it? Do you not want me to come in with you?" Dean asked.

April shook her head, "It wasn't that. I will ask you again another time. But are you sure you are ready to walk into a house that's packed with crazy?"

Dean smiled back, "Ready when you are beautiful."


April rolled her eyes and got out of the car, Oliver had walked around the car and opened up the passenger door for her already. She smoothed out her dress and walked forward. The darkness of her last life had made her who she was today, able to see without any light, not afraid of anything and truly thankful for all she had.

Dean kept up with her and once he reached her he held her hand, her back from the car looked strong but lonely, and he didn't want her to feel that way.

April was about to open the front door when it opened and she saw Tom standing there waiting on her, "Hello miss." Tom smiled and then greeted Dean, "Hello sir."

He was as polite as usual, "Call me April remember." She scolded him lightly before she asked, "Who is home?"

Tom frowned and replied, "Your step mother is upstairs with a migraine lying down and Lucy is still out. Your father is in the living room."

"Thank you, Tom, this is Dean by the way my…" She looked at Dean quizzically as they hadn't defined their connection and boyfriend sounded strange to her.

"I am Dean Davis April's partner." Dean then offered his business card to Tom, anyone that April liked he would also be kind to. "Please call me should April, yourself or Martin need anything."

Tom accepted the card and bowed he of course recognised Dean Davis from TV and in the press. He was world renowned, he glanced at April hoping she had found herself a good man. He remembered that Dean had never been in the press with other women so he was hopeful as he then showed them into the living room together. He noticed how Dean moved around April and held her hand he smiled and glanced at a picture of Kathleen, April's mother and in his heart murmured 'Do you see this Kathleen? Your daughter seems to of fallen in love'.

Martin was in the living room seated at his usual armchair, getting heat from the fire while reading the newspaper. Racheal had come home from shopping and went straight to bed, so if she was upstairs he would stay downstairs and vice versa. Since April left he had made a few subtle changes to how he saw and treated both Racheal and Lucy.

Lucy had her card cut up and he had Limited Racheal's spending. This had caused many arguments and tantrums over the past few weeks and his headaches had only got worse as time went on. When he heard Tom open the door he had kept his head down thinking that it would be Lucy returning. He was in no mood for another tantrum from her. He moved to get up when he saw April, she looked more like her mother who he missed now more than ever.

"April, your home." A smile crossed his face as he stood up to greet her.

April smiled and walked to her father she hugged him with one arm as Dean held on to her right hand still. She let go of her father and inwardly rolled her eyes at Dean.

"Father this is Dean Davis… my partner." As Dean had chosen to call himself her partner she would go along with it.

Dean smiled and reached out his hand to shake Martin's hand and introduce himself. He had of course noticed the shock on his face.
