Chapter 68   - Vivid Colours

April decided a heart to heart was what Aarna needed right now, some tough love could save her a lot of hurt in the end, "Look men go hard for what they truly want in life. If he's not putting in the work to get you then you are not what he truly wants. If you still want to fight for this then I will be there to catch you as you fall. But just message and ask him first so you know where you both stand."

Aarna picked up a pillow and hugged it to her body and replied, "But… Okay. What would you do if you got your heart broken like me?"

April thought of James and now Dean she felt a pain in her heart and quickly shook her head and chuckled at her friend, "The next guy that breaks my heart is getting pepper sprayed, now we are both crying."

Aarna and April laughed. April used humour to break the heavy subject not wanting to think too much and glad that her friend was with her tonight.

Aarna still looked somewhat upset so April comforted her, "Someday someone will walk into your life and they will convince you that love is more than just pain. They will value you for your purpose and existence enough to want you in their life. They will make you understand that you do not need to fight, chase or change for attention and that will be a blessing. I can promise you that." April wasn't sure how much of her own words she believed but she said them to comfort her friend.

After their chat they both showered and went to bed. Both climbing into April's bed and passing out. April slept for a bit then woke, she never had slept well. Getting up she slowly got out of bed a to not wake Aarna. She walked to the kitchen and got a drink of water from the refrigerator.


Looking around she comforted herself as her mother's bits and pieces gave her peace of mind that she was loved and not alone. She now had Aarna and Michael in her life. Her last life she had false faces and people who treated her as disposable. She didn't want nor need those people.

April then brought her bottle of water to her painting room and sat down on the chair in front of her easel, she knew she would not go back to sleep tonight. A blank canvas starred back at her, she sat there for a while before setting down her water bottle and picking up a paintbrush.

With her intuition with some people she could see their beaming auras, feel their healthy energy, their authenticity, and what she wanted was nothing more than to stay. In other people she saw the true nature of their hearts and she felt she now had no choice but to walk away. A skill she had acquired in her new life.

As she painted and filled the empty canvas with life and colour she realised her inner anger at falling for the impossible was actually grief at having hope once again.

The next morning Aarna woke up and stretched as she looked around, not seeing her friend she felt panicked, "April?"

Aarna got out of bed and rushed to the bathroom just off the bedroom, not seeing her friend she ran to the living room, then the kitchen. Worried she looked around and then noticed another door, she walked towards it and pulled on the door handle. That was when she saw April asleep on a high chair opposite a canvas that was a wash of vivid colours. She didn't know that April was this talented, she studied the painting further.


As she studied it she saw that the picture was of a dark male figure carrying an angel. The angel had blood on her back from where her wings once where and the male figure carried her in one hand while he held a sword in the other. The man was strong and trampled on his enemies bodies, his ankles also held by chains. While the angel held onto his shoulders and buried her head into his neck, seeking solace and protection.

Aarna could recognise the pain of heartbreak from the painting alone, she knew her friend hid behind smiles and sarcasm. She just hoped that she would open up on day and tell her what was troubling her. Aarna lifted a blanket of the sofa in the living room and returned s she covered up her friend.

Aarna spoke softly, "I know you have a dream that you have kept to yourself and never told anyone about but just because it didn't come true it doesn't mean you let yourself down. I watched you have hope when you thought you were alone, I saw through your fake smiles and sarcasm when you felt no one was watching but no matter what you always hold on and stay so strong even though you don't have to be. You aren't alone anymore."

After Aarna fixed the blanket she left April to catch up on some much needed rest. Aarna kept busy and she tidied up the condo and made some breakfast. She made them some fresh orange juice and Bagels. She set the table and wen to check on April she had let her sleep for over two hours now. As she walked in she saw April staring at the painting.

"You have an amazing talent in painting I can feel the anguish behind every brush stroke." Aarna commented.

"It's nothing just something I do in my spare time." April then stood and folded her blanket, placing it back on the chair. She stretched before carrying the now dry paining and sitting it on the floor beside her other canvases. "What time is it?"

Aarna smiled as she replied, "Time to eat, I have some homemade bagels and we can fill them with whatever you like."

"Thanks your very kind." April replied and they both made their way to the breakfast table.magic
