Chapter 115   - Audacity

April could understand Sophie's anger at losing her job. But at the end of the day, it was completely her own fault and she should not blame anyone else but herself. As for why she feels so hard done by in life April also had no idea why that was also her fault.

In this lifetime she had seized any opportunities that came her way and stayed positive. She never met Sophie in her past life so she wasn't sure what life she had led. But based on her character April didn't feel she would have ended up any better than she had now.

People always revealed their true colours eventually, that's why April was more cautious this time around who she could and would trust. So far she had made the right decisions.

April stepped around Dean as she wanted to talk to Sophie and calm her down, "Sophie, we were friends, you set me up and I could have been badly hurt. You then tried to make me lose my job thankfully the evidence cleared my name. But you… You brought this all on yourself."

April sighed as Sophie still tried to get to her, tears streamed from Sophie's eyes and her face was red with anger. She was completely different from the Sophie she thought she was.

Sophie forgot herself and who was holding her back, she squirmed and lashed out wanting to get at April, "You b*tch how dare you say that this is my fault. It's all your fault, that I have lost everything."


Sophie felt her legs wobble and she sat on the ground with her shoulders shaking with hysteria, "You should be in this state, not me. I should be smiling and happy with a man like Dean. You don't deserve him."

"Now that's enough!" Dean's stern loud voice sounded. He had had enough of this woman. He had heard of her from April but he knew they were not close friends, he had given the evidence to Casey and Michael so he knew she was one of the women involved in Aprils set-up with Director Compton.

Sophie shuddered and looked up and realised the voice was Dean Davis her dream man. She wiped her tears from her cheek with the back of her hand and lunged at him shouting, "Dean… you came to help me… My dream man!"

Dean stepped back avoiding Sophie's hands. He reached out and held April's waist silently giving her support. He saw fire in her eyes as Sophie had tried to reach out and grab him.

She has little innocent demons inside her eyes, and they recklessly play with matches. I have never seen sparks so pretty he thought.

April couldn't believe her ears, the audacity of this woman dumbfounded her, "How dare you blame me for your own actions. You teamed up with my sister to hurt me and when you failed you blame me. Not only that you try to touch my man, keep your filthy hands off him!"


"Me filthy? It's you who is filthy, you think you deserve Dean's love and affection? I'm here to tell you that you don't." Sophie gathered her courage and stood up to face April, "Don't call me filthy you b*tch, you are nobody special, your looks are average and you barely completed college. What makes you think you are fit to stand beside a man of Dean's calibre?"

"Do not call my man's name one more time, I'm not worthy? I am filthy? You are a joke, I may not be beautiful but I did complete college with honours so get your facts straight before you speak. Do not listen to others so easily. If Dean thinks I am worthy enough in his eyes then I am." April raised her voice for the first time, she couldn't take Sophie's insults any longer.

April had had enough, this conversation wasn't going anywhere and Sophie didn't seem to learn her lesson. She glanced up at Dean and spoke to him "Let's go home."

Amber flecks shone from Dean's eyes as he stared at April with warmth and affection, he was beyond happy that she had claimed him as hers and protected their relationship. But she was wrong on one thing, it was the other way around he wasn't good enough for her.

They turned and walked towards their car and as usual Dean walked April to her side and opened the car door for her. He helped her inside before walking to the driver's seat. He glanced up and saw that Sophie had come to her senses and was about to charge at the car and continue her verbal assault. He gave her an intense stare before getting into the driver's side and starting the car.

Sophie who had listened to Aprils words realised that she had indeed been friends with April, but her jealousy of her relationship with Dean had clouded her judgement. She had allowed Lucy to get into her hear and tell her what to do. So it was Lucy's fault that she lost her job.

As she thought this she noticed that April was leaving, she wanted to continue the conversation. She wanted April to talk to Michael, she wanted her job back. If she could get her job back then her life could go back to normal. Just as she wanted to rush to April she saw Dean looking at her. His gaze was suddenly venomous and she stopped in her tracks in fear.

She watched them drive off and she slid to the ground again, the dust whirled around her as the car took off. She choked on the dust, she didn't know how long she sat there before she came back to her senses, it was dark and her legs had gone numb from sitting for so long.

She got in her car and checked her phone, but no one had called. No one checked in on her, she felt isolated and she realised that Lucy who had phoned her and text messaged her every day had stopped after the incident on Friday. The friend and ally she thought she had were gone. Her job was gone, she would lose her apartment and her car would be taken from her.. She gripped her phone in her hand in anger before throwing it into the passenger seat and turned on her engine and drove off.
