Chapter 104   - Sunday Dinner

April could only laugh at these two men, she gave up and enjoyed the company as she looked around the gardens and the inside of the house. Everything was spectacular inside, there were ornate sculptures and figurines along with many paintings on the walls. She wanted to take in each item but she was guided straight to the living room.

The two men sat beside her and she could only smile at the both of them, neither had let go yet. "Okay, time for me to cook."

April then stood up and walked to the kitchen. She took a glance back and of course, the two men were following her. She rolled her eyes but then looked around before stopping and turning to the two men. "So where is the kitchen?"

Dean stepped forward, "The kitchen is this way, the old man wouldn't know where it is."

"Of course I know where my kitchen is, as a young boy I would run in and out of here every day to get the kitchen staff to make me some sweets." Joseph huffed as he replied, this young man was getting more and more out of control.

April ignored the two and saw in the kitchen an older lady was filling up a kettle at the sink, she looked kind so April greeted her warmly, "Afternoon my name is April."


The older maid turned and she had a gentle smile on her face as she glanced at the beautiful girl in front of her and the two powerful Davis men trailing at her side. She smiled, "Hello, it's lovely to meet you. My name is Bernie, you can ask me for anything that you need today, I heard you were cooking so I am here to help you."

April didn't need help cooking. She loved to cook but in a kitchen this size she didn't know where anything was so she nodded her head and agreed, "Thank you yes, I would be lost in a kitchen this size."

"Afternoon Bernie," Dean said as he sat down at the kitchen counter.

Bernie was used to Dean's laid back behaviour and she greeted him warmly, "Afternoon, can I get you anything?"

"I'm good thanks, just ignore me," Dean replied.

Bernie nodded. Robert and Sam carried in some bags and set them on the kitchen counter. Bernie thanked them before she helped April unpack all the food. Bernie glanced at the ingredients, "What are we cooking?"


April glanced around, she suddenly had an audience, Sam and Robert stood at the door. Joseph and Dean sat on the stool at the kitchen counter and Bernie stood at her side. She felt suddenly under a lot of pressure. She liked to cook but never said she was any good at it and it certainly would be considered home cooking and not fine dining, she wanted to make that clear.

"Em so it's my own home cooking style which is pretty easy so I don't need any help… so I'll start cooking. You can all take a break and do something fun." April glanced around at everyone as she spoke.

"Alright, clear out everyone," Dean spoke up for her and Robert, Sam and Bernie all disappeared, seeming to understand that she was nervous.

"Thanks but you both can go relax for a while, I can call you if I need anything," April replied sheepishly.

"No, I'll be here as a sous chef." Dean refused and grabbed two aprons, placing one over April's head and tying it at her waist then he tied his own apron.

"I'll keep you company, I can share my stories as you cook and the cooking time will pass by faster." Joseph refused to move from his seat either, he had only one day with his great granddaughter and he wanted to enjoy every minute of her attention.

April wanted to shoo them both away as they were just a distraction and made her nervous but she could only concede as Dean and Joseph gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Okay," she replied. Firstly she made a cup of coffee for Joseph and set it in front of him. He beamed at the gesture and started his stories of the past.

April listened to Joseph as she delegated to Dean, she allowed him to do the small jobs of washing and cutting the vegetables while she prepared the fish and meat. For April Sunday was always a relaxing day, she made tasty wholesome food that she liked to eat.

Yes recently she hadn't enjoyed cooking for Lucy and Rachel but in the past, she enjoyed cooking dinner with her mum and she thought that maybe at some point in the future she may do this with her own daughter someday.

Dean was there at hand to help her as he didn't want her to cut her fingers or burn her hands as the oil spat out at her.

He was very attentive and Joseph approved of his actions. He had loved his wife and he was glad she had never cooked, he didn't realise how dangerous cooking could be.

Once April had everything cooking and in the oven, she then took out some bowls and started to bake. No Sunday dinner would be complete without dessert and she loved to bake.

Seeing the chocolate and the mixing bowls out Dean chuckled, she really did have a sweet tooth.

"What?" April asked, she had some flour on her cheek and Dean reached out and wiped it off.

Seeing the gesture she thanked him before she continued to mix the chocolate batter. She got out two cake trays and filled them and placed them in another oven. This kitchen had so many amenities she could easily bake a hundred cakes, she thought.

"Yes you could and I will happily help you eat them," Dean replied as she turned to look at him.

April didnt realise she had spoken out loud so she nodded shyly and continued to finish off the dinner and plate up.
