Chapter 860 - An Unexpected Discovery
Lianne glared at him.
"That's not playing fair," she grumbled, her lips in a tight line of disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.
Instead of looking displeased or annoyed, Zero laughed a bit and patted her cheek slightly before letting go. Grabbing her hand so that she can't run away, he said, "I learned from the best."
Lianne sighed loudly and let herself be led
It was just a check-up, right? If it would appease the worry in Zero's heart, then why not? The doctor would just prescribe some vitamins and give her some sort of meal plan.
Truly, he was such a worry-wort.
? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?
Zero sat there, looking at the doctor in total shock.
His mind was trying to grasp what the doctor had said and he couldn't quite stop the rapid beating of his heart. Sure, he thought Lianne had looked rather listless and easy to get tired but …
This was beyond what he had imagined.
The doctor's room suddenly felt so big and so empty at the same time.
Lianne had gone with the nurse to get her blood drawn for some testing and the doctor took the opportunity to talk to Zero.
After all, Lianne was a minor while Zero was the a.d.u.l.t.
The doctor actually had used the blood test as an excuse to be able to talk to Zero privately, and had also instructed the nurse to take slightly longer than needed. Lianne was also required to give some urine samples so that gave him more time.
"Are you sure about this?" Zero asked, as he stared at the doctor.
"Yes, and no," the doctor replied, "Which is why she needs to go and see a specialist about this. I am sure that there is something wrong, but to what extent - that can only be determined after the necessary tests."
Zero was now in a dilemma.
He knew the doctor talked to him first, which meant that he didn't want to tell Lianne and make her worried. After all, Lianne was still a minor and would not be able to take the news.
Of course, Zero knew full well that Lianne wasn't a normal girl and she was more matured than anyone he knew.
Still, he didn't feel like he should tell her this right now.
She had so much on her plate and letting her know this might tip her over the edge. He felt ill-equipped to be the one to tell her, and he felt that this should be handled by someone else.
But who?
Her father? No way. She had a strained relationship with her father and he may not be able to handle it properly.
Her brother? Another no, because although he was older and even married now, it didn't detract from the fact that Lianne was the 'older' one in their relationship.
He was only her brother by association and one that he, himself, felt but even then, he didn't think he should usurp her real family's position.
He really didn't know what was the best course of action.
"I understand," Zero said, slumping a bit in his chair.
There was only one person he can ask right now.
Surely Sir would know what would be the best thing to do.
Lianne then came in then, her face showing her obvious disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at having to go through the whole process.
"I hate needles," she grumbled, holding up her arm while pressing on the spot that the blood was drawn.
Zero gave her a smile, and said, "It's not that bad, right?"
"It's horrible!" Lianne hissed.
"When will the blood test and urine test results be out?" Zero turned to ask the doctor, covering up his nervousness.
"Within a day or two," the doctor replied.
"Okay," Zero said, "Just give me a call when it's done and I'll come and pick up the report."
"For now, just take these vitamins and make sure that you do not overexert yourself," the doctor said firmly, writing a prescription for Lianne.
"Okay," Lianne replied obediently.
When they exited the doctor's office, Lianne looked at Zero triumphally.
"See? I told you it was nothing. Just need some vitamins and proper sleep," Lianne said smugly.
Zero smiled gently at her and rubbed her head.
"HEY! ZERO!!" Lianne shouted angrily at him, "Stop that!!"
He just laughed, hiding the fear and worry in his heart. He hoped she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and it seemed like he had managed to do so. He didn't know how long he could do it though, so he antagonised her on purpose.
She grumbled, while fixing her hair and walked off.
Zero watched her back, the fear in his heart growing.
The whole 'seeing the doctor' trip didn't take long and Zero managed to easily send Lianne back to the school before Joseph finished practise. He sat on the motorbike and watched her go into the school and he knew that once Lianne found out the truth, she would turn on him like a banshee.
Once Lianne went through the doors, Zero put back his helmet and revved up the motorbike. He had to settle this quickly.
Lianne stopped once she walked through the door and turned, observing Zero who was staring at the closed door. He wouldn't be able to see her inside, looking out through the windows on the door.
Her heart felt unsettled.
Zero was not his usual self, but she couldn't quite get the truth out of him. He just told her that he was worried for her and he was also thinking about some things at work, so he was rather distracted at that time.
Lianne didn't quite believe him but yet, at the same time, she didn't want *not* to believe him.
Was he hiding something from her?
The only thing she wasn't sure was, whether it was something to do with his work … or her. She shook her head and walked to the field.
Whatever it was, Lianne had faith that Zero would tell her sooner or later. If he didn't, it meant it was something that she wasn't privy to. She felt that he needed some time to gather his thoughts about what to tell her, so she didn't resent him for it.
She also didn't feel upset that Zero wasn't willing to tell her everything because Zero's life and job was at the highest security level - it's not like she needed to know everything about him. There were aspects to his life that she wasn't privy to and that was okay.
Still, she couldn't quite get her heart to feel calm. She hoped he was okay.
Lianne touched the bottle of vitamins in her pocket, feeling reassured.
Well, at least she knew that it had nothing to do with her health. The doctor just gave her these vitamins and nothing else.
? Smith Industries HQ ?
The people in the ground floor of Smith Industries HQ were gawking.
Yes, they were gawking.
At an exceptionally handsome silver-haired young man that was walking by.
It wasn't because he was such eye candy (well, okay, part of it was), but by the fact that they knew who that person was.
Yet, instead of the usual suit and stiff expression he normally wore, he was actually dressed very casually.
Like a college student.
His hair was styled with a 4/6 parting, his bangs just barely above his eyebrows. With his slim blue jeans, white T-shirt and leather jacket, one wouldn't have thought that this was Zero, the cold one from CEO Kyle's Elite Team.
If the normal Zero was ice-cold hot, this Zero was scorching.
The whole ensemble made his normally stoic face just look indifferent and thus, more approachable.
Many were, in fact, so enthralled that they almost went up to him to try and chat him up - if it wasn't for the fact that he just breezed through and headed straight to the VIP lift.
As Zero reached the top floor, he went straight to Sam and asked, "Is Sir in?"
Sam looked at him, noting the serious expression and said, "Yes. Let me buzz you in."
Zero nodded and quickly went inside the moment he heard the 'Send him in'.
Kyle stopped his work and looked at Zero who walked in.
The fact that Zero came unannounced meant it was something serious. Yet, he couldn't remember anything that may cause this. He wasn't in any active mission that was of a s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e nature or dangerous.
What could it be?
"Sir," Zero said as he rushed to the desk and placed a doc.u.ment on it.
Kyle looked at Zero curiously, then at the paper. A medical report? Lianne?
As he read on, he couldn't believe it. He had to re-read it several times, his hands nearly ripping the paper. Anguish assailed him and his eyes tearing up.
"Thank you, Zero," Kyle said softly, dismissing Zero.
How could this be?? Congenital heart defect??!