Chapter 95   - The Private Beach (1)

"Yes, he was murdered. And the day he was murdered, he hid Cole and me in a hospital after an injury so that the killers wouldn't reach us."

Daryn's heartbeat accelerated. "Why were you in the hospital?" he asked.

Dawn rubbed her breastbone as though feeling heavy. "I was bitten by a werewolf." It was a life-changing event for her.

Daryn was bereft. His skin prickled with discomfort.

She continued, "I think my father knew about my condition. He also knew that he was about to get killed, so he protected us first." She remembered how she had heard about his murder on the TV when she had just woken up from her unconsciousness. A tear formed in her eye and it rolled out from the side. "With the help of a stranger, we escaped the hospital and then with Uncle Alvarez's help, I fled the country. Jason and Helena were after us."

That was too much information to gulp down. "Tell me everything Dawn," he said as he lied beside her and supported his head on his palm to look at her. He wiped her tears.


"It all started when Helena came into father's life."

By the time she finished narrating about her life, Daryn's heart was heavy with her remorse. She had so much filled in her heart, she was wronged and yet she endured everything on her own.

Little did he know that she had not told him about Quetz. She wondered if he would freak out.

He pulled her against his chest. "Do you know who bit you?"

"No," she whispered.

His chest became wet with her tears. "Where is Bree these days?"


"I don't know."

He kissed on her head and said, "One thing at a time, baby, one thing at a time."

Dawn had always been in a lot of control and had pushed the grief at the back of her mind. But when Daryn wrapped his arms around him, she wanted to give in to that control. She sobbed in his chest as tears dripped onto him. Her breathing became ragged and she gasped in between to find air. Daryn caressed her back. "Cry, Dawn, cry. Today, you can cry as much as you want, but not after that." A wail left her as emotions swirled in her chest. Her bare shoulders shook with every wave of emotion that passed through her body. Daryn held her firmly. Her grief broke his heart as he realized the disturbing reality, which she had undergone all alone. She cried until there were no more tears and only dry heaves. It was 3AM before she finally slept.

That night Daryn didn't move an inch. She slept like a baby in his arms. And there were way too many things that went across his mind.


On Sunday Cole left for the school trip in the morning. "I want you to call me three times a day, okay?" Dawn instructed like a mother hen.

Daryn smiled at the siblings. Now he understood the love and protection they had for each other because they were the only ones left for each other. He couldn't imagine how they endured so far. Who was responsible for their condition? Why was Luke Wyatt killed and why did Dawn suspect Helena? He had to join the dots. He had to find out who was behind all the nefarious activities. Why was Luke Wyatt the target?

"I am not going to call you thrice a day!" Cole replied, raising his eyebrows. "I might call you in the night before going off to sleep." He dashed out.

"Cole," she shouted behind him.

"Dawn, my bus is waiting. I need to leave."

Before she could say anything, Cole had left. She let out a sigh and walked back.

Daryn chuckled. "Let's also go out to spend our time."

"Where?" she asked with a droopy face. She felt so caged.

"On my private beach," he said with excitement.

Her eyes popped out. "You have a private beach? Where?" The closest one was an hour away.

"Of course!" There was pride in his voice, as he impressed his female. The Silvers had three private beaches.

"Sure!" she jumped with excitement. "When do we leave?"

"As soon as possible, because we have to attend the party in the evening," he replied, cocking his head and shrugging.

Dawn squealed and hopped from one foot to the other like a little child, not one bit ashamed of her enthusiasm. She checked on her wristwatch and ran inside her room to pack as Daryn laughed at her. He went upstairs to pack his things.

Her friend Elize had gifted her a bikini hoping that one day Dawn would use it given her vow to never date anyone. Dawn chuckled remembering her and took out the blue bikini from her cupboard. She changed into it and pulled a pair of jeans and a tank top. She found a small satchel and stashed a beach towel, sunscreen, some snacks and sunglasses. She was ready to go.

She went to the foyer and waited for him. When he came down, he looked so sexy in his mussed up hair and aviators, that Dawn had an urge to kiss him crazily. In a sleeveless polo and khaki shorts, every muscle of his arms and legs was visible. The way they flexed when he moved made Dawn's wolf go mad. She took in a deep breath to calm down. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he ruffled her hair. He couldn't wait to be with her on the beach. He grabbed her hand and pulled her in the elevator. They walked to one of his convertibles in the garage. Dawn wore her sunglasses as she sat in it and they pulled out of the parking. A security jeep followed them until they reached the destination.

Dawn looked around and raised her eyebrow when she noticed that they were on a tarmac. She saw a line of several private aircrafts parked over there. "Why are we at the airport?" she asked as her mind tried to gather information. It was a private airstrip.

Daryn hopped out of the car, opened the door for her and held her hand. He walked with her to a small aircraft that was ready to fly. The pilot greeted them. "Good morning."

For Dawn, this was not new as even her father had an aircraft. But to fly with Daryn was exhilarating. She squeezed his hand and they climbed the stairs. They settled in their seats and she noticed the ambient settings. The pilot announced, "Good morning, Mr. Daryn and Ms. Dawn. We are heading off to Baxsay. The weather is superb and we hope to reach there in time."

Dawn became excited. The aircraft taxied the runway and took off. They reached Baxsay within twenty minutes.

Another convertible was ready, waiting for them on the tarmac. As soon as they sat in, she shrieked, "I have heard so much about Baxsay Strand."

Daryn laughed and zipped off.

"Slow down!" she yelled as Daryn pulled the covers off the convertible. "I don't want the police to trail us."

He didn't bother. "I don't care about rules!"

"Mr. Daryn, you are a bad influence." And the best thing that happened to me, she thought.

They arrived at the beach in no more than thirty minutes. Daryn drove the car to the boardwalk and parked it on the side street. They grabbed their bags and walked to the beach holding hands. When they were walking on the boards, Daryn's phone buzzed. "What?" he barked, hating the intrusion.

"It's done."
