[Book II Chapter 54] DYLAN: A Living Cauldron
<<You’ve done all you could.>> Dowart Fain assured.
Dylan grunted as he crossed the warped landscape. The Morning Dew Sect had been relocated to allied sect, an arrangement he was secretly relieved at as it would make it harder for anyone to track him. Still, he felt uncertain at leaving Lin Xiao on her own.
The Great Assembly had summoned all saints to Wushan, Sanwue’s mountain capital. Ordinarily, Dylan would pay this no mind, but he was desperate for information. Yaozu Gao, the patriarch of Ghost Corrosion Sect, would undoubtedly be in attendance. With any luck, Gen Jiang would be there too and could use his connections to introduce him. The opportunity was too enticing to pass up
So Dylan had departed, entrusting Lin’s safety to Kailen who was staying due to his responsibilities as sect leader following Mei Shenmu’s death. Out of caution, he was taking a route deep through the wilderness.
<<Look below.>> Dowart advised.
Three cultivators were jumping across strands of earth. Their robes identified them as Divine Serpent disciples, and their speed betrayed them as saints.
“What are they doing so deep in the Twisted Lands?” Dylan wondered, tailing them. One of his remaining targets hailed from that sect, and perhaps this would lead to an opportunity. He was also curious as to their destination.
Before long they reached a floating mountain, and the three disappeared into a bamboo grove. Hesitating, Dylan embraced the lesser mystery of mud and dove into the ground, swimming under the thick mesh of roots. Sensing more presences, he emerged cautiously in the underbrush. The Divine Serpent disciples were meeting several figures in black outfits he didn’t recognize.
<<Those are practitioners from a demonic sect.>> Dowart grimaced. <<Something foul is transpiring here.>>
“Is everything ready?” Asked the Divine Serpent disciple with a thick beard.
“Not yet.” Said the leader of the demonic practitioners. “Your request was sudden, and this is a delicate ritual. Also an expensive one. I trust you have the spirit stones?”
“Here’s half.” The bearded man threw over a pouch. “You’ll receive the rest once you’ve delivered.”
Dylan resubmerged and moved further into the forrest. In a clearing, he found two stone coffins covered in green and orange symbols. Demonic practitioners were busy etching intertwining magic circles around them. As he circled for a better view, he spotted a young girl off within the bamboo. She was sitting in an isolate alcove staring ahead lifelessly, her wrist linked by steel shackles.
<<I believe I understand what is going on here.>> Doward declared pensively. <<She’s a living cauldron.>>
<<What’s that?>> Dylan asked.
<<Three millennia ago, a demonic sect recruited a madman called Salazar Rook. It’s a method developed by that devil.>>
<<It’s not uncommon for individuals to be born with esoteric affinities, the most common being fate. These can be powerful when paired with other magics, as with your little mistress and Gen Jiang from the fate pavilion. However, by themselves, they are next to useless, providing virtually no battle power. Those with pure esoteric affinities have long been shunned by the major sects, even when blessed with powerful channeling ability.>>
<<Salazar Rook saw this wasted opportunity and had the demonic practitioners gather these rejects. With great effort, he then developed cultivating methods suitable to them. This didn’t solve their weakness, but it allowed them to strengthen their soul. Once Salazar judged them fully ‘mature’, he sacrificed them in a ritual of his own creation, greatly enhancing the strength of a chosen demonic practitioner.>>
<<So this girl is destined for that ritual?>> Dylan asked.
<<Salazar called them living cauldrons.>> Dowart nodded. <<Although it’s strange that she’s so young. My understanding is they are usually over twenty so they have more time to cultivate first.>>
The girl was around fourteen, just a few years older than Lin. What a doomed fate. The demonic practitioners were selling her life, and the bearded Divine Serpent disciple was most likely the intended recipient.
<<There’s no benefit to remaining here.>> Dowart said. <<We should leave before we’re detected. The stealth of the lesser mystery of mud isn’t perfect.>>
Dylan was about to withdraw when certain words ran through his head. Find someone facing certain death and save them… He glanced back towards the girl, conflicted.Unauthorized use: this story is on Amazon without permission from the author. Report any sightings.
Dowart guessed his thoughts. <<I supposed this would certainly qualify. Have you decided to be heroic?>>
Sliding behind her, he reached up and covered the girl’s mouth. “Close your eyes and hold your breath.” He whispered. With that he dragged her under the dirt. Once out of the forest, he snapped her shackles and had her cling to his back. He was half a mile away by the time a sharp whistle pierced the air.
“They can track me through the marks on my back.” The girl revealed apologetically. “That’s why they weren’t bothering to watch me. Leave me here and you should get away.”
Dylan grimaced. If he gave up here and waited for a better opportunity, then there was no point. This was for his peace of mind, to clear away his debt. Soul had risked his life, so he had to do the same.
“Hold on tight.” Dylan instructed, adopting the Greater Mystery of Magma to increase his speed. For a moment, he regretted traveling so far from civilization. He required the safety of a major city but knew of none nearby. My best bet is to reach a major road and hope to chance upon a group of saints. Either that, or put sufficient distance between us so they give up.
Loud cawing rang out in his rear. Huge swarms of crows were giving chase, each the size of a vulture.
“Carrion Crows.” The girl explained. “I’m sure they have orders to stop you without hurting me.”
The black birds flew by and dived bombed at him from the front. At first, he blasted them away with jets of fire but then realized it was more efficient to simply charge through. The dark stone covering his skin easily negated the damage. Unfortunately, enduring the barrage did slow him down. Initially, he’d believed he could outrun his pursuers. This appeared unlikely.
After several minutes, the girl cried out, “I see them!”
The three Divine Serpent disciples were a quarter mile away. Four demonic practitioners followed in their wake, releasing more crows. Too many to fight. Dylan made his way towards upwards. They were nearing the edge of the twisted lands, and there was a better chance of encountering allies on the surface. Relief washed over him once he saw a long continuous stretch of earth.
Once on solid ground, the crows stopped attacking, simply following overhead. The demonic practitioners had fallen back, afraid to venture away from the wilderness. Only the Divine Serpent disciples remained.
Dylan saw a road and followed it, racing past several travelers. Weakling were useless against those tracking him. The Divine Serpent disciples were close enough to attack now. Only the fear of injuring their prize was staying their hand.
<<You have a decision to make.>> Dowart said solemnly.
To fight or to continue until my stamina gives out entirely. He’d never relied on the Greater Mystery of Magma for so long. The instant he stopped he’d be overtaken due to the burden he carried. There was also the option to abandon the girl, but he was extremely reluctant after coming this far.
As he struggled internally, Dylan spotted a airship with a pavilion built atop its deck. So elaborate was its design that it could only belong to an immortal. Instantly, he charged up and threw a fist sized fireball at the fast moving target. His projectile smashed against the hull.
The airship slowed and turned, landing in his path. Dylan and his pursuers came to a halt, warily watching the man who emerged from the pavilion. He wore a long snake skin coat over elaborate robes. Dylan’s heart sank when he saw reptile eyes below the brown hair. Chon Woosang, the head of the Divine Serpent Sect.
“What is going on here?” The immortal asked coldly.
“I am rescuing this girl from being sacrificed as a living cauldron.” Dylan answered honestly, harboring the faint hope the man would intervene on their behalf.
Chon glanced at the girl, then towards his sect’s disciples. “What is the meaning of this?”
Surprisingly, the three shifted uncomfortably, staring at the ground. Finally, the bearded disciple spoke up, “With the Great Assembly’s summon, this might be my last chance. The strength I’d gain would be a boon for the turmoil ahead.”
Chon’s expression darkened, “I expressly forbid dealings with demonic sects when the Dark Age began.”
“I know,” The bearded man stammered, “but it was my turn…” Dylan winced. This was obviously the wrong answer.
“Raise your eyes.” Chon said softly.
The bearded man panicked, “No, please! Anything but that!”
“Look me in the eyes now.” Chon repeated in a tone that suffered no disobedience.
As soon as their gazes met, the bearded man went rigid and turned a dark gray. Petrification… The Divine Serpent head was famous for fusing the eyes of a basilisk king with his own, granting him the power to turn to stone all who peered into them.
“Return this statue to the sect and then head directly to Wushan.” Chon order the other two. With a bow, they quickly retreated.
Chon then gesture to Dylan, “Both of you, join me on my ship.”
Once they were install in his sumptuous quarters, Chon turned to the nervous girl. “What is your name young lady?”
“Moli.” She replied sheepishly.
“There is no need for further concern, Moli.” Chon reassured. “We are on our way to Wushan, where you’ll be entrusted to the Fate Pavilion. They’ll take good care of you.”
Moli bowed deeply. “Thank you, both of you. I never expected to live past today.”
Chon nodded contently, before fixing his gaze on his other guest. “Quite a selfless act you performed in rescuing Moli.” He said searchingly. “Could I ask what inspired you?”
With no reason to conceal it, Dylan relayed the tale of Soul assisting the Morning Dew Sect and the reward he’d requested. As he listened, a grin spread on Chon’s face.
“The exploits of the young Skyfell have reached my ears.” Chon chuckled. “So this is indirectly related to him… My master, Luohan Shen, will be pleased with this result.”
Twelve hundred years ago, Luohan Shen, the patriarch of the Divine Serpent Sect had stepped aside to let Chon Woosang take over the reigns, one of the few amicable transfers of power in Sanwue’s history. Despite his position, Chon still refers to him as ‘master’.
“Although I wasn’t alive at the time,” Chon continued, “the shame dating back two thousands years has been drilled into me. The Great Assembly believes we must learn to act against our nature as cultivators lest we experience the same remorse again, and I agree. We will need more like you, who are willing to risk their lives for others. It’s the reason we unleashed Soul on Sanwue, despite all the havoc he’s caused.”
So the boy’s visit was a deliberate act… As Chon sunk into a pensive state, Dylan realized this might be an opportunity to met the leader of Ghost Corrosion Sect. Lowering his head, he made his plea. “While deeply grateful for your assistance, there is more I must ask. I desire to speak Yaozu Gao about a matter of utmost importance.”
Rubbing his chin while appraising him, Chon smirked. “That can be arranged, but I’ll require something of you first.”