It’s a known fact, that aggressively progressing Attributes can allow a person the opportunity to live a very long life. Much longer than those who don’t. [Mage] are especially known for this, but the condition applies to all Classes.

Theory goes, that Attributes are tiny fractions of the divine. Pieces of Godly power, which change living flesh on some deeper, spiritual, level. Over time, with enough progress, the human condition is altered. No longer quite so tied to mortal concerns. No longer bound as tightly to the natural laws

Odd to think about, though, considering how quickly Heroes tend to accumulate Attributes…

I can’t say that I’ve ever met one older than myself.


It was morning, by the time I made it back. Leaning on a spear I'd found, I hobbled in slowly. Those awake to watch, seemed too tired to jeer at me.

Covered in gore as I was, I could have sworn one even gave me a nod.


"Hoo..." Kepler leaned back against his bunk as I stepped in, eyebrows raised at the sight of me. "Not dead, after all."

Exhausted, I stared back.

"No." I croaked. "Not dead."

"Look the part, though..." He wrinkled his nose. "Light, smell the part, too.Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

I looked about the tent, finding no one.

"Everyone?" My voice was raspy, throat parched.


"You coming all the way inside, or you just going to stand there?" Kepler asked.

Slowly, I stepped inside, letting the tent flaps shut behind me. I wasn't alone, I realize. On a top bunk, someone was sleeping. Mars, I realized.

Next one of the lower bunks, seated beside horribly bloodied armor, Jones looked on with a distant stare.

Was this… was this everyone?

No other bunks were filled.

"Just us?" I wheezed. “Is it really just us?”

Jones didn't answer.

I looked around the tent, hoping I was wrong- but there was no one else. Then, a wet rag hit me.

"Clean up." Kepler muttered. "That's an order."

"What?" I caught the cloth as it slipped from my face.

"Second thought, take two of them." Pulling another cloth free and dunking it into a barrel, Kepler threw it in my direction.

"I... don't..." My brain was like slosh. Images of faces, of weapons, of people I knew, falling. Of screams and shouts.

"Hey there." Looking up, Kepler put a hand on my shoulder. "Cheer up, John. We won."

Name: John

Title: Summoned Hero*

Class: None

General Skills:

Language of men - Lvl 10 - Passive

Identify Lvl 4 - Active

Special Skills:

Hide Presence Lvl 1 - Active


Vitality: 12

Endurance: 16

Strength: 15  

Dexterity: 19

Intelligence: 45

Wisdom: 46

Health: 31/50

Stamina: 4/20

Mana: 100/100
