As 01R instructed Snuan on the loyalty necessary to become one of the wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen’s servants, he suddenly felt the boss-queen’s attention on him. His robotic eye started to glow…and then projected an image of the boss-queen herself. Snuan jumped and fell on her back, clearly awed by the sheer magnificence of the boss-queen.

“Surrender request acknowledged. Offer: All parties intending to surrender should review and sign the following contract.”

With that, the hologram cut off, and a magic contract appeared before the rat. Snuan trembled.

“You there! Rat-Knight-thing! You didn’t say-mention you worked for a man-thing!”

R just stared off into the distance.

“The wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen…spoke-commanded through me…oh, what did you say-ask? Ah, that is because the wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen is obviously above all the lesser man-things, and should not be associated with them, yes yes.”

One of the cyber-dogs, 01C, tilted their head and barked. 01R crossed his arms.


“Those two man-things she associates-interacts with? I….am not sure-certain. They seem lesser to me as well, but the boss-queen gave-offered them a contract sometime earlier, yes yes? She must have-possess plans for them I cannot see, yes yes.”

Meanwhile Snuan trembled, imagining all the horrors man-things are said to inflict upon captured monster rats. Being fed to larger pets, being experimented on by mad wizards, being dressed up and paraded around as an exercise in humiliation.

But Snuan also glanced around her, at the spider-things and cat-thing and dog-things and bear-thing that were all watching her. Her ears went flat against her head. She glared at 01R.

“I better not be eaten-consumed!”

She signed the contract.

The next morning the group made their way back to Khalbuldor when they were halted by the guards. The guards led them to the Council Hall, where the Council of Khalbuldor was waiting for them. They were brought to an audience hall, where the Council sat on thrones arranged in a semi-circle. The leader nodded at them.


“Thank you, NSLICE-00P and company. You’ve done us a great service.”


The leader nodded to the side and a dwarf attendant brought a tray. On top of it was a bag and a pendant.

“Please, accept our gratitude, and a token of our friendship.”


NSLICE-00P took the bag, which was filled with coins, and the pendant.

“Know that you are always welcome in Khalbuldor from now on, as well as any other hold that acknowledges us. We hope this is the start of a beneficial friendship.”


And so the group made their way back to the tavern, and met up with Vafum and Agedia. NSLICE-00P displayed the persons of interest and the two of them took down notes. Vafum heaved a sigh.

“I’ll do what I can, lass. It may take a bit to get around, I’ll need to get the company back up and running first.”


Vafum then glanced around and motioned for the three to move closer. He leaned in and whispered to them.

“We do know something about the Exploratores chap, though. Tiberius mentioned he was working for some Exploratores bigshot, someone important enough to get him to move out to Turannia of all places. There are only a few people I can think of who could get that drunkard to do that.”

Vafum eyed each of them.

“Well, the shiny lass will probably be fine, but the two of you are a bit weak to be pulling on that thread. I’d recommend you train for a bit before leaping into the world of intrigue. Won’t stop you from getting stabbed in a dark alley but at least you might survive the dagger.”If you come across this story on Amazon, it's taken without permission from the author. Report it.

Agedia nodded.

“How about I show you all around the dungeon? The good spots, now that we’re not on the clock.”

Ateia frowned, and then looked at NSLICE-00P.

“Well, we were going to check in with the Exploratores, but what do you think, Seero?”

“Analysis: Increasing the capabilities and resilience of friendlies Ateia and Taog is desirable, and will not interfere with this unit’s current objectives. Conclusion: This unit finds this course of action acceptable.”

Ateia glanced over at Taog. He frowned and rubbed his chin.

“Personally, I wouldn’t mind getting a bit stronger.”

Ateia took a deep breath. More and more, she was wondering who exactly her father was. But she had waited for years for him now. These questions could wait a while longer.

“In that case, we would be grateful if you could show us around.”

NSLICE-00P requested a return to Velusitum before braving the dungeon. Ateia and Taog agreed and used the time to double-check their supplies. Meanwhile, NSLICE-00P moved towards where her monsters had fought the night before and gathered her combat-focused units into the monster hangar, along with new friendly Snuan. Snuan cursed and flailed about at the sudden Transfer.

“W-What is happening-occuring?! Where am I?!”

“Answer: This unit has gathered friendly Snuan Covenwalker to the Monster Hangar for transit. This unit is preparing for a subordinate upgrade routine, friendly Snuan is a high priority unit in order to integrate with the NSLICE network.”

“I-Integrate? W-What do you mean-intend by ‘integrate’?!”

“Answer: Monster unit ‘evolutions’ appear to include options for installing cybernetic components.”

Snuan paused, her eyes widening when she heard the word ‘evolutions’.

“Oh. Why didn’t you say-speak so? Um, t-thank you?”

It was at that moment that 01R contacted her.

“Wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen, forgive my insolence, but I have a request-plea.”

“Acknowledgement: Please state the request.”

“Please allow this unworthy one to fight-train with the others.”

“Observation: NSLICE-01R’s combat capabilities are calculated as sufficient for a covert unit. Please state the rationale for additional upgrade routines.”

Back in the sewers below, 01R looked down, and grit his teeth.

“I am…unworthy-undeserving of your consideration, wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen, yes yes. I am no better than any other when it comes to sneak-creeping, not at all worthy of the attention you have lavished-wasted upon me. I thought to do more by recruiting-conquering these rat-things in your name…but instead I learned-discovered how weak I truly am.”

B cried softly and nuzzled 01R with his nose. 01R rubbed a paw on the bear’s head but shook his head.

“I have done-tried my best, but the truth is you are already stronger-mightier than me, yes yes.”

And then, a truly unexpected voice joined the conversation.

“I, the Great-High…ahem. I would also like to request-ask for this.”

Everyone in the sewer turned to stare at Rattingtale.

“The traitor…the other rat-thing, 01R, is right-correct, yes yes. I…we…cannot do-achieve much as we are now.”

R’s eyes narrowed.

“What are you planning-plotting, traitorous thing?”

Rattingtale just stared at the ground.

“I…am not sure-certain anymore.”

NSLICE-00P’s robotic eye flickered. By her analysis, the combat specialized units of the NSLICE network had proven their worth, and the covert units had demonstrated they could defend themselves until reinforcements arrived. Additional combat potential for the covert units was not necessary.

However, the NSLICE network itself had shifted in capabilities, unit specialization, and overall role regarding her primary objectives. The stealth mini-drone golems had proven as or more capable than rat and spider monsters in the observation role, were noticeably more cost-efficient in terms of hangar space and mana-upkeep, were significantly more expendable as fully automated units, and did not innately provoke hostility from the local society.

As for the network’s overall role, NSLICE-00P had lowered the priority on searching the immediate area for the persons of interest, so the need for covert units had dropped accordingly. And with the additional directive of protecting the friendlies, combat assets had risen in comparative value.

“Analysis concluded. Statement: This unit finds NSLICE-01R’s request to be reasonable, and covert units will be included in the upgrade routine. Command: Please prepare for transit.”

NSLICE-00P worked out a schedule once more, and transferred about half the covert team to the monster hangar, including 01R and Rattingtale. 01R bowed his head low.

“Thank you, wise-mighty-gracious boss-queen. I swear-vow I will become worthy of your boons.”

Agedia took the group and showed them around. The Mines of Might had recovered from the attack, and the lower floors were now filled with monsters and ore veins once again. She showed them the paths to take when they wanted to bypass earlier floors, and where they could hunt for the best balance of safety and profit. Ateia and Taog then spent the rest of the day hunting under Agedia and NSLICE-00P’s watchful eyes.

That night, NSLICE-00P spent some time analyzing the Banishment spell, but she made little progress. Not only was the spell noticeably more complicated than the others, it had entirely different structures. She could not simply slot in a shape like she did with other circles. She did identify a part related to the Holy attribute, but it was connected to the rest of the spell in a different method and attempting to slot another attribute in just caused the spell to fail. She tried casting the spell again but nothing occurred when the magic circle activated, so she couldn’t observe its mechanisms either. She concluded she needed more appropriate targets, or more similar magic circles before she could glean any useful data from the analysis.

And so she engaged standby-sentry mode for the night, deciding to determine her next steps in the morning.
