Agedia walked over to the Adamant Bull Worms. She took out a large knife, and began cutting away. It took a while, but eventually she got a piece of its exoskeleton. She sighed and shook her head. Normally, she would want to butcher the entire thing, monster parts could be very expensive and make for some excellent gear, but the dungeon wanted them to leave so she thought she better not overstay their welcome. Besides…it would all belong to NSLICE-00P anyways, who didn’t seem particularly interested in the corpses. Agedia shook her head, then walked over to the man who had been in the room. She glanced at the dungeon monsters.

“Sorry, but I’m going to need to take this. We’ll need the body and belongings to report on what happened here. But I can’t carry three Adamant Bull Worms back so I think you’re getting the better end of this.”

The Naked Mole-Ratkin nodded.

“The Great-Master says-declares that is acceptable.”

Agedia nodded in thanks and hoisted the corpse over her shoulder, and then the group made their way out of the dungeon.

Agedia’s eyes narrowed as she carried the weight.

The situation had become a lot more complicated.


The Council of Khalbuldor gathered around a large stone table. A pouch of belongings, including an enchanted dagger, rested on the table, next to a piece of exoskeleton. One of the dwarves crossed his arms.

“And we believe the alcoholic snake on this? How did she even take down an Adamant Bull Worm? How are we sure she didn’t just dream it up in a drunken haze?”

Another dwarf narrowed his eyes.

“Mind your words, Yudric. Personality defects aside, there is no question as to Agedia of the Mélusine’s might or accomplishments. She and Broadbane have contributed greatly to Khalbuldor. And I heard she recruited the help of an Amicitia Populi Elteni.”

Yudric scoffed.

“From Turannia.”


The second dwarf shook his head.

“You betray your ignorance of all things beyond metal, Master Smith. Word is this person defeated Uscfrea Spellbreaker in single combat. Turannia may be weak, but the King of the Dobhar was not.”

A third dwarf chuckled.

“Besides, Yudric, we all know Agedia can hold her drink. You should know that best of all, after you challenged her and lost.”

Yudric scowled but the head of the council raised his hand.

“We can discuss the Mélusine later. We saw that accursed worm enter the dungeon, and we know Agedia returned with a piece of its body. We all know you don’t shave a piece off an Adamant Bull Worm like this while it’s still alive. I think we can believe that the monster, or monsters as Agedia claimed, have been dealt with, and have someone scout the dungeon to confirm it's back in operation. All in agreement?”

All the dwarves at the table nodded and agreed. Yudric scowled and muttered but begrudgingly nodded his head. The head of the council’s eyes turned grave.

“Then…what do we make of this?”

He pointed to the items on the table and the council went silent. Eventually, the head of the council turned to Yudric.

“Master Smith, what do you make of the weapon?”

Yudric glared at the enchanted dagger on the table. He took a deep breath.

“I don’t know.”

The second dwarf raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t know? That’s surprising, Master Smith. Are you sure your dislike of the Mélusine warrior isn’t impacting your motivation?”

Yudric barked at the dwarf.Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

“Watch your tone and your accusations, Thabumlir Noblejaw, lest I sully my hammer with your blood! I always respect the metal, regardless of where or from whom it came from. I have forged countless masterpieces from materials you cannot dream of! I have studied the metal my entire life, and earned my title from the sweat of my brow, the accomplishments of my hand, and the knowledge that I gathered, unlike some people who rely on the name of their forefathers. So, believe me, I do NOT state my ignorance lightly. It is not that I do not know anything about this dagger. It is that I could not determine the first thing about it.”

The council went silent once more. The third dwarf’s eyes widened.

“Master Smith…you mean to say…?”

Yudric nodded slowly.

“The Aesdes themselves could not identify the name or characteristics of this weapon. It is not of this world. I suspect it came directly from the Realms of Mana, and not the nice ones.”

The council did not respond, save to call for drinks. Eventually, Thabumlir whispered.

“So Magister Caelinus was right…”

The head of the council rested his elbows on the table and crossed his hands in front of his face.

“It…would appear so. And we have but one response.”

He looked around at each member of the council. One by one, each of them slowly nodded. He took a deep breath.

“Send word to the Magister. The Dwarves of Khalbuldor have made their decision…”

On the borders of the Utrad province, a thousand hooves thundered and shook the ground. Muscular human torsos wrapped in leathers and furs blended into the horse bodies. They galloped across the field, turning this way and that, flowing like streams of water. They pulled back the strings of mighty bows, crafted from the bones of mighty monsters and the wood of magical trees.

The Centaurs and the tribes they subjugated charged forth, crossing the Somno Secta River that marked the edge of the Empire.

They unleashed a hail of arrows that blotted out the sun.

Before them stood a wall of metal. Giants and minotaurs and particularly large humans hoisted towering metal shields. The shields glowed and mana drifted off of them, merging together. The arrows seemed to turn towards the shields, and bounce harmlessly off them.

Underneath the arms of the towering Legion Bulwarks, Legion Sharpshooters took aim with enchanted crossbows. They unleashed a counter volley from the gaps in the shields. Centaurs cried and fell. Bolts and boulders from siege weapons far behind the lines crashed down from above, breaking apart the Centaurs’ movements.

The Centaurs split to the side and a wall of wood charged the legion lines. The Pastor Silvarum marched onward, crossbow bolts having no impact on the living trees.

A legion centurion shouted a command and the Sharpshooters fell back, replaced with battlemages. They pointed their staves between the shields and chanted, and volley of fireballs shot through the air. The frontlines of the Pastor Silvarum caught ablaze and began to flail about, crashing into the Centaurs around them.

As the battle raged, a heavy fog rose from the Somno Secta and covered the Centaur force. Singing voices rang through the mist. The Centaurs ran amok, crashing into one another.

The Auxiliary Aqua rose from the river. Selkies chanted and blinded the enemy in the fog as Sirens raised their mana-laden voices. Fishkin and Crocodilekin stepped onto the banks, lifting spears and harpoons.

And then a horn blew through the air. The Legion’s archers and mages and siege weapons halted their fire.

The Knights of the Empire charged into the fray from the flank, covered from head to toe in solid metal armor. They rode on all manner of beast, hippogriffs and unicorns and giant wolves and massive lizards. Some rode on horses but the steeds had a shine in their eyes and flew across the ground almost as if in flight. They lifted swords and lances of metal and bone, some golden and silvery metals engraved with magic circles, others the remains of mighty monsters repurposed by their slayers. They rushed into the fog and crashed into the confused Centaurs, slaughtering all they encountered.

The Legion Sharpshooters and Mages took to the rear as the Legion Slayers moved forward, lowering halberds to form a wall of spears. They let out a cry and the Legion charged the front, just as the Auxiliary Aqua attacked the rear.

The Centaur warchief tried to rally his fleeing warriors and gather his elites for a counterattack, but suddenly he fell over, the blade of a Diminidum Pendum assassin lodged in his heart.

Magister Caelinus watched from a nearby hill as the Centaur force broke and routed. Just then someone walked up to him. A man with goat horns and hooved legs, wearing the light armor of the Exploratores.

“Magister Vibius, is there something to report?”

Magister Exploratores Vibius’s mouth curled into a smile.

“Indeed there is. The Dwarves of Khalbuldor have sent word. They’ve pledged their support.”

Magister Caelinus let out a hum and rubbed his chin.

“I see. Is there anything else we should take care of first?”

Magister Vibius shrugged.

“There is the issue of the Amicitia Populi Elteni.”

“The one from Turannia, the wandering mercenary?”

Vibius nodded.

“The report claims she’s quite formidable, Governor Aemilia may not have exaggerated all that much after all. And she’s currently in Velusitum, in the company of two Exploratores from Turannia. They are on a mission on her behalf and so have refused my call to arms.”

Magister Caelinus narrowed his eyes.

“Will it be a problem?”

Vibius shrugged.

“To be determined. But…it appears she was the one who handled that Adamant Bull Worm in the Mines of Might, after which the Dwarves of Khalbuldor saw reason. So, perhaps there is an opportunity?”

Magister Caelinus rubbed his chin again as he looked over the field, and the fleeing Centaurs. He took a deep breath.

“No helping it now. The Dwarves are on board and we just broke the Centaurs, we’ll need to move soon. Head over there and see what you can do about the mercenary. Someone like that could be a serious asset…or a major risk.”

Vibius gave his signature sly smile.

“It shall be done…’Magister’.”

Magister Caelinus shook his head as Vibius snuck away. He gazed out at the banner of the Legion and his triumphant troops celebrating their victory.

“If only…”
