Next on Seero’s agenda was another round of dungeons. The Tower of Heroes was located to the east, near the border of the North and East Empires. This dungeon focused on powerful, elite monsters, and was utilized as a proving ground for the Knight Orders. It also provided a place for the best warriors and most veteran Legion officers of the North and East to meet and train together.

At present, the Tower did not appear to be an urgent threat, as the forces stationed there had not requested reinforcements. Yet, that was of little comfort. Monster attacks from the Tower had occurred, confirming it was affected as well, which meant it presented a massive risk. Elite monsters from the Tower of Heroes could collapse the defenses of all nearby hold-outs should they spread out. Likewise, if the veterans and knights stationed there could be released to assist other fronts, the situation for the Empire would improve drastically. So Magister Canus had requested that Seero investigate the situation and purify the Tower for good measure.

As for her other forces, the Imperial group would head to assist the Mélusine. The long-conquered client species still maintained a small part of their former nation in Utrad, where they had ultimately accepted life under the Imperial heel. They, too, had been affected by the disaster, and had sent a call for aid to Corvanus. Should the Empire fail to heed this call, it would lose the trust and loyalty from all of its allied and client species. Magister Canus had therefore sent a legion from the Imperial Heartland via airship, which would meetup with Seero’s friends to relieve the Mélusine.

R and his group were sent east of Utrad, beyond the Empire’s borders. A number of dungeons there were keeping Utrad’s legions pinned on the border, however a deployment of the Legions to handle them could provoke the local tribes, and the last thing the Empire needed right now was more enemies. So Seero’s monsters were sent as they would not be mistaken for Imperial forces.

Seero managed to arrive at her assigned target first. The Tower of Heroes rose high into the sky, a round tower formed of pristine marble. It was surrounded by two circular walls: an inner wall around the tower itself, an outerwall further out, and a small city in the space between the two.

Seero arrived to find the city…completely calm, with civilians going about their business as usual, save for the occasional ballistae or crossbow bolt being launched from the outer walls at wandering monsters. On top of the inner walls, Legion troops were assembled and kept watch, but very few were engaged in active combat. Instead, they were watching as individual knights dueled with monsters on the inner field, some on foot, others riding mounts of all sorts.

Seero promptly terminated the monsters with a Prismatic Bombardment spell and then flew into the dungeon. The knights looked disappointed and some of the Legion troops, who may or may not have placed money on the duels, even shouted complaints. But Seero had already entered the dungeon, and so did not respond.


Seero found the dungeon largely empty. Rather than twisting labyrinths or hostile biomes, the Tower of Heroes had a simple and standardized layout. Each floor opened with a circular arena, though the terrain of each varied. Past the arena was a room with a chest and a living quarters where one could rest.

Monsters were occasionally making their way through the early floors, but Seero found far less monsters than other dungeons she had encountered. She had been briefed that this dungeon focused on more powerful monsters, but the monsters she encountered were easily terminated, so she predicted that alone would not explain the low numbers. Still, there was little standing in her way, so she quickly passed through the floors.

Eventually, she found the reason.

About halfway up the Tower by Seero’s estimates, she located a full contingent of knights and legionnaires, making their way up and fighting the occasional monster. When she arrived, two legionnaires approached her.

“Here to join the assault? You’re a bit late, what order are you from?”

“Greeting: This unit is designated Seero, official Imperial designations: Queen of the Dobhar, Amiciti Populi Elteni. Negative Response: This unit is on a separate dungeon purification mission.”The story has been illicitly taken; should you find it on Amazon, report the infringement.


One of the legionnaires tilted his head but the other shoved his side with her elbow.

“Queen of the Dobhar? Hey, isn’t that the person who took down Caelinus?”

The first legionnaire shrugged.

“If you believe that story.”

It appeared this group had not been informed of her approach. As such, Seero pulled out the brooch signifying her status as Amiciti Populi Elteni. The woman jumped and elbowed the man again.

“See! I told you! She’s a big shot!”

The man saluted.

“Sorry ma’am, we certainly didn’t expect any visitors here. Let me take you to Grandmaster Publius, he has command of this expedition.”


With that, the two soldiers led Seero into the group. The other knights and soldiers looked curiously at Seero, but did not approach. The two arrived at the frontlines, where a duel was currently taking place. A large minotaur in glowing plate armor charged forward, wielding a massive, red greatsword. Against him stood a towering ogre, with a club that seemed more like a log. The two’s weapons collided…and the minotaur’s sword cut straight through the club and bisected the ogre. The minotaur shook his head before turning around.

“Who is this?”

The soldiers escorting Seero saluted.

“Her Majesty Seero, Queen of the Dobhar and Amiciti Populi Elteni, here to purify the dungeon, sir!”

The minotaur nodded.

“Queen of the Dobhar? I’ve heard of you, you’ve got quite the reputation, don’t you?”

“Greeting: This unit is designated Seero, official Imperial designations: Queen of the Dobhar, Amiciti Populi Elteni. It is nice to meet you.”

The minotaur stepped forward and held out his hand. Seero shook it.

“Grandmaster Publius Fulcinius Orosius, Order of the Crimson Sword, and leader of this expedition. Have you ever been to the Tower of Heroes, Your Majesty?”


Grandmaster Publius crossed his arms and nodded.

“Been here for decades now, so if you don’t mind, let me give you the rundown. Dungeon master here likes challenge and skill. You don’t get hordes trying to wear you down or traps dropping the floor beneath your feet. Instead, each floor you take on an elite, expertly trained warrior.”

He inclined his head as another ogre came through the door. Another knight stepped forward and pierced straight through its head with a spear.

“So its abnormal to be getting monsters this weak and untrained. I don’t know how its possible, but there appears to be something of a dungeon civil war going on.”

“Helpful Interruption: This unit can provide relevant intel. All dungeons are currently undergoing partial corruption, which has led to mass monster summoning outside of the master’s control. This unit is here to purify the corruption.”

Grandmaster Publius’s eyes widened.

“Really? Never heard of something like that, but it would explain what we’ve been seeing. The normal elites have been cutting down the chaff, but some still gets through by sheer numbers. Still, it’s fairly easy for us to mop up. The flip side is the dungeon master is still holding to the rules, so I guess they don’t consider us an ally or anything.”

The minotaur then grinned.

“I’ll admit, I’ve been wondering if there’s any truth to your reputation. I know it’s dangerous and discourteous, but would you be willing to take on the next duel? I swear on the honor of my order that I shall do my utmost to ensure your survival, should it prove too difficult for you.”

“Affirmative Response: It is this unit’s current objective to purify the dungeon. Terminating hostiles blocking the route is necessary for that task.”

The minotaur flashed his teeth.

“Excellent. Come then, and let us see if you can overcome the Tower of Heroes!”

Grandmaster Publius went silent as a Prismatic Bombardment magic circle lit up the room, wiping out a squad of ogres all in one go. An armored lizardman with a spear turned from his fallen opponents, grinning and hissing. He leveled his spear towards Seero, and then charged forward.

“Hostile intent detected. Engaging termination protocols.”

Another flash of light, and the lizardman was gone. Grandmaster Publius crossed his arms, rubbing his chin, before he nodded.

“Yep. Safe to say her reputation’s legit.”

Seero repeated this process for three more floors. At that moment, they heard a deep laugh. Suddenly a massive monster appeared in the room. He had an incredibly muscular humanoid torso, but with the paws and head of a lion, with a giant red mane that appeared almost like a wreath of fire.

“I think you’ve made your point. You’re strong. It’s been quite some time since my dungeon’s had a challenger like you.”

“Query: Are you the dungeon master?”

The monster grinned.

“I am. And my blood boils for a fight.”

“Warning Query: Would the hostile dungeon master like to surrender? This unit will allow the dungeon master to retain ownership of their dungeon as a subordinate core if so. Otherwise, this unit will engage termination protocols.”

Grandmaster Publius’s eyes widened and he stared at Seero, while the monster began to laugh.

“Oh, you’re not intimidated in the slightest, are you?”


The monster’s grin grew.

“Good. Tell you what: Beat me in a fight, and I’ll do whatever you wish.”

“Acknowledged. Engaging near-termination protocols.”

Seero immediately formed another Prismatic Bombardment circle and opened fire. The dungeon master barely managed to jump out of the way, howling with laughter.

“Now show me a good fight!”
