Emperor Lucius slowly rose from his bed. He thought of resting a bit longer, but the sun was now shining through his window. As such, he sat up and stretched, yawning as he did.

“Good morning, Emperor Lucius.”

Emperor Lucius turned to face the voice. His eyes widened.

“You are…”

Magister Verrucosis grit his teeth as he sat in his office.

How dare that Xavlaeron leave him behind! It was obvious the High-King was planning to hog all the glory for himself! This was a problem of the North, and the North’s Legions deserved to lead the charge!

He was interrupted by a knock at the door. A moment later his second-hand man, Magister Peditum Ausonius, entered the room.


“Are we ready yet?!”

Magister Peditum Ausonius took a deep breath before unrolling a scroll.

“Our forces have been deployed as ordered, Aedile Hortensus has no further complaints as to procedure. The former Magister Appius is still day-drinking at the local tavern, and Emperor Lucius has been quiet. By all accounts, Corvanus is under control, and has come to accept your leadership.”

Magister Verrucosis exhaled his breath. That was just about the only good thing to come of this. Emperor Lucius’s leadership was clearly lacking, Consul Noxisius was murdered in his own home, the cowardly Consul Hiberius had fled, and the weak and lazy Aedile Hortensus wouldn’t lift a finger. It was about time the North had a true leader. A strong leader. One who would not allow the tragedies of the recent years to continue.

Magister Peditum Ausonius then frowned.

“However…the troops are restless. And after all that has happened, this sudden deployment has unnerved them. They are anticipating some sort of disaster that justifies their mobilization, and the officers are questioning the political situation in the meantime. Not to mention the situation with the Aesdes, most of the limitanei still can’t use their skills and even some of the comitatenses are no longer confident in their abilities. And then there’s the implications of the Aesdes withdrawing their support….”


Magister Verrucosis scowled.

“Honestly, I expected better. What reason have they to fear? We have won mighty victories, and restored order to the North, haven’t we? We will pull through, with or without the Aesdes.”

Magister Peditum Ausonius held his tongue. Magister Verrucosis stood up and began to pace with his hands crossed behind his back. Suddenly he stopped, brought his arms forward, and then slammed his fist into his other hand’s palm.

“I know what we shall do. Consul Hiberius openly supported the woman who attacked us, and then fled the moment we moved to restore order. His guilt is apparent. We shall move to apprehend him. We shall then call the patricians and governors of the provinces in and test their loyalty, with the Consul as an example of what will happen to traitors.”

Magister Peditum Ausonius narrowed his eyes.

“I…would not recommend that course of action, Magister. Consul Hiberius’s personal forces are substantial, and the Hiberius family’s knight order is one of the strongest in the North. We will take casualties if he chooses to resist, casualties we cannot afford as our current deployments are stretching us thin. And given the state of our troops and their morale, we’re frankly in no shape for major operations. I would recommend we conduct exercises instead, and let the troops rebuild their confidence.”

Magister Verrucosis scoffed.

“As if that coward would put up a fight. His ‘forces’ have sat back and done nothing while we faced down the greatest crisis this Empire has ever seen. He is no threat. The troops will regain their loss nerve when they see that, and will learn by experience if they do not. Assemble the troops, Magister Peditum. I will take command shortly.”

Magister Peditum Ausonius slowly saluted.

“As you will, Magister.”

He waited until he left the room before heaving a sigh.

A short while later, Magister Verrucosis stood in front of Corvanus, at the head of several legions. Aedile Hortensus and the other court nobles had gathered on the city walls to watch on the Magister’s insistence. The people of Corvanus had noticed the commotion and came to watch as well.Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.

“Listen up! Just a short while ago, a vicious foreigner assaulted a Consul in his own home! Yet, when we intended to bring her to justice, traitors in our ranks prevented us from doing so! Consul Hiberius betrayed Noxisius, betrayed Corvanus, and betrayed the Empire!”

Aedile Hortensus yawned, causing a vein to bulge on Magister Verrucosis’s forehead.

“I say no more! I say the enemy who does not respect our laws or our strength shall be taught what it means to defy the Empire! I say the traitors who assisted her will be brought to justice, and our people shall be avenged! I say the Empire shall rise up and become strong once more! Today, the Legion shall march forth! We shall apprehend the traitorous Hiberius, who tore the Empire apart for his own selfish ambitions and who withheld justice.”

He then narrowed his eyes as he glanced at each member of the Court.

“And I want each and every one of you to take this time to think. Remember where your loyalties lie, and the Empire you are called to serve. The Empire no longer has room for traitors and parasites, and I will see to it that all who exploit it meet the appropriate end.”

Behind Magister Verrucosis, Magister Peditum Ausonius was keeping his expression as blank as possible. An officer standing nearby, Legate Lucceius, was not so stoic as he frowned.

“Magister Ausonius, do you agree with this? I served alongside the Queen of the Dobhar during the subjugation of the Verdant Forest Dungeon and to my understanding the investigation of her actions was still pending.”

Magister Ausonius kept his eyes forward.

“The High-King of Mirima and Magister Verrucosis are clear on their position, it is no longer up to us to decide.”

Legate Lucceius narrowed his eyes as Magister Verrucosis continued his speech.

“Still…what the Magister is saying, how he is talking…I can’t say I’m comfortable with this. And where is the Emperor, and the Princess? Are we truly marching on our own in this situation?”

The other officers in the area didn’t say anything, but several of them nodded in response to the question. Magister Ausonius heaved a sigh.

“...what can we do?”

Legate Lucceius turned his head.


Magister Ausonius furrowed his brow.

“Emperor Lucius has not left the palace since the High-King arrived. Consul Hiberius fled Corvanus, abandoning his duties for the second time now. He is no longer an authority we can rely on. Consul Noxisius is dead. Aedile Hortensus has not objected. As such, Magister Verrucosis’s orders stand, and he has the backing of the High-King, who is currently bringing the full might of the South against the Queen of the Dobhar. Even if we do not agree, by what authority would we refuse this order, and by what means would we resist it?”

Legate Lucceius’s frown deepened, but he fell silent.

It was at that moment that one of the lookout towers sounded a horn. Everyone present, Magister Ausonius included, turned to look around. Magister Verrucosis scowled.

“Just what is…”

But he fell silent.

In the distance, a fleet of airships appeared on the horizon, flying in from the North.

Significantly less airships than had originally set forth from Corvanus.

Magister Verrucosis scoffed.

“Typical, probably here to steal the glory yet again. Handle it, Magister.”

Magister Ausonius nodded and then shouted.

“Form up!”

The command rippled through the legions and they turned to face the airships, getting into a ceremonial formation to welcome the High-King back. Magister Ausonius frowned as he counted the airships that remained. The Queen of the Dobhar had clearly inflicted a heavy toll.

Soon, the airships arrived, stopping in the air some distance from the legions. Magister Verrucosis and the other officers made their way to the front of the formation. The airships began to land on the ground.

The main door of the airships began to open. Magister Verrucosis sighed.

“Welcome back, I trust you were victorious? Or have you returned in shame, High-King?”

“Correction: Hostile High-King Xavlaeron has been terminated, and is no longer in command.”

Magister Verrucosis took a step back, while Magister Ausonius’s eyes widened as far as they could go.

The door lowered to reveal the Queen of the Dobhar, Magister Canus, Governor Aemilia, Consul Hiberius, Princess Caecila, a Selkie warrior, and Uscfrea Spellbreaker of the Dobhar. In fact, Turannian legionnaires along with Selkie, Dobhar, and even a handful of Wulver warriors began to disembark from the airships, along with some of Consul Hiberius’s own forces.

Magister Verrucosis blinked, but then started to grin.

“So the High-King failed, huh? Just my luck. All forces, prepare for battle!”

“Hold that order.”

Everyone went completely silent…as Emperor Lucius exited a small building to the side of the road, along with the former Magister Appius and a hooded figure.

“You…how did you leave the palace?”

Emperor Lucius grinned.

“I had help, from one of the last loyal protectors of the Empire.”

The hooded figure lowered their hood, causing Magister Verrucosis, and many others, to openly gasp.

The Hero of Elteno had returned.

Emperor Lucius’s smile then dropped.

“Magister Verrucosis, you have conspired with the High-King to imprison me in my own palace, and take control of the North. For this, I, Emperor Lucius, strip you of all rank and titles. Her Majesty Seero, Queen of the Dobhar and friend of the Empire, has answered my call for assistance, and now acts on my behalf in this matter.”

Magister Verrucosis’s face contorted in rage.

“This is clearly a trick! They have kidnapped the Emperor, and are forcing him to lie now! Loyal soldiers of the Empire, fight now to rescue the Emperor!”

Magister Ausonius’s eyes narrowed and he drew his blade.

And then pointed it towards Magister Verrucosis.

“You…you’re betraying me?!”

“Magister Verrucosis, I thank you for your service on behalf of the Legion. But you have taken it too far. By order of the Emperor, you are under arrest.”

Legate Lucceius wasted no time in pulling out his own blade and shouting at his troops, who moved to encircle Verrucosis. The other officers began to follow suit. Verrucosis growled, then glanced up at the city walls.

“Hortensus, get off your butt and do something for once! Don’t let these puppets and foreigners take control of the Empire from us! You know the other Courts will never permit this!”

Aedile Hortensus tilted his head and placed a finger on his chin.

“Hm…let Emperor Lucius and the Queen of the Dobhar usurp all our control, or side with the guy being arrested by his own troops, after the Eastern Court clearly stated their support for the Queen of the Dobhar and the Southern Court is no longer in possession of their own fleet? Decisions, decisions.”

He then shrugged as he glanced around at the other members of the Northern Court.

“Well it’s been fun, boys and girls, but looks like the Emperor is back in business. I, for one, applaud the return of our Emperor.”

“Hortensus you coward!”
